
If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Mr. Zhang, if you continue to exercise like this, your lymphatic system will be useless." The doctor said with a serious face.

Zhang Qiang, 48 years old, is an engineer in an IT company. Last weekend, he went hiking with a few friends and came back with diarrhea. When his wife, Ms. Wang, saw him like this, she hurriedly took him to the hospital for examination.

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

After a detailed examination, the doctor found that there was a problem with Zhang Qiang's lymphatic system. Zhang Qiang looked puzzled: "Doctor, I just climbed a mountain, why is it related to the lymphatic system?" ”

The doctor patiently explained: "Mr. Zhang, there is a big problem with your usual exercise methods, especially excessive and improper high-intensity exercise, which is particularly harmful to the lymphatic system. ”

Zhang Qiang looked surprised: "Isn't exercise good for your health?" How can it hurt lymph? ”

The doctor shook his head and continued: "Moderate exercise is indeed good for health, but if the exercise method is not right, such as excessive fatigue and long-term high-intensity exercise, it can cause harm to the body. Especially the lymphatic system, which is an important part of our body's immune system, and excessive physical stress can lead to a decline in the function of the lymphatic system and weakening immunity. ”

Zhang Qiang recalled that in order to maintain his body, he often carried out high-intensity exercises, and even sometimes felt physically exhausted but persevered. Now it seems that these excessive exercises not only failed to bring health, but buried hidden dangers.

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

The doctor went on to explain: "The lymphatic system plays a vital role in the body's immune function and waste elimination. Excessive high-intensity exercise can lead to muscle damage, producing large amounts of lactic acid and other metabolic waste products that need to be excreted through the lymphatic system. If the lymphatic system is overloaded, it can lead to impaired function and weakened immunity. ”

Zhang Qiang was shocked when he heard this: "Then what should I do now?" Can't exercise anymore? ”

The doctor smiled: "Of course, it's not that you don't exercise, but you have to adjust the way you exercise." Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., is good for the lymphatic system. And pay attention to the intensity and duration of the workout to avoid excessive fatigue. 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three to five times a week is sufficient. ”

Zhang Qiang nodded, thinking to himself: "It seems that the previous way of exercising is really wrong. ”

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

The doctor continued, "In addition to adjusting your exercise routine, you should also pay attention to other factors in your daily life. For example, getting enough sleep, eating a sensible diet, and eating foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants can help maintain a healthy lymphatic system. ”

Zhang Qiang began to follow the doctor's advice and adjust his lifestyle. Instead of long-term high-intensity workouts, he opts for moderate aerobic exercise and pays attention to his diet and rest. After a period of adjustment, his physical condition improved significantly, and the diarrhea disappeared.

However, Zhang Qiang still has a question in his mind: "Since improper exercise will affect the lymphatic system, how should we judge whether our exercise method is reasonable?" ”

With this question, Zhang Qiang consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Mr. Zhang, judging whether the exercise method is reasonable, there are mainly the following aspects:"

"First of all, the body's reaction after a workout. If you feel exhausted, your muscles are sore, or even affect your daily life, it's a sign that the workout is too intense and needs to be adjusted. ”

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

"Secondly, the frequency and timing of exercise. 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three to five times a week is a reasonable frequency and time for exercise. If you do high-intensity exercise every day, your body will be overwhelmed. ”

"Third, the kind of exercise. Choosing aerobic exercises that are suitable for you, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can effectively exercise your body without overtaxing the lymphatic system. ”

"Fourth, pay attention to the posture and method of exercise. Incorrect exercise posture and method are not only prone to sports injuries, but also have adverse effects on various systems of the body. You can consult a professional trainer to guide you on the correct workout method. ”

Zhang Qiang nodded and sighed: "It turns out that exercise is also a science, and you have to pay attention to methods and science. ”

The doctor also specially reminded: "Pay attention to the body's signals when exercising, and if you feel unwell, you should rest in time and don't force yourself." The purpose of exercise is to be healthy, not to increase the burden on the body. ”

Keeping in mind the doctor's advice, Zhang Qiang began to arrange his exercise plan scientifically and reasonably. He goes for a walk in the park every morning and evening, and goes swimming with his family on weekends to maintain a moderate amount of aerobic exercise. At the same time, he also strengthened his nutritional intake, ate more fruits and vegetables, and maintained his health.

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

One day, Zhang Qiang and his friends were walking in the park and chatting about their experiences. Friends have expressed that they should learn from Zhang Qiang, arrange exercise scientifically and reasonably, and avoid improper exercise methods.

However, Zhang Qiang still has a question in his heart: "In addition to improper exercise, what other lifestyle habits will affect the health of the lymphatic system?" ”

With this question, Zhang Qiang consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Mr. Zhang, in addition to improper exercise, there are some other lifestyle habits that can also affect the health of the lymphatic system."

"First of all, long-term sedentary lifestyle. Modern people have high work pressure, and many people sit in front of the computer for a long time and lack exercise, which will lead to poor lymphatic circulation and increase the burden on the lymphatic system. It is recommended to stand up and move every hour and do some simple stretching exercises. ”

"Secondly, poor eating habits. A diet high in fat, sugar and salt can increase the accumulation of toxins in the body and affect the normal function of the lymphatic system. It is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and maintain a light diet. ”

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

"Third, lack of adequate sleep. Sleep is an important time for the body to recover and repair, and long-term lack of sleep can lead to decreased immunity and impaired lymphatic system function. It is recommended to maintain a regular routine and ensure 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day. ”

"Fourth, there is too much mental stress. Long-term mental stress and anxiety can affect the body's immune function and increase the burden on the lymphatic system. It is recommended to learn to reduce stress, maintain a good attitude, and relax yourself by listening to music, reading, meditation, etc. ”

By understanding these factors, Zhang Qiang became more aware of the importance of lifestyle habits to the health of the lymphatic system. He decided to start with all aspects to improve his lifestyle and keep his body healthy.

Zhang Qiang's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Zhang Qiang, arrange exercise scientifically and reasonably, pay attention to living habits, and protect the health of the lymphatic system.

However, we also need to consider the question: what other ways can we help keep our lymphatic system healthy besides exercise and lifestyle habits?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand some other methods.

First, maintain adequate hydration.

Water is an important component of lymphatic fluid, and maintaining adequate water intake can boost lymphatic circulation and help eliminate toxins from the body.

If you exercise like this again, your lymph will be useless! Doctor: This kind of exercise method is not healthy, but hurts the body

Second, massage the lymph nodes.

Proper lymphatic massage can promote the flow of lymphatic fluid and help eliminate toxins from the body. Under the guidance of a professional, you can learn simple lymphatic massage methods.

Third, wear comfortable clothing.

Clothing that is too tight can compress the lymph nodes and affect the flow of lymphatic fluid. It is advisable to choose loose and comfortable clothing and avoid wearing tight clothing for long periods of time.

Fourth, maintain good posture.

Poor posture can affect the flow of lymphatic fluid and increase the burden on the lymphatic system. It is advisable to maintain a good sitting and standing posture and avoid hunching over for long periods of time.

Through these methods, we can protect the health of the lymphatic system more comprehensively and keep the body in good shape. I hope Zhang Qiang's story can give you some inspiration, let us pay attention to the health of the lymphatic system, arrange our lives scientifically and reasonably, and protect our bodies.

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