
People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Do you believe the gossip on the Internet so much?" Doctor Wang Min raised his eyebrows and looked at the anxious Zhang Dawei in front of him, an ordinary middle school teacher who had recently been deeply troubled by a saying circulating on the Internet: people with thick hair live longer.

Zhang Dawei scratched the top of his thinning head and asked puzzledly, "Is this true?" Should I buy some hair growth supplements or something? "

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

Min explains: "Actually, hair itself does not determine a person's lifespan. But interestingly, by looking at the state of the hair, we can indirectly learn some clues about health. Let me share a few hair traits that may be health-related. "

Let's start with the shine of the hair. When a person eats a balanced diet with adequate nutrients, not only do the various systems of the body function more smoothly, but his hair is usually also shinier. This glow is not just a change in appearance, it is actually a reflection of a person's inner nutritional state.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

For example, this shine and fullness of hair can be a window into nutrient absorption. For example, people with iron deficiency anemia tend to have dull hair.

In our clinical observation, there was a patient who had dull hair due to long-term malnutrition, but after a period of reasonable nutritional adjustment, not only did his hair become shiny, but even his basic physical signs improved significantly. Secondly, the growth rate of hair is also a window into health.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

Generally speaking, hair grows about 1 to 1.5 centimeters per month, and if the growth rate is significantly lower than this standard, it may mean that something is wrong with some body functions.

For example, in patients with hypothyroidism, their metabolism slows down, and hair growth slows down. Once, we met a patient with hypothyroidism, and it was precisely because he noticed that his hair was growing unusually slowly, which led us to further examination to find out about his condition.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

Thirdly, hair is prone to breakage, which may be due to the lack of certain trace elements, such as zinc, selenium, etc. These trace elements are essential for human health. For example, zinc is not only involved in hair growth, but also plays an important role in the immune system and wound healing.

In one of my previous cases, a patient suffered from a severe zinc deficiency that not only had brittle hair, but also had frequent colds and slow recovery. Through zinc supplementation, his overall health has improved significantly.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

After listening to this, Zhang Dawei was obviously satisfied with Wang Min's explanation, and he felt that the information was both practical and interesting, which could help him better understand and pay attention to his health.

Zhang Dawei understands that it is not enough to just observe the state of hair, but more importantly, to maintain health by combining various factors such as diet and exercise in daily life. He began to think seriously about his lifestyle habits, whether he had enough nutritional intake, whether he exercised regularly, and whether he was constantly under stress.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

He decided to start small, such as improving his diet, increasing his intake of protein and essential trace elements, while also strengthening physical exercise to improve his body's metabolism and immunity.

After a few months, Zhang Dawei not only found that his physical strength had increased, but even his hair became healthier. Cheung is happy to share his experience and tells them that a healthy lifestyle is a persistent effort and does not work overnight.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

What are some common misconceptions in our daily lives that may affect our proper understanding and maintenance of our health? More often than not, people may overlook the impact of daily behavioral habits on their health.

For example, chaotic lifestyles, unbalanced diets, and constant psychological stress are all factors that can potentially harm health. The correct approach is based on science, combined with the advice of professional doctors, continuous attention to their own health indicators, comprehensive consideration of lifestyle adjustments, and continuous learning and practice to maintain and improve personal health.

People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics

Only in this way can we truly manage our health scientifically, stay away from all kinds of health misunderstandings, and enjoy a healthy and long life.

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People with more hair live longer? Doctor: Not necessarily, long-lived people, hair or have 3 characteristics