
Parent-school community works together to protect children's growth

author:Hainan Provincial Women's Federation
Parent-school community works together to protect children's growth
Parent-school community works together to protect children's growth

On May 16, the Hainan Provincial Women's Federation, with the theme of "Family Education Nourishes the Heart and Grows Together", walked into Haikou Meiyuan Primary School to carry out the Hainan Provincial Family Education Publicity Week activity of "Family, School and Community Work Together to Educate and Protect Children's Growth Road" Law popularization and publicity theme activity, through hanging banners, placing publicity display boards, distributing publicity materials, face-to-face communication and explanation with parents, providing consulting services, etc., to publicize the family education promotion law and scientific parenting family education knowledge. More than 300 teachers, students and parents participated in the event.

Parent-school community works together to protect children's growth

"My child is a first-grader and he's always been very procrastinating, why is that? How can I change this bad habit of his?" One parent asked eagerly. Through the analysis of the situation described by the parents, the teachers of the family education lecturer group of the Provincial Women's Federation pointed out that the misunderstanding of family education lies in the lack of patience and trust, and the excessive urging and reminder deprives children of the opportunity to grow independently. Teachers emphasize that a child's growth is a process that takes time to explore, make mistakes and learn, and that excessive intervention can cause stress and frustration in children, and damage their self-confidence and independence. Parents should cultivate patience for their children to complete tasks, build trust in their children's learning and growth, set reasonable expectations according to their children's age and ability, help children enhance their self-confidence and sense of responsibility, and improve their problem-solving skills. "Oh, I see!" Parents breathed a sigh of relief and their anxiety was relieved.

The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education is the first family education legislation in mainland China, which clarifies that parents bear the main responsibility for family education, and how to bring up children in accordance with the law and raise children scientifically has become a compulsory course for the majority of parents. The Provincial Women's Federation will continue to carry out activities such as Family Education Publicity Week, Family Style and Family Education Publicity Month, empower parents, and guide the whole society to pay attention to family, family education, and family style, enhance family happiness and social harmony, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor.

Parent-school community works together to protect children's growth
Parent-school community works together to protect children's growth

Source: Hainan Provincial Women's Federation Family and Children's Work Department Text: Han Yufen Review: Wang Chudie