
The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"Your fingers are swollen and sore, maybe you've washed too clean." Doctor Chen Hongwei pushed his glasses and said to Wang Ming in front of him with a serious face.

Wang Ming, 35, is an administrative manager of a company. Lately, he has been feeling swelling and pain in his fingers, especially after taking a shower. This made him worry about whether he had any serious illness, so he hurried to the hospital for a check-up.

"Too clean?" When Wang Ming heard the doctor's words, he was very puzzled, "How is this possible?" ”

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

"Listen to me slowly," the doctor continued, "there are three places in our bodies that you often overlook in your daily baths. In fact, these places may seem dirty, but if you clean them too much, they can be bad for your health. ”

"First of all, the ears." The doctor took a model of the ear from the model on the desk, pointed to the ear canal and said, "Many people have the habit of picking out their ears and even poking deep into them with a cotton swab. In fact, earwax has a protective effect on the ear canal, and excessive cleaning can disrupt the ear's natural protective barrier, leading to dryness, itching, and even infection. ”

Wang Ming nodded, thinking that he usually likes to pluck his ears with cotton swabs, and indeed sometimes he feels dry ears.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

"The second place is the navel." The doctor went on to say, "The belly button is a place where it's easy to hide dirt, but you know what? The bacterial community in the belly button actually helps keep the skin healthy. If you try to clean your belly button every day, it will disrupt the balance of these bacteria, which can lead to skin problems. ”

Wang Ming began to realize that his habit of always rubbing his navel vigorously when taking a bath may also be a mistake.

"The last place is between the toes." The doctor smiled, "Many people will wash their toes vigorously because they think it will keep them hygienic, but in fact, the skin between the toes is very fragile, and excessive cleaning can lead to dryness, cracking, and even infection. ”

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

Wang Ming suddenly realized that the cause of his finger swelling and pain may be due to skin damage caused by excessive force cleaning during the bath.

The doctor continues, "Over-cleansing can disrupt the skin's natural barrier, causing the skin to become more fragile and susceptible to external bacteria. Our human skin has a self-regulating function, and moderate dirtiness is good for health. ”

Wang Ming was fascinated by what he had been doing, but he didn't expect that his long-standing cleaning habits would bring so many health problems. He decided to change his cleaning habits and reduce over-washing of these areas when he returned.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

Seeing that Wang Ming was thoughtful, the doctor continued to share some case stories: "There is a patient named Li Xiaoling, she is a housewife who loves cleanliness very much. I have to clean my house every day, and I will do a 'big cleaning' for myself without exception. She likes to wash her ears vigorously, which resulted in inflammation of her ear canal and forced her to come to the hospital. There is also a patient, Uncle Zhang, who likes to use cotton swabs to clean his navel after retirement, but the skin around his navel is broken and the infection is severe. ”

"So, maintaining a moderate level of cleanliness is the way to be healthy." The doctor concluded.

Wang Ming took the doctor's advice to heart, and when he returned home, he began to pay attention to reducing the excessive cleaning of his ears, navel and toe gaps, and sure enough, the swelling pain in his fingers gradually lessened.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

However, the story doesn't end there. After changing his cleaning habits, Wang Ming found that his skin was getting better and better, and he was no longer as dry and sensitive as before. He began to realize that excessive cleansing was not just harmful to these three areas, it could have an impact on the entire body.

So, Wang Ming started reading more books and articles about skin health. He learned that the skin is the largest organ in the human body and has self-regulating and protective functions. Excessive cleansing can destroy the oil layer on the skin's surface, leading to dry skin and even triggering skin conditions such as eczema.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

At the same time, Wang Ming also found that studies have shown that a moderate skin bacterial community plays a vital role in the balance of the immune system. Some of the bacteria on the skin are actually beneficial and can help defend against harmful bacteria and maintain the health of the skin.

In order to understand the problem more systematically, Wang Ming also consulted a large number of medical literature and statistics. He found that one study showed that people who used cleaning products frequently on a daily basis had a 30 percent higher incidence of skin problems than the normal population. The data from this study speaks volumes about the negative effects of over-cleansing on skin health.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

Not only that, Wang Ming also learned that many dermatologists recommend that unless the skin is particularly dirty or has special needs, under normal circumstances, it is enough to wash 2-3 times a week, and excessive cleaning will break the ecological balance of the skin and affect health.

Through the doctor's in-depth understanding and his own in-depth, Wang Ming completely changed his view of cleanliness. He no longer vigorously cleanses his body every day, but cleanses moderately according to actual needs to maintain the natural state of his skin. Sure enough, his skin was getting better and better, and the swelling pain in his fingers was completely gone.

In this process, Wang Ming also gradually developed good living habits, no longer frequently using various cleaning products, and switched to mild natural cleaning products. He also learned to exercise moderately and get enough sleep, all of which have a positive impact on his skin health.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

At the end of the story, Wang Ming not only successfully solved his own health problems, but also shared his experience with his friends and family. Through his story, he hopes to help more people understand the importance of moderate cleaning and avoid health problems caused by excessive cleaning.

So, the question is: are all cleaning products not suitable for frequent use?

The answer is no. In fact, some cleaning products are specifically designed for specific situations and specific areas, such as antibacterial hand sanitizers that are very important to use in public places to prevent the spread of germs. But in everyday life, moderate use of cleaning products is the key to health.

The dirtiest 3 places on the human body, the dirty spots will be healthier? Many people are washing every day

Through a detailed analysis, we can conclude that excessive cleansing is not only not beneficial to health, but may lead to a series of skin problems. Maintaining a moderate level of cleanliness and respecting the natural state of your skin is the best way to maintain your health. I hope everyone can be inspired by Wang Ming's story and find a healthy way for themselves.

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