
Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

author:Popular Science Bear


Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

People need to drink water every day, because both the digestion, absorption, and excretion of the human body are inseparable from the role of water, so the modern concept of health believes that it is necessary to drink more water.

In some health science publicity, it is especially important to drink water after getting up in the morning.

Because after a night's sleep, the human body will lose water, and at the same time, it will accumulate a lot of toxins, and drinking water after getting up in the morning is conducive to eliminating toxins from the body and cleaning the stomach.

Therefore, many people also develop the habit of drinking water after waking up in the morning.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

However, not long ago, a man was exposed to heart failure caused by drinking 1 glass of water after getting up every morning, and the news immediately triggered people's thinking about the habit of drinking water after getting up in the morning.

1. A man who drinks water in the morning causes heart failure

Mr. Zhang, 52, has been very careful about his body since he was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago.

Not only does he take his medicine on time and pay attention to his diet, but he also drinks 1 glass of water every morning after waking up, because he believes that this not only quenches his thirst but also nourishes his stomach.

Since Mr. Zhang noticed that his blood pressure was stable all along, he did not have any other problems.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

Until one morning, Mr. Zhang got up in the morning and drank 1 glass of water as usual, and just as he was about to sit down for breakfast, he suddenly felt tightness and some pain in his chest, and at the same time broke out in a cold sweat.

Mr. Zhang hurriedly called his family, who saw Mr. Zhang lying on the sofa in pain with his hands on his chest, so they immediately called the 120 emergency number and sent Mr. Zhang to the hospital.

After some emergency treatment, Mr. Zhang's chest tightness and pain improved, and the doctor recommended further examination, which found that Mr. Zhang's left ventricle was showing signs of failure.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

When the doctor informed Mr. Zhang and his family of the test results, they were all surprised, because Mr. Zhang and his family only had high blood pressure and he usually paid attention to his body.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor asked Mr. Zhang about his living habits.

Mr. Zhang replied: "I have a very regular life every day, I also pay attention to my diet, and I have the habit of drinking water every morning, and I have been fine, I don't know how this happened today."

The doctor explained that the problem was that Mr. Zhang drank 1 glass of water every morning after waking up.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

But isn't it a good habit to drink water after waking up in the morning, doesn't it help digestion, and is it good for cardiovascular health, Mr. Zhang and his family asked rhetorically.

The doctor went on to say that it is indeed a good habit to drink a glass of water after waking up in the morning, but the amount of water should not be too much, and Mr. Zhang's main problem is to drink too much water at one time.

Since this experience, Mr. Zhang still insisted on drinking a glass of water every morning after waking up, but the amount of water he drank was reduced, and he never had heart problems for a long time after that.

2. Misunderstandings of drinking water in the morning

Drinking water after waking up in the morning is indeed good for the body if it is drunk correctly.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

If you don't drink properly, you will have problems drinking your body like Mr. Zhang mentioned above, and if you want to drink water after getting up in the morning to bring us health, we must avoid the mistake of drinking water after getting up in the morning.

Generally speaking, drinking water after waking up in the morning needs to avoid the following misconceptions.

Drinking too much water and too violently, many people will habitually drink a glass of water after getting up in the morning, because after a night of sleep, the human body loses a lot of water, so it is easy to feel thirsty.

When thirsty, some people will drink a large glass of water.

Although drinking plenty of water is good for your body, drinking a large glass of water in the morning can be a burden on your body.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

First of all, drinking too much water too quickly will increase the burden on the kidneys. The kidneys are an important excretory organ of the human body, and the reason why the human body produces urine after drinking water is because the kidneys direct urine to the bladder, and then the person excretes the urine from the bladder.

However, there is a limit to the amount of water that the human kidneys can metabolize, and drinking large amounts of water quickly over a long period of time can lead to impaired kidney function and hyponatremia.

Secondly, drinking too much water can also easily cause heart problems.

The heart needs to have an adequate blood supply to work properly, but if you drink too much water at one time, a large amount of blood will be supplied to the stomach and kidneys to help digestion and excretion, and the heart will become ischemia.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

If you have cardiovascular problems, you are prone to heart attack.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the fact that after waking up in the morning, we must not drink too much water at one time, too quickly, but drink it slowly in small sips, and drink it several times.

Drinking water with a taste, some people often like to add some lemon, honey, etc. to someone when drinking water, in their opinion, such water will not only taste, but also be good for the body.

In fact, this is a misconception.

Although honey water has a certain laxative function, if you drink such water in the morning for a long time, it is easy to raise blood sugar, and if it is like this for a long time, it also increases the risk of diabetes.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

In addition, for people with diabetes, what they need most is to control their blood sugar.

If the diabetic patient's blood sugar continues to rise after drinking too sweet water, which is not conducive to blood sugar control, and long-term blood sugar is not well controlled, it will lead to complications.

