
Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"Uncle Wang, this is not a simple problem with your fingers." Doctor Zhang Xiaoyan made a joke lightly, but his eyes were serious.

Uncle Wang is a retired math teacher, and recently he has been feeling swollen and painful in his fingers, especially in the morning, when he clenches his fists. He takes care of his grandson every day, and he doesn't dare to hold his little grandson during this time, for fear that he will accidentally slip his hand and hurt the child. His wife, Aunt Li, said distressedly: "Let's go to the hospital to have a look, don't be a big problem." ”

Uncle Wang has always thought that he is physically tough, and when he was young, he was the permanent center of the school basketball team. couldn't stand Aunt Li's soft grinding and hard bubbles, and finally came to the central hospital. This inspection was really shocking.

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

"Doctor, what's wrong with me?" Uncle Wang's face was full of anxiety.

Dr. Zhang pushed his glasses and said solemnly, "Uncle Wang, your problem is not just the swelling of your fingers. Did you know that this is actually the first symptom of arthritis, and your blood sugar is a little high, which is a cause for concern? ”

Uncle Wang was stunned for a moment, and silently thought in his heart: "This finger swelling and pain is still related to blood sugar?" ”

Seeing his doubts, Dr. Zhang continued to explain, "Actually, these symptoms are signals from your body. After the age of 55, various body functions begin to decline, and immunity is gradually weakened, making it particularly vulnerable to various diseases. Many people think that when you are older, you should move less and be quieter, but this is actually a misunderstanding. ”

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

Uncle Wang listened attentively, nodded and asked, "Then what should I do?" ”

Dr. Zhang said with a smile, "To stay healthy, in addition to proper exercise, you should also pay special attention to your diet. Today I will tell you about three things that you need to eat at your age. ”

Uncle Wang and Aunt Li couldn't help but prick up their ears and listened carefully to Dr. Zhang's explanation.

1. Blueberries – natural antioxidants

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Uncle Wang, you know blueberries, this little fruit is not simple. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that can effectively fight free radicals and delay aging. Studies have shown that the anthocyanins in blueberries can protect the eyes, improve vision, and also help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ”

"I've heard that blueberries are good, but I didn't expect them to be so amazing." Uncle Wang sighed.

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

Dr. Zhang nodded and continued, "Yes, blueberries are also rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal health and enhance immunity. Especially for the elderly, eating blueberries can not only improve digestion, but also help maintain brain health and prevent Alzheimer's disease. ”

Uncle Wang and Aunt Li looked at each other and wrote down this important information. Dr. Zhang continued, "Actually, not only blueberries, but also other antioxidant-rich fruits can also be eaten, such as cherries and grapes, which are beneficial to the body. ”

2. Almonds - a good helper to protect the heart

Then, Dr. Zhang took out a small bag of almonds from the drawer and handed it to Uncle Wang: "This is recommended by the nutrition department of our hospital, almonds." Almonds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can effectively lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, which is very good for the heart. ”

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

"And how do you eat this?" Aunt Li asked curiously.

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Eating a small handful of almonds a day, about 20 or so, will not be excessive, but also meet the needs of the body." Research data shows that eating almonds in moderation every day can reduce the incidence of heart disease and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

Uncle Wang nodded and said, "It seems that when you have breakfast in the morning, you can add some almonds." ”

Dr. Teo continued, "Not only that, but almonds are also rich in vitamin E and protein, which have a good protective effect on the skin and muscles. Especially in the elderly, the skin is prone to dryness, and eating almonds in moderation can maintain the elasticity and moisturization of the skin. ”

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

3. Green leafy vegetables - maintain the basic nutrients of the body

Finally, Dr. Zhang said earnestly, "Then there are green leafy vegetables." Many elderly people don't like to eat vegetables, but in fact, green leafy vegetables are an important source of basic nutrients for the body. Spinach and kale, for example, are rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, folic acid and iron, which can help prevent osteoporosis and boost immunity. ”

Uncle Wang thought for a while and said, "I don't usually like to eat these, I think the taste is light." ”

Dr. Zhang said with a smile, "Actually, there are many ways to make vegetables, and they don't have to be light. You can try stir-frying, boiling soups, or even making salads, there's something you like. The key is to ensure that you have the right amount of vegetables every day to maintain your health. ”

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

When Uncle Wang returned home, he carefully followed Dr. Zhang's advice and began to adjust his diet, gradually increasing his intake of blueberries, almonds and green leafy vegetables. At the same time, he also began to walk every morning and play with his little grandson in the evening, and his life became more and more fulfilling.

After a few months, Uncle Wang's finger swelling and pain symptoms were significantly relieved, and his physical condition also improved significantly. Aunt Li said happily: "It seems that our trip to the hospital is really not in vain, and Dr. Zhang's words are really golden and good." ”

The story spread widely in the community, and many seniors began to realize that health is not just about reducing exercise, but also about how to scientifically adjust their diet and lifestyle.

"Dr. Zhang, what you said is really very useful, and we will definitely follow your advice." Uncle Wang held Dr. Zhang's hand and said gratefully.

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

Dr. Zhang smiled and nodded: "Health is everyone's most valuable asset, and I hope everyone can pay attention to it and live a healthy and happy life." ”

So why do we need to adjust our diets as we age, rather than just controlling the amount we eat?

As we age, the body's metabolic capacity gradually declines, and the digestive system, immune system, cardiovascular system, etc. begin to deteriorate. At this time, simply controlling the amount of food can no longer meet the body's health needs, and it is necessary to adjust the diet structure to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

First of all, the ability of the elderly to absorb nutrients also decreases due to weakened digestive function. Therefore, when choosing foods, you should prioritize foods that are easy to digest, easily absorbed, and nutritious, such as the aforementioned blueberries, almonds, and leafy greens. This ensures that even if you eat less, your body still gets the nutrients it needs.

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

Secondly, the body of the elderly has an increased need for certain nutrients, such as vitamin D, calcium, iron, etc. These nutrients are important for maintaining bone health, preventing anemia, and boosting immunity. If it is not supplemented through dietary adjustment, it can easily lead to health problems such as osteoporosis, anemia, and decreased immunity.

In addition, the elderly are susceptible to chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to control the intake of salt, sugar and fat in the diet to avoid aggravating the condition. At the same time, increasing the intake of antioxidant-rich foods can effectively fight chronic inflammation and delay the progression of the disease.

Finally, mental health is also an important part of the health of the elderly. By adjusting your diet to enjoy delicious and healthy food, you can improve the quality of life and increase the sense of well-being of the elderly, thereby promoting overall health.

Doctors have warned many times: after the age of 55, you should move less and eat more things, and many elderly people do not pay attention to it

Therefore, scientifically and rationally adjusting the dietary structure can not only meet the special nutritional needs of the elderly, but also prevent diseases and maintain the health and vitality of the body.

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