
Isn't it buddy, you der? Do you have to challenge yourself after graduating from a famous electrical school?

author:Mizuki Laboratory NERO

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Isn't it buddy, you der? Do you have to challenge yourself after graduating from a famous electrical school?


I just finished a rush repair after working for 24 hours in a row, had dinner on the roadside trash can, and then came back and started to work for everyone~

Today's protagonist is a college graduate majoring in electrical engineering who is confused about the future, and his experience should be similar to that of many electrical graduates, so I hope that the majority of "electrical people" will guide him and help him tide over the difficulties.

I graduated from Northeast Electric Power University in 2021 with a major in electrical engineering.

Isn't it buddy, you der? Do you have to challenge yourself after graduating from a famous electrical school?

Because he was too naïve and too confident in the future, he didn't want to enter the power grid and live a flat life, so he missed the State Grid exam when he graduated, and then gave up the interview opportunity of China Southern Power Grid. (Now that I think about it, my intestines are repentant.,I really want to scrape my ears.,What did you think about it at the time?。。 )

In the end, I chose a large central enterprise construction unit with frequent business trips to challenge myself.

As soon as I joined the internship period, I began to follow my master to run the scene from all over the world.

I thought that the master wouldn't let me get started before I turned positive, so I just watched him learn slowly.

Who knew that the master said for the first time when he entered the scene, come with me, you can do whatever I say, and there is no one else to help the two of us.

I was stunned, I didn't even enter the scene properly, and the master went straight to me to do it.

But it's okay, you can learn faster by doing it yourself, and even if you make a mistake, you can be forgiven as a novice.

Every time I do my work, I can learn new knowledge and technology from the master, and I can also go to all parts of the country to appreciate the customs and special snacks of different places, which is also very fulfilling.

Isn't it buddy, you der? Do you have to challenge yourself after graduating from a famous electrical school?

However, this is only the mindset at the beginning of the job.

After working for a long time, I have a clearer understanding of my work and even the industry as a whole, and I gradually have new ideas.

As a construction unit, the working hours are not fixed, even all year round, and the time cost of rushing around is also very large, resulting in little leisure time for yourself.

At the same time, the construction industry as a whole is declining, the treatment is declining, but the work intensity is only increasing.

The on-site personnel are also frightened by various inspections from time to time every day, and if they are not careful, they will be violated and deducted wages due to improper handling of various details.

The more I worked, the more confused I became, and in the past three years, I felt that I would not know anything when I went out of the construction site, but only the most basic skills on the construction site, such as 16 screws to use 24 wrenches, electric drill drilling to water the drill bit, etc., no need to use my brain to think, no high education can be learned.

Thinking back to the time when I was not as good as my classmates, the offer given by China Southern Power Grid was not ideal, and I had to work at China Southern Power Grid, and now my family is happy and I have no worries about food and clothing.

Looking back at himself, he was alone, covered in mud, arguing with all parties, quarrelling, drinking, and cheating, and his heart fell to the freezing point.

At the beginning, I was arrogant and pretentious, but I didn't expect that it would take only three years to smooth out my edges and corners, and you can see the cruel real situation of this industry.

Now I just want to find a large company to settle down, even if I am tired, as long as I can learn real technology, I don't have to run around anymore, ask for guidance!

After listening to this friend's experience, Brother Nero also admired his courage at the beginning. Obviously, I learned the electricity and the power industry is where I can use it, but I gave up my comfort zone and chose the construction industry with high work intensity and professional counterpart.