
Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases. In the waiting area of the community health station, Uncle Wang looked at the health promotion posters hanging on the wall and muttered to himself in disbelief.

Uncle Wang is a retired factory worker, and after turning 50, his life has gradually become more comfortable, but his stomach has also become "comfortable". Looking at his increasingly bulging beer belly, Uncle Wang always had some faint worries in his heart. Today, he came to Dr. Liu for a consultation, hoping to find out why.

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

Dr. Lau is an experienced and amiable doctor at the Community Health Station. After listening to Uncle Wang's description, Dr. Liu smiled and said, "Uncle Wang, this belly is not a good thing. ”

Dr. Lau further explained, "First of all, abdominal obesity may be a manifestation of excessive accumulation of visceral fat, which is very harmful to health. Visceral fat not only affects the normal function of organs, but also secretes some chemicals that are not good for health, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. ”

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

"A large tummy can be a hallmark of metabolic syndrome. The instability of pancreatic islets leads to fat accumulation in the abdomen, and even envelops organs, causing greater harm to the body. ”

Uncle Wang was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "What about the third type?" What other diseases are associated with a large tummy? Dr. Liu nodded: "It may be liver disease, especially fatty liver." Fatty liver refers to the accumulation of excessive fat in liver cells, which, if left unchecked, may develop into liver fibrosis or even cirrhosis. ”

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

Uncle Wang's heart was excited, he didn't want to get into so much trouble because of a big belly. Seeing his concern, Dr. Liu comforted, "Uncle Wang, don't worry too much, these problems can be prevented and controlled by changing your lifestyle habits. ”

So, Dr. Liu gave Uncle Wang some simple health advice: "First of all, you should control your diet, eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods, and eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. ”

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

For the next few months, he got up early every day to go for a walk in the park, controlled his diet, reduced his intake of greasy foods, and visited the health post regularly for check-ups.

Half a year has passed in a flash, and Uncle Wang found that his weight was gradually declining and his belly was getting smaller. He happily came to the health station to tell Dr. Liu the good news.

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

Dr. Liu looked at Uncle Wang's physical examination report and nodded with satisfaction: "Uncle Wang, you have done a very good job, continue to maintain it, and your health will get better and better." ”

At this time, a friend named Aunt Li stepped forward and asked, "Doctor Liu, I also feel that my belly is big recently, I heard Uncle Wang say that you have a good solution here, I want to ask, do I have the same problem?" ”

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

Dr. Liu carefully inquired about Aunt Li's condition and found that in addition to her abdominal obesity, she also had some symptoms of fatigue and indigestion.

So, he suggested that Aunt Li undergo a detailed examination, and according to the results of the examination, he gave corresponding suggestions: "Aunt Li, your problem may be part of metabolic syndrome, in addition to controlling diet and increasing exercise, you also need to pay attention to rest and reduce stress. Excessive fatigue and stress can also affect the body's metabolic function. ”

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

In the following days, Uncle Wang and Aunt Li insisted on running every morning, controlling their diet, and going to the health station regularly for check-ups. Their health has gradually improved, and the problem of abdominal obesity has been effectively controlled.

Uncle Wang, Aunt Li and their friends have all lived healthier lives under the guidance of Dr. Liu. This story teaches us that no matter how old they are, with positive lifestyle modifications and professional guidance from doctors, everyone has the power to improve their health and enjoy a more fulfilling and healthy life.

Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

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Is it better to have a bigger belly over 55? Doctor: Many people don't know about a big belly or 3 diseases

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