
Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Lao Fan, have you read the physical examination report? Why is your face so bad? Dr. Su took the report card and asked Mr. Fan who was sitting in the consultation room with concern.

Mr. Fan is a bus driver in his 50s who has to leave early and return late every day, and his work is very hard. Lately, he has been feeling chest tightness and occasionally has a brief chest pain, which makes him very worried.

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

Today I came to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to see what is wrong with my body. "Dr. Su, I heard that coronary heart disease is related to drinking water, is this true?" Mr. Fan remembered the topic that Lao Li brought up the last time he chatted with him.

Dr. Su smiled slightly and waved his hand: "Many people have misunderstood this question. In fact, drinking water does have a certain relationship with coronary heart disease, but it is not a direct cause, but some wrong habits of drinking water may increase the burden on the heart, thus affecting cardiovascular health. ”

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

"First of all, many elderly people think that drinking a lot of cold water on an empty stomach in the morning is good for the body, but this is actually a challenge to the heart. Especially for patients with coronary heart disease, in the morning the heart has just recovered from the night's resting state, and suddenly a large amount of cold water stimulation will increase the workload of the heart. ”

Dr. Su pointed to Mr. Fan's physical examination report as he spoke, "I see that your blood pressure is still a little high, this habit is not very good." Mr. Fan nodded after hearing this, he does have this habit, and he does it every morning.

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

"The second mistake is to drink plenty of water immediately after a meal. Some people think that drinking a lot of water after eating can help digestion, but in reality, this dilutes gastric juice and slows down digestion, which can lead to an increased burden on the stomach. For patients with coronary heart disease, stomach discomfort can indirectly affect heart function and even trigger angina. Dr. Su went on to explain.

"I really don't know, I drink water after eating, thinking it's good for my body." Mr. Fan was a little surprised.

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

"The last myth is to drink plenty of water at night before going to bed. This habit can cause frequent waking up at night and interrupting sleep. Adequate sleep is very important for the heart, and poor sleep quality can increase the risk of heart disease. Dr. Su elaborated on this.

After hearing this, Mr. Fan felt that many of his daily habits needed to be changed. He decided to gradually adjust his drinking habits from today to better protect his heart.

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

Dr. Su looked at Mr. Fan's reaction and added some specific suggestions: "Actually, the correct drinking habit is very simple. For example, you can drink some warm water in the morning, drink it slowly, and don't rush. Drink water half an hour after eating, and don't drink too much. Try to avoid drinking too much water within two hours before bedtime at night, which can reduce the number of times you wake up at night and ensure the quality of sleep. ”

Dr. Su was also relieved to see that Mr. Fan was so serious. He knows that many patients often overlook these small details of life, but these details are often the key to maintaining cardiovascular health.

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

He also told Mr. Fan that in addition to improving his drinking habits, regular medical check-ups are also important, so that potential problems can be detected in time and intervention can be done early. Dr. So then shared a specific case to further illustrate the impact of drinking water on heart health.

"There is an old gentleman, who is also a patient with coronary heart disease, he used to have the habit of drinking a lot of water at night, and as a result, not only was his sleep often interrupted, but also because of frequent night wake-ups, the pressure on his heart increased, and finally he unfortunately had a cardiac event."

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

Mr. Fan was shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect that a seemingly innocuous little habit could bring such a big risk. Towards the end of the conversation, Dr. So reiterated that a healthy lifestyle is not only about avoiding obvious bad habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, etc., but also about many everyday details that seem ordinary but actually have an important impact on the body.

He hopes that Mr. Fan can translate today's conversation into action and truly take responsibility for his heart health. On the way out of the hospital, Mr. Fan thought about today's conversation.

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so

He realized that even doctors can't supervise themselves all the time, and that true health management requires his active participation and change in his daily life.

What do you think about coronary heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is there a relationship between coronary heart disease and drinking water? Doctor: There are 3 wrong behaviors of drinking water, and many elderly people don't think so