
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious

author:Dog Food Diary


People like to drink soup all year round, especially in summer, drinking soup can quench thirst, dry weather can moisten dryness, add different ingredients to increase nutrition, the value is very high. This time, we shared 6 soups that are perfect for hot days. You can skip meals in the summer, but soup is indispensable. If you like it, you can collect it and give it a try!

Soybean bitter gourd pork rib soup

Ingredients: soybeans, pork ribs, green onion and ginger, 2 dates, 3 slices of ginger, sauerkraut, salt.

You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious

Mung bean lotus seed lily soup

Ingredients: mung beans, lilies, lotus seeds, rock sugar, honey.

You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious

Mung bean kelp pork rib soup

Ingredients: mung beans, kelp, pork ribs, ginger, cooking wine, salt.

You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious

Seaweed soup with fish balls

Ingredients: seaweed, dragonfish, green onion ginger, salt, cornstarch, chopped green onion.

You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious

Sixtieth loofah soup

Ingredients: flower nails, loofah, ginger slices, green onions, salt, pepper.

You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious

Winter melon and mushroom soup

Ingredients: winter melon, mushrooms, garlic, salt, pepper.

You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious
You can skip vegetables in summer, but you must drink soup to quench your thirst and moisten your dryness, and be nutritious


1. You don't need to add too much seasoning to the soup, so that it is delicious to drink, and the ingredients are increased or decreased according to personal needs.

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