Lemon water is believed to be effective in helping digestion and beauty, so some beauty-loving ladies and people with a bad stomach like to drink some lemon water in the morning after waking up.

Although lemon water has certain benefits for your health, lemon water is very acidic, and if you drink a lot of lemon water in the morning, the stomach mucosa will be irritated, which will lead to excessive stomach acid and stomach discomfort.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

That is to say, drinking a glass of lemonade immediately after getting up in the morning for a long time is easy to make people get stomach problems, and people with stomach problems can also aggravate stomach problems.

There are also those who like to drink coffee and strong tea in the morning, and these drinks may have some refreshing effects after drinking.

However, drinking this water every morning will cause damage to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels. Therefore, drinking some plain water after getting up in the morning is more beneficial to your health.

Drink water that is too cold or too hot, and in winter, because the weather is very cold, many people drink very hot water after waking up to warm up their bodies.

In the summer, because the weather is too hot, some people like to drink that kind of cold water in order to cool the body more.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

Although drinking hot water in winter can warm up the body, if the water temperature is too hot for a long time, it is easy to damage the gastric mucosa, affect the digestive function, and the overheated water will also burn the mouth and esophagus.

Therefore, even in the cold winter, the water temperature should not be overheated.

Drinking some particularly cold water in the summer may seem to cool the body, but cold water is very irritating.

In summer, people's stomach and intestines are more sensitive than in other seasons, and drinking cold water for a long time can easily cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea.

Therefore, no matter what the season, it is best to choose to drink warm water.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

3. How to drink water scientifically

Although drinking more water is good for the body, if the amount and timing of drinking water are not right, it will be harmful to your health.

For the sake of our own health, we need to pay attention to the following points when drinking water.

1. Pay attention to the amount and temperature of water you drink

According to the standard of healthy drinking water, under normal circumstances, the amount of water that adults drink a day is about 1700g, which includes both the water drunk and the water ingested in food.

According to the standard amount of water to drink, you can drink eight cups a day, and this eight cups refers to medium-sized cups, and if it is a large cup, you don't need to drink eight cups.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

However, the amount of water you drink should be increased when following the routine while taking into account special circumstances, such as losing a lot of water after a lot of exercise or sweating.

In terms of water temperature, it is best to keep it around 25°C, because if the temperature is too low, the bacteria in the water may not be killed.

If the temperature is too high, it will be irritating, and the water at this temperature is not only good for quenching thirst but also nourishing cells.

2. Master the golden time to drink water

In fact, the scientific drinking of water is not to drink water when you are thirsty, you need to master the golden time.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

Wake up from a lunch break and need to rehydrate. After waking up from the lunch break, many people habitually wash their faces and refresh themselves, but they always don't pay attention to hydration, because they feel that they don't sleep for a long time and they don't feel thirsty.

In fact, sleeping seems to be resting, but the human body will lose water in the process, and it is recommended not to replenish it, so it is recommended to supplement 200g of water after napping, which can accelerate the body's metabolism.

Next three or four o'clock in the afternoon. During this period of time, people often go through a period of work, and after work, people will not only get tired but also lose water.

At this time, supplementing with 200g of water can help the body rejuvenate and improve the efficiency for the next work.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

Last night an hour or two before bedtime. Although it is said that drinking water before going to bed is not good, it is necessary to replenish 200g of water an hour or two before going to bed.

Because you lose water when you sleep, drinking some water an hour or two before bed can prevent your blood from thickening.

3. Even if it is colorless and odorless, pay attention to the selection of types

We all know that it is better to drink tasteless water than tasteless water, but which one is better, boiled water or pure water is colorless and odorless?

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

Boiled water is boiled from tap water, it has a somewhat astringent taste, but it is rich in calcium, magnesium and minerals, which can replenish the nutrients needed by the human body.

Purified water is water that has been treated by distillation and other processes, and this water tastes better but loses some basic nutrients, so it is better to drink plain water.

Human survival is inseparable from drinking water, and we cannot maintain health without drinking water, so we must drink water every day.

However, some people drink water every day, and some people become healthier the more they drink, while some people have physical problems because of drinking water, all because some people have not mastered the degree of scientific drinking water.

Drink 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and be sent to the emergency department? Doctor: A lot of people drink it wrong

In fact, whether it is after waking up in the morning or at other times, there are scientific standards for the amount of water to drink, the temperature of the water, and the type of water, but this standard is aimed at adults under normal circumstances.

If it is a special situation, it needs special treatment, such as the change of seasons and the change of activity amount, and the water intake should be adjusted on the basis of scientific standards.

At the same time, people with special physical conditions should also follow special rules for water intake.


"Drinking water is particular, and you must keep these 6 points in mind when drinking water scientifically"2022-07-07 17:14Source: 99 Health Network

"Drinking 1 glass of water every morning, man with heart failure and being sent to the emergency room? Doctor: A lot of people drink the wrong thing.

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