
People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Oh, I've been feeling a pain in my head lately, and I read the news that our snoring sound has anything to do with cerebral infarction?" Uncle Wang, an old man who has been a taxi driver for many years, asked about the passenger sitting in his car, a young doctor.

"Uncle Wang, do you usually snore?" The doctor replied. "I didn't fall asleep and my voice was wide open, and my daughter-in-law often poked me in the middle of the night and asked me to turn over."

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

Uncle Wang's words made the doctor laugh, and he then explained: "Snoring is indeed related to many health problems, but when it comes to cerebral infarction, it is really not such a direct cause and effect. In fact, if you can do these three things well every night before going to bed, it will help reduce the risk of snoring and prevent cerebral infarction. ”

The first thing, the doctor said, is to control the weight.

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

"Being overweight increases multiple burdens on the body, especially for the respiratory system. Excess body fat, especially in the neck, can put pressure on the airways, and this oppressive effect can lead to increased snoring at night. Therefore, weight control becomes a key means of alleviating this symptom. ”

The second thing is to change the sleeping position. "Try to avoid sleeping on your back, try sleeping on your side, or put a small pillow on your back while you sleep, which will prevent your tongue and soft palate from clogging your airways."

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

The third piece of advice is to reduce nighttime alcohol consumption and reliance on sleeping medications. He explains that these substances can cause the laryngeal muscles to relax excessively, which in turn can worsen the obstruction of the airways, leading to more severe snoring.

So he advised Uncle Wang to avoid drinking alcohol at night and try not to use sleeping pills to promote sleep. Uncle Wang listened carefully and decided to practice the doctor's advice from that night to see if these changes could bring him a quieter night.

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

"There was a patient who, because of severe sleep apnea, woke up suddenly almost every night and couldn't sleep well all night," the doctor said. By losing weight and changing his habits, he not only improved his snoring, but also improved his daily mental state. ”

The doctor also explained why these measures are helpful in preventing cerebral infarction: "Although snoring and cerebral infarction are not directly related, long-term snoring and sleep apnea can lead to a lack of oxygen supply at night, which is a huge burden on both the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular sectors. ”

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

These health risks can be effectively reduced by making reasonable adjustments to your daily habits and maintaining a good night's sleep. This fine-tuning of the lifestyle is important for maintaining overall health.

Uncle Wang got a lot of useful information during the conversation and said that he should start to adjust his lifestyle according to the doctor's advice. He also joked: "It seems that I have to popularize my daughter-in-law too, don't let her get up in the middle of the night and toss me." ”

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

Uncle Wang had a deep understanding of the doctor's advice and began to implement these changes in earnest. He found that not only did he snore less when he slept, but his mental state and physical health also improved significantly.

This strengthened his belief that small changes in life can make a big difference. Through this experience, Uncle Wang also paid more attention to observing the health habits of the people around him. He noticed that many of his friends and family had similar problems, so he became an advocate for these health tips, often sharing his experience at gatherings of driver-friends, encouraging everyone to pay attention to their own lifestyle habits.

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

Changing small habits in your life, especially those behaviors that may affect your health, can effectively reduce health risks through practical actions. Uncle Wang's example has become a positive motivation for more people to start paying attention to their physical condition and quality of life.

This point of view is more intuitive and easy to understand in the life practice of ordinary people. Uncle Wang's story is not only about health, but also about how to maintain and improve the quality of life through small life changes.

People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk

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People who snore in their sleep are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Doctor: Do 3 things before bed, or reduce your risk