
Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

author:Lulu Literature Hall

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Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

1. The current Wei Chenyao: a grassroots hero who serves the people

In Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, in an ordinary community, there is such an unknown grassroots policeman - Wei Chenyao. Although his name is ordinary, his enthusiasm and persistent pursuit of the police profession have made him shine brightly among the people.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Today, Wei Chenyao has become a member of the Food and Drug Crime Investigation Detachment of the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau. His main work is to crack illegal and criminal cases related to food and drugs, and to safeguard the health and life safety of the people.

Despite the arduous task of the job, he never grew intimidated or tired of it.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

On the contrary, Wei Chenyao always devotes himself to this career with full enthusiasm, always paying attention to the bits and pieces of what happens around him. Whenever he receives a call for help from the public, he will rush to the scene at any time, listen carefully to the demands of the people, carefully examine the case, and uphold the principle of fairness to properly handle various disputes.

It is not difficult to see that he has a vigorous pace and a focused expression, and whenever he goes to a patrol point, he will take the initiative to greet passers-by enthusiastically and understand their needs and expectations. Once there are signs of a dispute, Wei Chenyao will also mediate in a caring and peaceful way to win the love and trust of everyone.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

It is precisely out of endless longing for her mother Ren Changxia and hope that her career can be continued, that Wei Chenyao will be so wholeheartedly rooted in the grassroots and silently dedicate his precious youth.

He always engraved his mother's entrustment firmly in his heart: "Be a person who is beneficial to society."

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Over the years, Wei Chenyao has been practicing this oath and explaining to the world what is the quality of a public servant of the people with his practical actions. He has won the praise of his elders with his enthusiastic work attitude, diligent work style and noble personality charm, and has also established a good image that contemporary young people should have.

2. A heavy blow in childhood: the heroic death of his parents

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Although Wei Chenyao has made some achievements now, his life has not been smooth. When he was young, he suffered the heaviest blow in his life - the tragic news of the heroic death of his parents, like a hammer, smashed into his simple heart.

It was an ordinary day in 2008. Wei Chenyao, who had just finished school, returned home full of expectations, thinking that he would spend a warm evening with his parents as usual.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Unbeknownst to him, the home was empty, leaving only a deathly silence. Just as he was wondering, a strange middle-aged man walked in, his face full of sorrow.

"Your father...... Got into a car accident...... Already...... It's gone......" The middle-aged man pondered his mouth, and every word he said was like a sharp dagger inserted into Wei Chenyao's heart.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

These short words were like a heavy punch, hitting Wei Chenyao's heart fiercely. He felt the world spinning, and he almost lost consciousness. The death of his father Wei Chunxiao is tantamount to the disappearance of the last bit of comfort in his life.

But what made Wei Chenyao even more heartbroken was that four years ago, his mother Ren Changxia also died in the line of duty. Now, he has completely become an orphan in this world, and his heart is so empty that it seems to be hollowed out by life.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

That night, Wei Chenyao's mind echoed his mother's dying instructions: "Be a person who is beneficial to society." In the midst of his grief, he made up his mind to follow in the footsteps of his parents, serve the police for the people, always maintain a righteous heart, and not let his parents' sacrifices go to waste.

3. Mother Ren Changxia: A model of a public servant of the people

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Ren Changxia, a legendary woman from a commoner and self-made family. Since she was a child, she has cherished a lofty ideal - to become a glorious public servant of the people, and to uphold social fairness and justice with her own hands.

In order to realize this ideal, Ren Changxia has studied martial arts hard since she was a child, exercised her physical fitness, and made full preparations for her future career as a police officer. After unremitting efforts, she was admitted to the Henan Police Academy as she wished, taking a solid step towards her dream.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

During her time at the school, Ren Changxia won the appreciation of teachers and teachers for her diligent and studious attitude. She has acquired a variety of professional knowledge and continuously improved her investigation and combat skills, laying a solid foundation for her future police career.

After graduation, Ren Changxia was assigned to work in the pre-trial department of the Zhongyuan Branch of Zhengzhou, Henan, and started her own training process from this most basic position. Although the work is monotonous and boring, she has always maintained a high degree of professionalism and enthusiasm for work, and has bloomed an extraordinary light in an ordinary position.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

What really made Ren Changxia show her talent was the first major case she investigated - a case of a large number of goods being stolen from a bleaching and dyeing factory. In this case, she calmly analyzed and reasoned carefully, and finally successfully solved this confusing case, won the commendation of her superiors, and also paved the way for her future success.

Subsequently, Ren Changxia's capable and skillful work style made her quickly emerge in the public security system and made many miraculous achievements. She was successively promoted to the deputy chief of the pre-trial section and the head of the detachment, and finally created a miracle in the history of Henan Province in 2001 - becoming the first female public security chief and being assigned to Dengfeng City.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

In the days when Ren Changxia took over as the director of the Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau, the local area once fell into a serious social security trap. Underworld and evil forces are rampant, causing the vast number of people to live in a haze and be plagued by problems for a long time.

