
These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Recently, I always feel back pain and lack of energy, what do you say is going on?" Li Daqiang looked at the doctor opposite worriedly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Li Daqiang is an ordinary primary school teacher who has been teaching for more than ten years, and although he is busy with his work, he is finally stable. His usual hobby is simple, that is, he likes to drink tea.

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

In his spare time, he always makes a good pot of tea and changes his students' homework while sipping, which he thinks is the best way to relax. However, he never imagined that this hobby, which he loved so much, could be a hidden danger to his current health problems.

The doctor was an experienced middle-aged man named Zhao Ming, and after listening to Li Daqiang's description, he gently pushed his glasses and said seriously: "Have you had any bad eating habits recently?" For example, what kind of drink or tea do you like to drink? ”

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

"I drink tea every day, I like all kinds of tea, jasmine, Pu'er, Tieguanyin, I don't feel comfortable if I don't drink it for a day." Li Daqiang replied disapprehantly.

Doctor Zhao Ming frowned, pondered for a while, and then began to explain: "Although the tea is good, it should also be in moderation. Do you know? Some teas can be taxing on the kidneys, especially if you drink too much. Certain components in tea, such as caffeine and oxalic acid, may affect the health of the kidneys when consumed in large amounts over a long period of time. ”

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

Li Daqiang was obviously taken aback, but he didn't expect that there would be such a hidden danger in his daily life.

Zhao Ming continued slowly: "It's not that you can't drink it at all, but you have to choose the right type and control amount. For example, Pu'er tea or Tieguanyin, which has a high concentration, may indeed increase the burden on the kidneys when consumed in large quantities for a long time. Another type of tea, which is uncommon but also to be careful, is the processed fruity tea that contains a lot of additives, which often have many unnecessary chemicals added and are also a challenge for the kidneys. ”

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

Li Daqiang nodded, obviously accepting the doctor's advice, but he still had a lot of doubts in his heart: "Then how should I usually drink tea?" Do you have any good suggestions? ”

Dr. Zhao Ming smiled and took out a piece of paper from a drawer, which was filled with various suggestions for healthy eating. He explained the appropriate tea drinking habits and amounts for Li Daqiang one by one, and tried to use simple words to make it easy for him to understand.

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

"It's important to remember that a healthy lifestyle is multifaceted, not just about diet, but also about exercising and having a good routine." Dr. Zhao Ming finally reminded.

He decided to adjust his tea drinking habits from today, drink less strong tea, and pay more attention to his body's reactions. Out of the doctor's office, he took a deep breath of fresh air and was full of anticipation for future changes.

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

After returning home, Li Daqiang decided to share Dr. Zhao's advice with his friends. He posted a message to the neighborhood group briefly mentioning the burden that excessive tea consumption can take on the kidneys, especially certain types of tea.

His friends reacted strongly to this message and said that they wanted to re-evaluate their tea drinking habits. Li Daqiang began to integrate health education into his teaching, hoping to make more primary school students and parents aware of the importance of healthy choices in daily life through his influence.

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

A few months later, at a parent-teacher meeting organized by the school, he shared his experience and what he learned from Dr. Zhao Ming. He also mentioned that some people may need to be more mindful of their eating habits, especially those at risk of kidney problems.

Many said they would reconsider their tea habits and those of their families. This change in consciousness is very gratifying for Li Daqiang, who realizes that as a teacher, he can not only teach knowledge, but also influence the way of life of students and parents through his actions and teaching.

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant

Li Daqiang sees the positive results of the changes he has made. His own health has improved significantly, and his symptoms of low back pain and fatigue have been greatly reduced. His teaching has also become more energetic and he has become a recognized advocate for healthy living in the school.

What do you think about tea? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

These 3 kinds of tea may hurt the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and the doctor is helpless: it's a pity that many people are still drinking it, too ignorant