
Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

author:Xiaoxin Laboratory
Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

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——【Foreword·】 ——»

China's navy is thriving, and online speculation about a mysterious "fourth aircraft carrier" is in full swing, most notably whether it has chosen advanced nuclear power technology for its energy heart.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

Although there is no clear official confirmation of this, from the perspective of history, every leap has been accompanied by innovation and breakthrough.

Back in the dawn of aircraft carrier development, it was the legendary journey of the Varyag that ignited China's aircraft carrier dream.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

This unknown behind-the-scenes hero started this journey with a transaction that shocked the world, and he is known as the "forgotten aircraft carrier hero" - Shao Chun.

——【·Purchase of Aircraft Carrier·】——»

In 1996, at a critical juncture in China's stock market crash, a leading figure in the financial world stepped forward to stabilize the volatile market through bold and decisive measures.

This person who is not afraid of hardships and dangers is Shao Chun, who was the chairman of Huaxia Securities at that time.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

In the face of an unprecedented plunge in the stock market, Shao Chun showed extraordinary leadership and risk-taking.

He first invested 300 million yuan in an attempt to inject confidence in the market. But the stock market is still volatile and full of crises.

At this critical moment, Shao Chun once again resolutely took out a huge investment of 500 million yuan, and finally stabilized the market.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

This feat not only saved the stock market, but also earned him a reputation as a "financial hero", demonstrating the great importance he attaches to the interests of the country.

However, this is only the beginning of Shao Chun's legendary life.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

In 1997, an even more difficult challenge was before him - the purchase of the wreckage of the aircraft carrier "Varyag".

At that time, Ukraine sold the Soviet-era aircraft carrier, and the leadership of the Chinese Navy saw its important strategic importance for the development of the country.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

They pinned their hopes on Shao Chun to come forward and contribute to the country's future naval power.

As a true patriot, Shao Chun is well aware of the weight of this decision.

He understands that he will not only face external skepticism, but also face severe legal and political punishment.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

However, he still bravely chose to take a risk and used the funds of Huaxia Securities to pay a deposit for the purchase of the ship.

Since then, he has embarked on a journey full of hardships, and he did not hesitate to advance funds again and again, and finally transported the "Varyag" back to China in 2002.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

Shao Chun's outstanding contributions won the praise of the people of the whole country for a time, and he became synonymous with inspiring the people.

——【In Crisis·】——»

But it was at this glorious moment that a sudden investigation struck like a cold wind, completely changing his fate.

Some have reported that he has abused public funds to buy aircraft carriers, lacking explicit official authorization.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

The accusation was undoubtedly the hardest blow to Shao Chun, who went from being the target of public criticism overnight, with all decisions and transactions being scrutinized and questioned.

Public opinion also began to divide, with some seeing him as a patriot while others accused him of overstepping his authority and being reckless.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

This extreme contrast led to great psychological pressure on Shao Chun, and his career also suffered a devastating blow.

Some opaque operations caused him to lose the trust of the public, and his life and career fell into a low period.

However, after years of suffering, an astonishing turning point finally occurred.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

State officials abruptly announced a pardon for Shao Chun and a compensation equivalent to personal losses. This decision not only cleared him of the crime, but also gave new meaning to his dedication and sacrifice.

It was also awarded a certificate of outstanding contribution to the aircraft carrier.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

The purchase of the "Varyag" laid the foundation for the cause of China's aircraft carriers, and after being transformed, it officially joined the Chinese Navy and became the "Liaoning".

——[He Pengfei, Xu Zengping, Shao Chun]——»

But if you think about it, such a historic decision should not be something that can be made by one person.

In the late eighties of the twentieth century, when the Soviet Union was about to collapse, its military-industrial complex was building a giant aircraft carrier, the Varyag.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

The construction of this behemoth witnessed the rise and fall of a great power during the Cold War, and also heralded the rise of a new power.

At first, the construction of the Varyag arose from doubts about the prospects of victory in a nuclear war from the Soviet leadership.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

They believe that victory in future wars will depend more on conventional armed forces, and aircraft carriers are the giants of such forces.

Therefore, increasing the combat power of aircraft carriers became one of the strategic goals of the Soviet Union.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the 68% completed aircraft carrier suffered the fate of being put on hold.

Just when the Varyag's prospects were clouded, a cross-border auction breathed new life into it. Ukraine, as the successor of the Soviet Union, began to look for potential buyers internationally.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

At the same time, Admiral He Pengfei, who has risen from the ranks of the Chinese Navy, has an insight into the importance of the Varyag in revitalizing China's sea power.

However, direct and open participation in the bid will inevitably arouse suspicion and obstruction in Western countries.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

In order to resolve this dilemma, He Pengfei set his sights on Xu Zengping, a wealthy patriotic businessman in Hong Kong.

Born in 1952, Xu Zengping served in the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy, retired from the military and moved to business, quickly amassing a wealth with his keen business acumen and diligent work attitude.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

His knowledge of military equipment, combined with his patriotic feelings, made him stand out from the crowd of candidates.

After Xu Zengping received the task, he immediately began to prepare.

He set up the company in his private name and went to Ukraine for a field trip.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

The rest of the story is a testament to how Xu Zengping used his business acumen and network to finally land the Varyag at a low price.

He first registered a casino company as a bidder to hide his eyes.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

At the same time, he also skillfully used the resources of Chinese businessmen, and finally photographed this sea monster with the funding of Shao Chun, a wealthy businessman in Beijing.

In 1999, after several twists and turns, the Varyag embarked on a long voyage to China.

This unfinished former Soviet aircraft carrier, after complicated negotiations and twists and turns, finally embarked on its way home. Its fate has since formed an indissoluble bond with China.

Accused of embezzlement and affecting his career, he was cleared of charges and paid back wages after a state investigation

After a lot of hard work, the Varyag finally arrived in the Chinese port of Dalian in 2002. Subsequently, the Chinese government began the renovation of the Varyag.

This project not only involves the technical upgrading of the aircraft carrier itself, but also includes the improvement of a series of complex systems such as carrier-based aircraft, weapon systems, and navigation equipment.


In the torrent of history, the name Shao Chun may not be well known to most people, but his story is like the aircraft carrier he poured his heart and soul into, magnificent and full of legends.

His experience is not only the persistence of personal beliefs, but also the persistent pursuit of national honor. Although he was misunderstood and unjust, time has proved his innocence and contributions.

Today, this old man is still in good spirits and enjoying a peaceful and beautiful life.


Baidu Encyclopedia - Shao Chun

Nanfang Daily - 2015-01-22 How the Varyag Came to China

ZENG Jun. A Hundred Years of Dream Comes True: The Past and Present Life of Liaoning Aircraft Carrier[J]. Shenzhen Stock Exchange, 2019(6)

PENG Xiuliang, WANG Changzheng. China's Aircraft Carrier Dream in the Past Century[J]. Essence of Literature and History, 2011(10)


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