However, such a chaotic environment could not stop Ren Changxia's determination to uphold justice. She resolutely swept away the inactive bureaucrats in the portal, secretly collected evidence, and smashed the nest of the underworld forces.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

After several years of hard work, Ren Changxia finally brought the local first-class drug lord Wang Song and his accomplices to justice, cleared up the stubborn social diseases that had accumulated in Dengfeng City for many years, and won a clean and peaceful living environment for the people.

In this way, Ren Changxia has repeatedly solved major cases with extraordinary wisdom and courage, and has won the reputation of "iron-blooded policewoman". She faithfully fulfilled the duties of a public servant of the people, used her youth and life to defend the tranquility and justice of the common people, and set an example of a glorious policeman.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Fourth, father Wei Chunxiao: a confidant lover who is not chaotic in danger

In the eventful years when Ren Changxia fought alone and wrote legendary deeds, her closest confidant and most solid support was her husband Wei Chunxiao.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

The process of two acquaintances, acquaintances, and loves each other has become the most precious opportunity in life.

It all started many years ago. At that time, Ren Changxia was still an unknown grassroots investigator. Once, she was sent to a bleaching and dyeing factory to investigate a big case, but she was caught in a dilemma.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Just when she was in a hurry, an ordinary bleaching worker named Wei Chunxiao provided her with key clues in time to resolve the dilemma of the investigation. The two formed an indissoluble bond, and Ren Changxia also left a deep impression on this smart and calm worker.

Later, with the in-depth investigation of the case, Ren Changxia's contact with Wei Chunxiao gradually increased. The two found that they had many things in common with each other, such as their persistent pursuit of justice and their strong interest in literature and art, so they became acquainted with each other.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

After a long time, the relationship between the two is like grass in the wind, taking root and sprouting in the dark, and finally picking flowers and flowers. After three years of secret love and testing, Ren Changxia and Wei Chunxiao achieved positive results and entered a new stage of life.

After getting married, Ren Changxia's career was in full swing and began her life of climbing to the peak in the public security system. And Wei Chunxiao chose to retreat into the background and became Ren Changxia's most solid backing.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

It is worth mentioning that Wei Chunxiao has exquisite cooking skills and often cooks delicious dishes for Ren Changxia, and the two are happy and love each other.

The two support each other and complement each other, Ren Changxia works tirelessly, and Wei Chunxiao takes care of the bits and pieces of the family. Their son Wei Chenyao is also growing up healthy and happy in this warm and peaceful environment.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Despite this, Wei Chunxiao did not completely despair in the death of his wife. He is determined to carry on Ren Changxia's legacy, handle free lawsuits for the poor, and do his best to bring justice to the people.

Until the last moment of his life, he used his actions to explain what it means to be a person who is beneficial to society.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

5. Fate is ruthless: the wife sacrifices, and the husband inherits the will

April 2004 was supposed to be an ordinary day. However, on this day, Ren Changxia suffered the most cruel blow in her life - a serious car accident.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

On the same day, Ren Changxia, who was the director of the Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau, originally only finished the comprehensive reporting of a major case and was about to return to Dengfeng along the same road, no one expected that such a tragic accident would occur on the way.

Everything happened too suddenly, and when the news reached Wei Chunxiao's ears, he seemed to be choked by the throat and couldn't say half a word. rushed to the scene, and what caught his eye was the tragic situation of his wife who was scarred and bloody, and Wei Chunxiao was almost crazy.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

He tried his best to save Ren Changxia's life, but in the end he died of his injuries and lost her forever. That night, Wei Chunxiao covered his face in pain, replaying the bits and pieces of his wife over and over again in his mind, tears coming out of his eyes.

The sudden death of his wife is undoubtedly the heaviest blow in Wei Chunxiao's life. This man who once loved life and had ideals lost the most important pillar and support in his life overnight.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

He deeply hated the tricks of fate and the impermanence of the world.

Wei Chunxiao, who lost his wife, could only support each other with his son Wei Chenyao and spend one long and painful day after another. As an excellent lawyer, he decided to carry on his wife's legacy and fight for the rights of the people more resolutely.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

Since then, Wei Chunxiao has provided free legal assistance to those who are poor and helpless. He threw himself into his busy work, and no one cared about his health as much as he used to.

Day after day, year after year, Wei Chunxiao worked hard and dedicated until four years later, in 2008, he died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage due to long-term overwork, leaving the world he loved so much, and was buried with his wife Ren Changxia.

Ren Changxia's husband was buried with his wife after his death, and their only son is doing now

In this way, the couple had a special pity, and the interval between their deaths was only four years. They used their lives and blood to compose a song of warning that can be sung and cried, and with sincere blood, they poured out the loyalty and responsibility of the people's public servants.