
Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

author:Xiaoxin Laboratory
Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

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——【Foreword·】 ——»

Li Jiaqi's purchase of a house in Tomson Yipin is already enviable, and the boss behind this mansion is even more low-key.

At the age of 21, Tang Jiacheng already owned this "No. 1 mansion in China".

What kind of wealth stories and untold efforts are hidden here? Let's uncover the legend behind this rich young man, how he guarded his vast family fortune, and the real secrets of his success.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

——【·Alternative Rich Second Generation·】——»

As a young rich man with a net worth of tens of billions, Tang Jiacheng is undoubtedly particularly eye-catching in the eyes of the world with his unique identity background and personal image.

is different from the image of the rich second generation who is generally indulged in extravagant pleasures, Tang Jiacheng's lifestyle can be described as different.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Although most people think that he must be surrounded by beautiful women, Tang Jiacheng's relatives have not witnessed him dating any celebrities or celebrities.

As his aunt Sun Huiyan said, "He is very low-key and never interacts with celebrities." The mother is also calm about her son's love life, and she has never seen him bring his female companion home.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

This is in stark contrast to the traditional image of the children of the rich changing girlfriends as often as they do clothes.

There have been scandals about Tang Jiacheng falling in love with well-known actress Zhang Yuqi on the Internet, but he himself seems to have turned a blind eye to it.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

What's even more amazing is that his mother once advocated a marriage with Guan Zhitong, but in the end Tang Jiacheng rejected it, and bluntly said, "You like her so much, think of her as a goddaughter."

Although low-key and introverted, Tang Jiacheng has a high popularity on the Internet.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

A large number of female fans call themselves "the young grandmother of the Tang family", and they all compete to leave messages under each of his Weibos, and some people brush up more than 60,000 messages on his Weibo in order to please him, hoping to be "favored by the flop" by him one day.

However, this behavior made Tang Jiacheng deeply disturbed, and finally gradually faded out of Weibo.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Tang Jiacheng's attitude towards romance is quite unique, he once said in an interview, "If you can't find a long-term other half, it's okay to live like this, I enjoy enough time alone." "

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

It can be seen that he did not regard his love life as a necessity in life, but was able to accept celibacy well.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this unique concept that some netizens speculate that he may be different in orientation.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Although he did not have a partner half, Tang Jiacheng had great love and carefully sponsored dozens of children from poverty-stricken areas such as Tibet and Yunnan, so that they could study as they wished through love and financial support.

For the young tycoon, the children are undoubtedly like his own flesh and blood.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In the face of unwarranted speculation and public opinion pressure from the outside world, Tang Jiacheng has always maintained a firm position.

After a report that he was in love with a rich girl, Tang Jiacheng had to personally refute the rumors, "Please respect yourself, don't hype it anymore".


Although the relationship has not blossomed, his business acumen has been shown since he was a child.

His mother, Xu Feng, found that her son had a special interest in the stock market and the ability to predict, and in order to cultivate this talent, she did not hesitate to give him 1 million Hong Kong dollars to invest in stocks.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

This seemingly bold decision worried Xu Feng because the Hong Kong stock market was in a downturn at the time, and many investors were washed in blood.

However, Tang Jiacheng unexpectedly earned HK$400,000 in just one month, much to the surprise of his mother.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

This success not only earned Tang Jiacheng the reputation of "Little Stock God", but more importantly, it allowed him to gradually get out of the haze of depression.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Xu Feng realized that his son had an innate talent for business, so he fully supported and nurtured him.

Although he was once deceived by his parents to study in a foreign country, which led to the aggravation of depression, now Tang Jiacheng has finally found his interest.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Soon after, Tang Jiacheng's father Tang Junnian died of illness, leaving behind 133 properties of the family business, Tomson Yipin. It also allowed him to successfully enter the ranks of billionaires.

Although the outside world had doubts about this heir who shouldered such a heavy responsibility at a young age, Tang Jiacheng quickly proved his strength with his actions.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

The development of Tomson Yipin is of great significance to the Tang family, as it is not only an important milestone for the family business, but also a symbol of its brand strength and status.

However, at the beginning of the project, Tomson Yipin faced great challenges.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Hailed as "Asia's No. 1 luxury home", this property has attracted a lot of attention with its luxurious facilities and prime location, but its selling price of tens of millions of yuan has also discouraged many potential buyers.

In the context of the market downturn, the sales of Tomson Yipin are not optimistic.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In 2008, despite the poor global economic situation, Tomson Yipin only managed to sell 4 properties.

