
A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

author:The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology served as the former director
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative medical data combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Sister Zhang, 49 years old, has been managing her diet since she was diagnosed with high blood sugar and blood lipids half a year ago. However, the method she used was not supported by family and friends, and Sister Zhang insisted on controlling carbohydrate intake by not eating staple foods and only eating vegetables and meat, so as to achieve the purpose of lowering blood sugar and blood lipids.

Family and friends think that this may make Sister Zhang's health worse, in the end, "How can anyone not eat staple food, this can really be healthy?" ”

However, Sister Zhang's "rebellious psychology" has also come up, and it has not changed; After insisting on eating for a while, Sister Zhang felt that her body was much lighter, and she was even more convinced that the method was correct, and she continued to eat like this despite dissuasion.

Until one day last week, when Sister Zhang got up to go to the toilet in the morning, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground before she could grab the door frame.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

The family heard the movement and hurriedly came out to check the situation, and after seeing Aunt Zhang collapsed to the ground, they dialed 120 in time to send the person to the hospital.

"She is in a coma caused by severe hypoglycemia, and she has already injected glucose, what does she usually eat, why is her blood sugar so low?" After the doctor got the test report, he reprimanded the family.

Sister Zhang's husband recalled for a while, told the doctor about Sister Zhang's diet management plan, and said helplessly: "We all said that eating like this is unhealthy, she has to listen, alas, ······"

The doctor learned about Sister Zhang's past medical history in detail, analyzed her current body treatments, and suggested to the family: "Let her eat staple food normally in the future, the harm of not eating staple food may be more dangerous than slightly higher blood sugar and blood lipids!" ”

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

Not eating staple foods is harmful, so let's take a look at the results of relevant studies

For Chinese people, the daily staple food is often steamed bread, noodles and other foods, which have a typical characteristic, and the carbohydrate content is not low; Of course, these foods also contain many nutrients that the body needs, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., and proper daily intake can help ensure the healthy operation of the body.

The reason why Sister Zhang is in a coma is because she does not eat staple food for a long time, which causes the necessary sugar in the body to be not satisfied, affects the supply of glucose for energy, and then cannot meet the metabolic needs of brain tissue.

In order to control blood sugar/blood lipid levels, avoid staple foods at all, which is not recommended by a doctor; Because of the appropriate eating of staple foods, good control of the amount and details of the practice, eating staple foods has little effect on blood sugar/blood lipids; On the contrary, if you don't eat staple foods at all, the harm to your body may be greater, why do you say that? After reading the relevant research below, you can get some answers.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

In 2023, well-known foreign scholars published a study at the World Cardiology Congress, testing the impact of staple food intake on the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and the researchers conducted a follow-up survey in the United States for 12 years, and finally found that 9.8% of people who did not eat staple foods or ate less staple foods had cardiovascular diseases, while the risk of disease in participants with standard staple food diets was only 4.3%.

It can be seen that not eating staple foods is more harmful to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and its disease probability is twice that of standard diets, which is very likely to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and peripheral artery disease, which is very bad for health.

In addition, some scholars have found that not eating staple foods may affect the length of life, what is going on?

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

In order to confirm that skipping staple foods may have an impact on life expectancy, a scholar published a relevant study in the journal The Lancet Public Health, which analyzed the carbohydrate diet records of more than 430,000 people for 25 years, and concluded:

Participants on a moderate-dose carbohydrate diet, in which they get 50-55% of their energy from carbohydrates, have a significantly lower risk of death compared to low-dose and high-carbohydrate diets, meaning that no or very little carbohydrate eating and high carbohydrate consumption increase the risk of death, which may lead to shorter life expectancy.

The researchers said: "Daily to ensure the intake of staple foods, not eating staple foods may shorten lifespan, when the daily carbohydrate intake reaches 53.7% of the total intake, the benefit to life expectancy is the most, the most conducive to prolonging life." ”

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

Not eating staple foods is harmful, in-depth understanding: it may be reflected in all aspects

In fact, if you really put aside the research, there are many harms that have been identified about the impact of not eating staple foods on the body, so let's take a closer look:

1. Nutritional deficiencies, or malnutrition

Whole grains and legumes, which are often eaten as staple foods, are an important source of nutrition for our body, and long-term non-intake of such substances can easily lead to the lack of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements in the body, and then malnutrition.

Long-term malnutrition will lead to dull complexion, body emaciation, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, and severe breathing difficulties, which is very bad for health.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

2. Decline in brain function, increasing the risk of heart and brain diseases

In daily life, carbohydrates are mainly ingested from staple foods, and they are extremely important to the human body, because if there is not enough calorie supply, the human body will automatically decompose and release calories, which may cause insufficient carbohydrate supply and lower blood sugar;

However, blood sugar is needed for the activity of brain cells, and when the body has low blood sugar, it is particularly harmful to the nervous system, affecting brain function, and in severe cases, it will cause brain tissue damage and even lead to death.

