
For 26 years, I have adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million Lu Yabo, 5 kinds of food to help dispel dampness, Jin Jiaying, silk tribute quilt

author:Famous Joint Collection

For 26 years, I have adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million Lu Yabo, 5 kinds of food to help dispel dampness, Jin Jiaying, silk tribute quilt

"I am Lu Yabo, the founder of Jin Jiaying, and we mainly make silk quilts.

"Fake one pays 100 million", "full catty two", "the same on the outside and inside", 26 years of "stupid" insistence

Lu Yabo, a graduate of Shanghai Huangpu District University of Technology, is currently the chairman of Shanghai Jinjiaying Industrial Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shanghai Jinjiaying Investment Management Co., Ltd., and the chairman of Shanghai Jinjiaying Household Products Co., Ltd. On March 12, 2019, at the 63rd United Nations Women's Conference in New York, Lu Yabo, the holder of Jinjiaying, presented the World Outstanding Women Award and delivered a keynote speech. Jin Jiaying Silk Gong won the gold medal in the department store category of the 2021 Panama Pacific International (International) Expo. Shanghai Jinjiaying Industrial Co., Ltd. won the 2021 National Commercial Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise, becoming the only enterprise in the silk quilt industry to receive this honor. In 2022, Jinjiaying will officially enter the national government procurement professional website - Chinese government procurement network.

For 26 years, I have adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million Lu Yabo, 5 kinds of food to help dispel dampness, Jin Jiaying, silk tribute quilt

Roses are fragrant, wisteria is gentle

After the summer, dampness and heat often exist at the same time, so to speak, the wet and hot days are coming, this season must pay attention to the maintenance of the body, get rid of moisture.

Wet, can be mainly divided into external and internal wet. The so-called external dampness is because of the climate, dampness at home or wading in the rain, in this case, the external dampness invades the human body, thus causing external dampness. In general, internal dampness is a pathological phenomenon, which has a certain relationship with the digestive function of the human body, and the dampness evil hinders the transportation function of the spleen and stomach, so the digestive function and internal dampness affect each other.

In the summer, if you want to find a way to get rid of dampness, it is recommended to eat the following 5 kinds of foods every day to help get rid of dampness:

For 26 years, I have adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million Lu Yabo, 5 kinds of food to help dispel dampness, Jin Jiaying, silk tribute quilt


Lentils are known as the king of beans. Lentils are warm and yellowish in color, which is the most harmonious with the spleen, so eating more lentils can tonify the spleen without being greasy, and it is a good medicine for strengthening the spleen and dissolving dampness without blindly dehumidifying but not drying.

mung bean

Mung bean has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dehumidifying and diuretic, dissipating heat and quenching thirst, drinking more mung bean soup is conducive to detoxification and swelling, but the cooking time should not be too long, so as not to destroy organic acids and vitamins and reduce the effect.


Barley is a common dampness dispel food in life, and many people with heavy moisture have the habit of using barley. Eating more barley in summer can improve the function of the spleen and stomach and enhance the ability to transport water and dampness. After the function of the spleen and stomach is enhanced, excess water can be excreted from the body and the situation of excessive dampness can be relieved.

wax gourd

Winter melon is a low-calorie vegetable in the process, and many people use winter melon as a supplementary food during weight loss, which can not only fill the stomach but also slim down. Winter melon is still a small fire guard in summer, and it can also clear away heat and detoxify. When eating winter melon, we can match a lot of more nutritious ingredients, which can be stir-fried or stewed, depending on the personal taste.

Momordica charantia

Bitter gourd has a strong bitter taste, but it has a lot of nutrients and has strong medicinal value. The nutrients in bitter gourd can clear blood vessels, clear away heat and reduce fire. At the same time, eating bitter gourd in summer can also help to remove moisture.

Although bitter gourd is bitter in the mouth, after chewing, you will slowly feel a sweet taste, so as long as you are willing to try it, bitter gourd is not so unpalatable. If you really don't want to eat, you can use bitter gourd as a dish to eat, you can dry the bitter gourd and soak it in water with a few dried bitter gourd slices each time to drink, because a large amount of warm boiled water is added, and the bitterness will be reduced.

Summer dampness is not only a physical recuperation, but also a change in life attitude. Follow the rhythm of nature and use simple and effective methods to return the body to its most primitive state of balance. When autumn comes, you will find that you are refreshed and healthy, ready for the new season. Let's start this summer and embrace a life that is no longer bothered by moisture!

For 26 years, I have adhered to the fake one loss of 100 million Lu Yabo, 5 kinds of food to help dispel dampness, Jin Jiaying, silk tribute quilt

The fragrance of roses, the gentle wisteria, and the breeze blowing, telling the romance of early summer. Choose Jin Jiaying silk tribute quilt, warm in winter and cool in summer, and sleep until you wake up naturally. Since ancient times, silk quilts with higher nutrition than food, medicine and health care products not only reduce the milk and soybeans, but also absorb amino acids and proteins in their sleep, enhance immunity and beautiful skin.

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