
Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs

author:Hainan Provincial Women's Federation
Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs
Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs

Recently, in order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on paying attention to the construction of family education and family style, the Provincial Women's Federation held a series of activities of Hainan Family Education Publicity Week, "Millions of Families Grow Together and Pair Care Volunteering", adopting the method of "online + offline" to widely disseminate the concept and knowledge of family education of Lide Shuren, guide parents to strengthen their main responsibility, help families and schools to coordinate and co-educate, promote the healthy growth of minors, and benefit more than 20,000 people.

Hold online micro-classes. On May 14, the 200th session of "Millions of Families Grow Together, Family Education Micro Classroom" was launched, with about 2,400 live viewers and 21,000 likes. The live broadcast event invited Ji Shuhua, Li Mingyi, Tang Qi, Han Xinhua and other 4 members of the Provincial Women's Federation Family Education Lecturer Group and Li Fengxiang, a well-known family education expert in China, to review the experience and practice of the past 199 live broadcasts of the family education micro-classroom, explain the upgraded and revised micro-classroom, and share how to let 3-6-year-old children learn to express themselves confidently and live independently, how to cultivate good habits of children in primary school, and how to help parents solve the problem of passive learning, procrastination, poor concentration, lack of initiative in junior high school. Problems such as difficulty in communication, as well as valuable experience accumulated in the practice of family education. The teachers analyzed the issues that these parents were most concerned about one by one, and gave detailed and practical measures, so that parents suddenly became enlightened and deeply benefited. Teacher Li Fengxiang's experience sharing has provided effective methods and strategies for the majority of family educators to implement education programs and improve the level of family education work.

Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs
Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs
Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs

Carry out offline care volunteer activities. From May 12th to 18th, the Provincial Women's Federation widely recruited enthusiastic family education volunteers in Hainan Province to participate in the "one-to-one" pairing assistance activities, through organizing volunteers to "one-to-one" pairing with families in difficulty, door-to-door popularization of family education promotion law, providing how to implement effective education strategies in daily life, how to deal with conflicts in parent-child relationships, how to create an environment conducive to children's growth in the case of limited resources, and other specific and targeted family education guidance service activities. It sent warmth and strength to the paired families.

Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs
Millions of families grow together and volunteer in pairs

Source: Hainan Provincial Women's Federation Family and Children's Work Department Text: Han Yufen Review: Wang Chudie

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