In fact, it is easy to understand that if you want an organ to function normally, you need prerequisites, at least to meet its survival needs, just like we need to eat and sleep every day in order to do our work better; Basic survival is not guaranteed, so how can it operate normally?

3. Muscle loss, weak constitution

The emergence of this problem does not exclude the impact of physical deterioration after aging; Of course, if you don't eat staple foods for a long time, the human body will be seriously deficient in carbohydrates; In order to maintain balance, the body will use the protein and fat stored in the body, resulting in muscle repair and maintenance, and in the long run, muscle content will decrease, bone protection will decrease, bone density will gradually decrease, and the risk of osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people will increase.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

4. Low immunity and poor ability to resist diseases

Carbohydrate is one of the key substances to maintain immune function, when it is missing, the body's immune cells may be abnormal, immune cells and immune molecules can not be metabolized normally, and the resistance is greatly reduced, and then it is easy to be infected by bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of disease.

5. Low mood, mood swings, and slow response

In addition to the physical harm, not eating staple foods can also affect mood and cognition, the sugar and fat in carbohydrates can produce serotonin in the body, which is a substance that keeps the mood good, and when it decreases, the mood will fluctuate greatly and there will be more negative emotions.

In addition, carbohydrates are also the main source of energy for the brain, and its lack will inevitably lead to insufficient energy in the brain, abnormal neurological function, manifested as memory loss, slow reaction and other symptoms.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

6. Diabetic patients, blood sugar fluctuates greatly

If you have diabetes and choose not to eat staple foods to control your blood sugar, it may lead to insufficient insulin secretion, reduce the body's tolerance to glucose, lead to blood sugar metabolism disorders, and blood sugar levels will fluctuate widely, which may increase the risk of death in diabetic patients.

In short, no matter what aspect you consider, it is not recommended that you completely avoid eating staple foods, so the question arises again, how should patients with high blood sugar and high blood lipids like Aunt Zhang in the past eat staple foods correctly?

Eat staple foods healthily, and the doctor will teach you a few tricks

1. It is important to choose whole-grain potatoes that can be had

The staple food can be eaten "multigrain and bean rice": the multigrain wheat, corn and oats, etc., the most miscellaneous beans such as red beans, mung beans and other beans are mixed and eaten, and some sweet potatoes, potatoes and other potato foods are appropriately selected.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

Compared with refined rice noodles, this dietary choice can avoid excessive sugar and fat intake, and the risk of blood sugar and blood lipid increases.

2. Control your intake and be healthy and not exceed the standard

Of course, after choosing a good food, you can't eat uncontrollably, but also according to health standards for daily intake control, doctors recommend that adults per person per day intake cereals, potatoes and beans in the total amount of 250g-400g, try not to exceed 500g.

After careful division, the intake of whole grains and miscellaneous legumes is guaranteed to be between 50 grams and 150 grams, the same intake of potatoes, and the remaining 100g of polished rice and white noodles are ingested to ensure human health while reducing the risk of excessive fat and sugar.

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

3. The staple food should be thick and thin

In addition, the thickness of the staple food should also be reasonable, it is generally recommended that the daily intake of coarse grains for adults should account for about 1/3 of the staple food, which means that in the three meals a day, there should be at least one meal with whole grains, miscellaneous beans and potatoes as the staple food, to meet this matching ratio, can effectively reduce the loss of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, and make up for the vacancy of the body.

In this way, taking into account the intake of sugar and fat, it also makes up for the intake of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and dietary fiber, which is quite beneficial to health

A 49-year-old woman, who only eats vegetables and meat every day and does not eat staple foods, how is her body after half a year? Listen to the doctor's analysis

All in all, even if you want to control sugar and fat, you can't be too extreme.

Try to avoid foods with excessive sugar in daily life, such as desserts, glutinous rice, drinks, ice cream, some high-sugar fruits, etc.; and some foods with excessive fat content, such as fried foods, red meat and processed meat products, shortbreads, mille-feuille, meat buns, bone broth and other foods.

If there is discomfort in the process of managing the diet, it is likely that the management method is improper, so you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and adjust your eating habits to avoid a similar situation with Sister Zhang!


1. Losing weight without eating staple foods is not losing weight, but reducing life! 2023-03-11.

2. Low-carb diet or life loss, carbohydrate control this amount, the most conducive to prolonging life.2023-09-01.

3. More than 80,000 people have studied that carbohydrate intake will affect life expectancy, and men and women are different.2023-09-01.
