
Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In the busy city center, in a popular hair salon, Liu Haihua is busy.

Bang Hai Hua is the salon's experienced hairstylist, and she always uses her dexterous hands to create the perfect hairstyle for each client. However, on this day, while cutting the hair of a regular customer, she noticed some unusual changes in the customer's scalp.

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

"Hey, Brother Wang, are these spots on your scalp recent?" Bangs asked in her trademark teasing tone as she cut her hair.

Brother Wang replied with some disapproval: "Hey, this, it may have been sunburned." I've been going to the beach so much lately. ”

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Bangs smiled, but her instincts told her that these spots might be more than just sunburn. It just so happened that Dr. Zhang in the salon was also doing his hair, so she asked him to come over and have a look. Dr. Zhang, an experienced dermatologist, looked at Brother Wang's scalp with a serious expression.

"Mr. Wang, these spots may not just be sunburn, I suggest you go for a detailed skin examination. Sometimes, some changes in the skin can be a sign of a disease inside the body. ”

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Liu Haihua and Brother Wang were a little surprised, but Brother Wang still accepted Dr. Zhang's suggestion. A few days later, the results of the examination showed that Wang's skin changes were indeed an early symptom of a rare skin disease that is sometimes associated with certain types of internal tumors.

"The skin is the largest organ in our body, and it can sometimes act like an alarm system that reflects problems within the body. For example, melasma may be a sign of liver disease, while long-term non-healing wounds or moles that change color can be a sign of skin cancer. ”

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Although Liu Haihua is only a hairstylist, her carefulness and concern for customers may have helped Brother Wang detect health problems early. This case also illustrates that the observation and care of non-medical professionals can also play an important role in daily life.

In this story, Dr. Zhang also explains in detail the association between skin symptoms and possible health problems, noting that there are at least three skin symptoms that require special attention:

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Nonsunburned skin pigmentation, especially in areas where sun exposure is not common, may indicate abnormal hormone levels or certain endocrine disorders.

Chronic skin inflammation, such as long-term redness, pain, or oozing of the skin, may be a manifestation of an inflammatory disease such as psoriasis or more serious conditions such as cutaneous lymphoma.

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Abnormal new organisms or lumps, especially those that grow rapidly, should be considered for the possibility of skin cancer. Every symptom should not be ignored and should be sought from a professional doctor for a detailed examination.

Dr. Zhang's explanation inspired everyone present, and they all expressed their need to pay more attention to the skin health of themselves and their families. Especially with bangs, she began to encourage every customer who came to the store not to be negligent and consult a professional as soon as possible if they noticed any abnormalities on their skin.

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

He returned to the hair salon to express his gratitude to Liu Haihua and Dr. Zhang. Their timely detection and professional advice allowed him to detect problems early and receive effective treatment.

Just as everyone was celebrating Brother Wang's recovery, a new customer, Xiao Li, came to the salon, and he looked a little anxious. Xiao Li said to Dr. Zhang, "Dr. Zhang, I recently noticed that some thick stratum corneum appeared on the soles of my feet, and it was a little painful, could this be a precursor to skin cancer?" ”

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Dr. Zhang carefully examined the soles of Xiao Li's feet, and then replied in a kind tone: "Xiao Li, don't worry too much first. Thick cuticles on the soles of your feet are common in people who walk or stand a lot and may be related to your work or lifestyle habits. ”

Of course, we can't completely rule out other possibilities, and I suggest that you do further checks to confirm. Also, be aware of other accompanying symptoms, such as pigmentation or changes in moles, to be more alarming.

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

He thanked Dr. Cheung for his advice and decided to go to the hospital for further check-ups to ensure safety.

Through these stories, Dr. Zhang and Liu Haihua not only raised people's awareness of skin health, but also taught everyone how to actively deal with health problems and seek professional advice.

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer

Their experience and knowledge bring hope and comfort to many people in their daily lives, and also demonstrate the importance of non-professionals when paying attention to the details of daily health. Early detection and early treatment are key to fighting many health problems.

What do you think about cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Cancerous in the body, skin prophet? Doctor's advice: There are 3 symptoms on the skin that may be a precursor to cancer