
What should I do if a woman is old and afraid of leaking urine? Doctor: The sooner the 4 medicines are used, the better the effect

author:Dr. Pang Lee Yen
As the years go by, many women may encounter an embarrassing and worrying problem, which is the weakening of the body's control over urine, commonly known as urine leakage. On a park bench, in a fitting room at a mall, or even at a gathering of friends and family, the sudden urge to urinate and possible incontinence can be anxiety-inducing. This is not only a physical discomfort, but also a psychological burden. So, in the face of this problem, how should female friends deal with it?

In the gynecology clinic of the hospital, Aunt Zhang told the doctor about her troubles with a worried face: "Doctor, I have been feeling that I can't hold my urine recently, and it will leak out if I use a little force or sneeze, what can I do?" The doctor patiently listened to Aunt Zhang's narration and explained with a smile: "Your condition is medically called urinary incontinence, and it is a problem that many middle-aged and elderly women will encounter. Don't worry, though, there are some medications we can take to help you improve this.

What should I do if a woman is old and afraid of leaking urine? Doctor: The sooner the 4 medicines are used, the better the effect

Next, the doctor introduced Aunt Zhang in detail four medications that may help relieve urinary incontinence and emphasized the importance of early use of these medications.

1. Anticholinergic drugs, as a class of drugs specifically against acetylcholine, can effectively inhibit the contraction of smooth muscle, and have significant effects on the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Anticholinergics are one of the common and effective drug options for treating urinary incontinence problems, and they reduce or alleviate urinary incontinence symptoms by modulating neurotransmitters. It significantly reduces the frequency of urine excretion in an involuntary state by strongly inhibiting abnormal overactivity of the bladder muscles. This medication is especially effective for urinary incontinence caused by overactive bladder muscles. Compared with other drugs, anticholinergics work more quickly, but they may also cause some side effects, such as dry mouth, constipation, etc. Therefore, it is important to carefully observe the body's response when using anticholinergic drugs, and to adjust the dosage as soon as you notice any unusual signs.

What should I do if a woman is old and afraid of leaking urine? Doctor: The sooner the 4 medicines are used, the better the effect

2. α receptor blockers, which are specifically and selectively tightly bound to α adrenal receptors, exhibit their extraordinary and unique pharmacological effects by virtue of their efficient blocking of the action of epinephrine.

α blockers are effective in soothing the smooth muscles around the urethra, which significantly promotes the smooth flow of urine and makes the process of urinating easier. The drug is designed for symptoms of urinary incontinence caused by urethral strictures or blockages, and is effective in relieving such voiding disorders. α blockers have relatively few side effects compared with anticholinergics, but it is still important to be aware of possible adverse effects such as hypotension. During the treatment, the doctor will thoroughly evaluate the patient's specific condition and health status to accurately select the most suitable medication and dosage.

What should I do if a woman is old and afraid of leaking urine? Doctor: The sooner the 4 medicines are used, the better the effect

3. Estrogen replacement therapy, which aims to supplement the deficiency of estrogen in the body, by introducing external estrogen, to significantly improve the resulting discomfort and related symptoms.

For urinary incontinence due to decreased estrogen levels, which is common in postmenopausal women, estrogen replacement therapy may be an effective option. By supplementing with estrogen, the function of the urethra and bladder can be improved and the involuntary excretion of urine can be reduced. However, it is important to note that although estrogen replacement therapy has its efficacy, it also comes with certain potential risks, such as the possibility of inducing endometrial hyperplasia and increasing the risk of breast cancer and other diseases. Therefore, a thorough health assessment should be carried out before estrogen replacement therapy is used, and under the close guidance of a medical professional.

What should I do if a woman is old and afraid of leaking urine? Doctor: The sooner the 4 medicines are used, the better the effect

4. Antidepressants

Some antidepressants have a sedative effect and can reduce tension and spasticity in the bladder muscles, which can have a positive effect on relieving urinary incontinence symptoms. This treatment is mainly suitable for urinary incontinence due to mental factors such as anxiety, depression, etc. However, while antidepressants play a therapeutic role, they may also bring some side effects that cannot be ignored, such as dry mouth, sleep disturbances, etc., which need to be concerned by patients and doctors. Therefore, when using antidepressants, the potential benefits and possible risks should be comprehensively considered, and the decision and medication should be made under the guidance of a professional physician.

What should I do if a woman is old and afraid of leaking urine? Doctor: The sooner the 4 medicines are used, the better the effect

After introducing the four medications, the doctor emphasized, "While all of these medications can help relieve symptoms of urinary incontinence, they are not suitable for all patients. Each person's situation is unique and requires the right medication to choose based on the specific cause, severity of the condition, and physical condition. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and have a comprehensive health assessment before using any medication.

In addition, the doctor also reminded Aunt Zhang to pay attention to some details in her daily life: "In addition to medication, you can also try some non-drug interventions to improve urinary incontinence. For example, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding overexertion, and doing regular pelvic floor muscle exercises. These measures all help to enhance the function of the urethra and bladder and reduce the involuntary excretion of urine.

Finally, the doctor encouraged Auntie Zhang to maintain a positive attitude: "When facing the problem of urinary incontinence, don't be too anxious and depressed. With appropriate treatment and adjustments in your daily life, you can gradually improve this symptom and improve your quality of life. #头条创作挑战赛#