
To put it mildly, if a Chinese fart in the Philippines is a fart, the Philippine government feels that it endangers national security

author:Look at the flowers immediately

Recently, the Philippine Immigration Department announced that the visa issuance regulations for Chinese travelers will become stricter because Chinese citizens conduct illegal activities in the Philippines, which poses a threat to the national security of the Philippines.

Since taking office, the Marcos administration has continued to challenge China's sovereignty in the South China Sea. Now that the Philippines has issued new visa regulations for Chinese citizens, many people believe that the Philippines is unable to swallow this breath because it has returned from the South China Sea, and has shifted its anger to the Filipino Chinese. Although the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified that the decision to tighten visa requirements has nothing to do with the situation in the South China Sea, there are no small "complaints" against Chinese in the Philippines.

A spokesman for the Philippine Immigration Bureau said that it is very common for Chinese citizens to enter the country illegally and stay for a long time, and a large number of them are hired by Philippine "offshore spinach operators" to engage in illegal work. To be precise, it is a one-stop shop for pyramid schemes, wire fraud, and spinach. In addition, some people are engaged in other criminal activities in the Philippines, such as human trafficking and prostitution. Therefore, in the face of the proliferation of illegal activities by Chinese citizens in the Philippines, the Philippines must take action to safeguard national security and public interests.

To put it mildly, if a Chinese fart in the Philippines is a fart, the Philippine government feels that it endangers national security

【Chinese tourists waiting to enter the Philippines】

Philippine diplomats in China also claimed that the tightening of visa requirements was essentially to protect the rights and well-being of tourists to the Philippines, and stressed that the adjustment of visa requirements was a "prerogative of sovereign states." The subtext is that the Philippine side will not change its mind, even if it will affect the Philippine tourism industry, and if the Chinese citizens are not satisfied, they can choose not to come.

Of course, even in China, these illegal activities are the target of vigorous combat. However, if the Philippines wants to solve this problem, it should carry out joint law enforcement operations with China to jointly crack down on illegal and criminal activities, and the Philippines should strengthen law enforcement management at home and ban relevant illegal organizations or industries. However, according to the development of the gaming industry in the Philippines, the Philippines is obviously reluctant to completely ban it, and the industry has created a lot of jobs and tax revenue for the Philippines.

So, what is the purpose of the Philippine side, but the Philippine side wants to "treat the symptoms but not the root cause", and even hypes up Chinese citizens engaging in relevant illegal activities in the Philippines and threatening the national security of the Philippines? By doing so, the Philippine side will only arouse the dissatisfaction of the Philippine people with Chinese citizens and China. This may be the purpose of the Philippine side, which is to provoke confrontation between the Filipino people and the Chinese in the Philippines, so as to facilitate the Philippine government to further confront China in the South China Sea. This is something to be wary of.

To put it mildly, if a Chinese fart in the Philippines is a fart, the Philippine government feels that it endangers national security

[Chinese fishing boats and fishermen have become an important force in safeguarding national sovereignty]

In fact, the Philippine side has always been very interested in China's huge "militia fleet" and wants to build a "maritime militia" team itself, but the problem is that Filipino fishermen prefer to live in peace with China, so they are not willing to join the Philippine government and China in the confrontation in the South China Sea. Constantly undermining China's image in front of the Filipino people is obviously very beneficial to the Philippine government's efforts in the South China Sea.

At the same time, the Philippines has also shifted its attention to Chinese students in the Philippines and linked it to Philippine national security.

According to the Philippine Immigration Department, a total of 1,516 Chinese nationals have been granted student visas in Cagayan Province. But as of April this year, 485 Chinese students had been enrolled, but only 96 had student visas.

Norman Chen Xinge, director of the Philippine Immigration Bureau, said that due to the surge in the number of Chinese students, the relevant Philippine agencies should take urgent inter-agency action to strengthen the supervision of foreign citizens studying in the Philippines. For example, schools that accept foreign students regularly submit reports to relevant agencies so that the Philippine Immigration Bureau can control the visa compliance of foreign students. If suspicious activity is detected, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NIBI) and the National Intelligence Coordination Agency (NIA) should take investigative action.

To put it mildly, if a Chinese fart in the Philippines is a fart, the Philippine government may think that it is wrong and will threaten its national security.

To put it mildly, if a Chinese fart in the Philippines is a fart, the Philippine government feels that it endangers national security

[Marcos insists on confrontation with China in the South China Sea]

From this, we can see that in order to confront China, the Philippine government has left everything behind, and does not take into account the negative, even bad, impact that the above-mentioned actions will have on the Philippine domestic economic and social order. As I said on previous episodes, the Marcos administration is selling out its country and its people for its own selfish gain.

A few days ago, the so-called non-governmental organization "This is ours" in the Philippines once again hyped up the topic of the South China Sea, claiming that it had completed the task of forcibly breaking into Scarborough Shoal, but in fact, the organization's plan died halfway through. The organization mobilized five large fishing boats, led more than 100 small fishing boats, and carried more than 200 people, originally planning to "check in" 12 nautical miles away from Huangyan Dao, and arrived at the sea area more than 50 nautical miles away from Huangyan Dao a day ahead of schedule to carry out a series of "shows" such as fishing and displaying flags.

However, the Chinese coast guard ships had already laid a heavy defensive line around Scarborough Shoal, and the Philippine fleet did not dare to take a step forward, so it quickly turned its bow and returned to the Philippines in disgrace. After going back, I didn't forget to "cheat and deceive", and hyped the completion of the target task.

To put it mildly, if a Chinese fart in the Philippines is a fart, the Philippine government feels that it endangers national security

[Chinese coast guard ship is monitoring Philippine fishing boats]

Whether it is holding military exercises with the United States in the South China Sea, conducting some eye-catching training on the so-called sinking of Chinese-made ships, or organizing a fleet in a vain attempt to forcibly enter Scarborough Shoal, the Philippine side has displayed a typical method of victory in the spirit of A-Q. In this regard, China's Ministry of National Defense has made it clear that the Chinese army never causes trouble, but it is not afraid of it.

Therefore, on the South China Sea issue, it is better for the Philippines not to make small moves at home under the banner of so-called "national security", so that apart from undermining the friendly relations between China and the Philippines, it will not shake China's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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