This result was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Tang family, especially since they had invested a lot of money and energy.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In the face of difficulties, Tang Jiacheng, the young heir of the Tang family, showed firm faith and determination.

He believes that Tomson Yipin is not only a real estate project, but also a representative of the Tangjia brand. Therefore, he insisted on not selling at a reduced price, believing that doing so would damage the brand image and market positioning of the Tang family.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In his opinion, maintaining brand image is more important than short-term sales performance.

In order to enhance the market awareness and attractiveness of Tomson Yipin, Tang Jiacheng has taken a series of measures.

The following year, Tang Jiacheng and his brother Tang Zijia decisively adjusted their sales strategy and boldly innovated.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

They have eliminated the practice of requiring buyers to provide proof of assets, replaced it with an appointment in advance, and implemented a confidentiality system for customer information.

This series of friendly and pragmatic new style has won the trust of the market, and the sales situation has begun to improve.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In June 2009, Tomson Yipin sold 5 sets in a single day, completely breaking the decline in sales in the early stage.

Today, Tomson Yipin has become an iconic high-end residential brand, and its successful development is of far-reaching significance to the Tang family.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

——【・Landlady】】 ——»

The reason why Tang Jiacheng has such a flexible business acumen comes from family genetics and the careful guidance of his mother.

His mother's name is Xu Feng. is not only a two-time Golden Horse actress, but also a business queen, who controls 41.8% of the shares of Tomson Group and becomes the majority shareholder of this company.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Xu Feng's life story is full of drama, like a well-woven script, from a well-known film and television star to a business giant, experiencing countless ups and downs.

Xu Feng's acting career did not start smoothly, and he was already responsible for his family at a young age.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In 1966, at the age of 16, she started filming and starred in Hu Jinquan's "Dragon Gate Inn". The following year, Xu Feng played the heroine in "Chivalrous Girl" directed by the same director, which officially became famous.

In 1976 and 1979, she won the prestigious Golden Horse Award for Best Actress in Taiwan, respectively, consolidating her position in the film industry.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

As a producer, Xu Feng has also achieved great success, and the classic "Farewell My Concubine" starring Leslie Cheung that she invested in filming won the Venice Palme d'Or.

However, Xu Feng's personal life is far from smooth sailing.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Her first marriage was destined to be a disaster, rooted in a lack of genuine love foundation. In order to cater to his mother's last wishes, Xu Feng married a friend who was not beloved.

The groom soon revealed his true colors, he defrauded a large amount of money in Xu Feng's name, and patted his ass and left after losing his career, leaving a large debt for Xu Feng to bear alone.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Faced with such a predicament, Xu Feng did not choose to escape, but bravely shouldered the burden of repaying the debt. She worked hard to make money filming and pay off those debts.

Tang Junnian happened to be her biggest creditor and was in the real estate business at the time.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Xu Feng plucked up the courage to find Tang Junnian in person and sincerely promised him that he would definitely pay off all the arrears, and only needed to give him some time.

Tang Junnian was impressed by Xu Feng's indomitable character and unique charm, and soon fell in love with this chivalrous woman.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In May 1980, Xu Feng and Tang Junnian got married. Their wedding was spectacular, with a total of 30,000 roses on display, setting a precedent for a luxury wedding in Hong Kong.

The marriage between the two is also quite legendary, as if it were a gift to people who love romanticism.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In 1981 and 1983, Xu Feng gave birth to two sons, Tang Zijia and Tang Zitong, adding more joy to the couple.

After marrying into a wealthy family, Xu Feng felt lost for a while, and was used to being self-reliant, but after marriage, she had to reach out to her husband for living expenses to disappoint her.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

In order to give his wife something to do, Tang Junnian asked Xu Feng to manage the family's finances, but she was not good at it, "even accounting is not as good", and the results are often different.

Later, Tang Junnian gave Xu Feng $1 million in funds and let her choose her own investment projects.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

After four months of deliberation, Xu Feng decided to start a film company with his years of experience in film and television.

Soon, she achieved the first peak of her career in 1990, producing "Rolling Red Dust", which won both word-of-mouth and box office.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Later, her career rose and she became a legend of a generation of female generals. Two excellent children have also been raised.


Tang Jiacheng's unique personality has made him pay attention to the society, but also gained the love of countless loyal fans. While enjoying wealth, he interprets the spirit of charity and public welfare with his own actions.

Young Master Tomson Yipin is young and promising, inheriting his father's inheritance, and his mother is a famous film investor

Despite this, Tang Jiacheng maintains a high degree of self-discipline for her emotional life, adheres to a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and is willing to wait patiently for the destined her.

Let's wait and see where this legendary young man takes him in the future.


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