
Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

author:Professor Li Zhongyu of Chinese medicine skin

From the perspective of women's physiological characteristics, a woman's life is a large amount of blood loss, so Chinese medicine has always emphasized: "women are based on blood nourishment".

Long-term menstrual irregularities such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, early or delayed menstruation irregularities, resulting in the reversal of qi and blood in the body, acne, pigmentation and other face problems in mild cases, and accelerated appearance aging in severe cases. When menstruation is irregular, it is easy to have acne before the menstrual period, with dull complexion, obvious dark circles, dark spots, and very greasy.

Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

Only by adjusting the 'lining' can we raise a good 'face', menstruation can be adjusted, and the appearance problem will be solved.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that various problems on the face, such as pigmentation, dull yellow, oiliness, acne, etc., are all face problems, and the root of these problems is in the "inside". Imbalance of viscera, blockage of meridians, lack of qi and blood or stasis are all manifestations of problems with the "lining".

Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

The facial features are only a part of the body, and the beauty of the part depends on the overall balance of yin and yang, qi and blood. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to conditioning from a holistic view, and if you want to keep your face beautiful for a long time, it is the foundation of your beauty to regulate your blood. The best menstrual state is that there is no change in mood before and after, no chest pain, no dizziness and irritability.


Patient: Zhao Moumou

Gender: Female

Age: 45 years old

First published: June 30, 2023

Chief complaint: melasma on the face for 3 years, distributed on the forehead and both cheeks, aggravated by sun exposure; In many places, treatment is ineffective, with menstruation 2 months later. The patient is short and thin. Dull complexion, dry and yellow hair, sticky stools. The tongue is red and greasy, with tooth marks, and the pulse is stringy and weak.

Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

Diagnosis: facial melasma menstrual irregularities

Formula: Warm Jing decoction plus or minus

Formula: Chuanxiong root, boiled licorice, angelica, ejiao, white peony, cinnamon, danpi, banxia, wheat winter, ginger, dogwood, red ginseng

Contraindications: raw and cold, greasy, five spices, fruits, drinks, milk, mung beans, tofu, pork, etc.

Second visit: July 3, 2023

After treatment, menstruation came on July 3. Dry mouth and bitter mouth, sticky stool and urinals twice a day, chest tightness, and irritability are all improved. Still sleeps poorly, can't sleep all night. Sweating easily, occasional paroxysmal fever, normal diet. The tongue is red and greasy, with tooth marks, and the pulse is stringy and weak.

Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

Formula: Reduce the dosage above, add to 60

Third visit: July 7, 2023

Menstruation ended on July 7 after treatment. Dry mouth and bitter mouth disappear. Facial melasma has faded into sleep, sticky stools, tightness in the chest, and irritability have improved. Occasionally, paroxysmal fever has stopped. Eat and drink normally. The tongue is red and greasy, with tooth marks, and the pulse is stringy and weak. Continued for 14 doses.

After the last treatment, the stool was normal and the sleep was normal. Eat and drink normally. The melasma on the face has disappeared, and occasional paroxysmal fever has stopped. The tongue is pale and thin. Continuation of the prescription consolidation 7 doses. There was no recurrence in the follow-up for half a year.

Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

Clinical Experience:

Melasma, also known as pregnancy spots and liver spots, is a localized light brown pigmentation on the face. This disease is similar to the traditional Chinese medicine "face dust" and "Mucuna pruriens", and is more common in women, especially women during pregnancy, postpartum and oral contraceptives.

Traditional Chinese medicine to treat this disease or to soothe the liver, strengthen the spleen and benefit the kidneys, or to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, this patient chooses Jingfang Wenjing Soup?

Wenjing soup is a prescription for the treatment of people with cold abdomen and long-term infertility in "Jin Kui Yaolu". However, after many clinical applications, it has been found that this prescription is suitable for the following physiques when treating melasma: medium body shape or emaciation; Dry, yellow, dull, lack of radiance, or flushing or dark redness of the skin; Dry lips, etc.

Facial spots for 3 years, Chinese medicine side, let the exhausted face "dead trees and flowers"

The patients in this case are typical of these symptoms, and the whole prescription is used together, mainly to warm the meridian and nourish, combined with a small amount of cold medicine, which can make the whole prescription warm but not dry, rigid and soft, and play the role of warm meridian to dispel cold, nourish blood and remove stasis.

If you also have menstrual cramps, low menstrual bleeding, light color, dry skin, dry hair, spots on the face and other symptoms, you can refer to Wenjing Soup. Then, under the guidance of a doctor, add or subtract it correctly to achieve better results.

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