
G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird

G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird


2024-05-18 15:28Published in Jiangsu game creators

As the last hope in Europe and the West, G2 were unable to defeat their formidable rivals T1 and were eliminated by a clean sheet, and their 2024 MSI Mid-Season journey came to an end.

After the loss, G2's top laner Broken Blade was interviewed by foreign media

BrokenBlade talks about his loss to T1, the line-changing version they started with, and his goals for the rest of the year.

G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird

It's not the result you wanted, but how do you feel about today's series?

Broken Blade: Obviously I'm sad that we lost to [T1] and we didn't expect to be beaten 3-0 today. So, I'm very unhappy. Obviously, they're doing a great job, and I think they've come up with a good strategy to deal with some of the more worthwhile resource exchanges. And it's very crucial for them in some cases and we don't, and that's what makes the game.

When it comes to T1's strengths today, and their line changeovers, what do you think has changed? We've seen them struggle in other series, but they looked much better today. What changes do you think T1 made to make it so decisive?

Broken Blade: They obviously made some changes to the way BP in the number 5 and they played very, really well today. I feel like I've always fallen behind in the worst possible situations, and that's my own reason. They play very decisively and I feel like they know their heroes very well.

Given that you feel that the lane change version is not good for you, what do you think about the line change version after you're done with the race? G2 pioneered it all in Europe, and now it has gained the upper hand. When it comes to line changes, it seems that the top riders are often at a disadvantage.

Broken Blade: It's clear that lane change tactics shouldn't be in the game. Back a few years ago, they specifically tried to remove it from the game. But you've obviously found a way to get an advantage out of it, and if you can get an advantage through some strategy, then you need to do it. If that means you're on the side behind that, then you need to recognize that, because that's the game.

I think some top laners can accept this, and some top laners can't. If you don't accept it, the game will always feel weird, because now the opposing team can switch lanes directly to you. It's like a new patch comes out and Teemo suddenly becomes OP and you need to use it because he's a version character, which I think is a very similar thing.

I do wish the line change would have been removed, as I felt that as a viewer, it might not be very enjoyable or fun to watch. Usually there isn't much going on. This really goes against the original intention of the matchup, and it also goes against the original intention of the championship selection. Obviously, if it still exists, then we will do our best to optimize this strategy.

G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird

G2 has some of the more fun and unique ways to pick heroes we've seen, probably because of the lane change version you're discussing. How are heroes like Rexey, Ion, or today's Jax selected in a game like this?

Broken Blade: At G2, we're always trying to find creative ideas on how to break the casting scheme. I think you can get a lot of advantages when it comes to picking good heroes, better heroes, or heroes that can counter enemy heroes. In the early days of the changeover version, everyone just started by choosing tanks on both sides, and then switched lanes with each other. But now the situation has changed, because everyone has noticed that one top list will only be released and the other top list will not be released pigeon, which is a very strange game.

"We've used Ion when we've been in the European Union and we've used Jax and in this series, [Jax] is pretty good in my opinion, blind drafting. They removed Quisanti and Zach as the main front-row fighters, and we looked for Ion's options, and I think Jax is a good choice.

What do you think of the remaining three teams in the tournament (T1, BLG, Gen.G)?

Broken Blade: Honestly, I believe that every team is evenly matched. And, after playing them for a long time, I think T1 is the team that beat us the most in training. So, for now, I'm probably going to give that opportunity to T1. They might look a little shaky in the other series, but I feel like they did a great job today. It's challenging to play against them at any point in the game and that's where we can reflect on that. So far, I think T1 is very strong, but I wouldn't be surprised if other teams win the championship.

G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird

Looking ahead to the rest of the LEC leagues, what are your goals?

Broken Blade: Our goal is obviously to dominate the European arena, and we want to go there and claim the two trophies we have left. It's the Summer and LEC Season Finals. That's what we're aiming for before we think about competing at international again. After this MSI, we proved that we have what it takes to beat Asian teams.

We're going to go with a lot of motivation and at least I'm motivated to do better and come back next time to beat these guys." We came close to making it, and if you look at the bigger picture, it's a success for Europe because we've gone further than people expected. However, it was obviously disappointing for us because we believed we could win the championship.

So we have to reflect and go back to the Europa League and think about what we can do better and what we can optimize to beat these guys. I'm just excited and I'm excited to be back in my hometown and come back to beat them on the international stage in the future.

Is there anything you'd like to say to the fans who have been cheering you on?

Broken Blade: As a G2 fan, a European fan, and as a fan of mine, I hope you've had a great journey. I hope you enjoy everything we have shown you. We were deeply disappointed with today's defeat and I hope you do the same because we had a chance to win the game. Now, we're going to go back to Europe, dominate Europe, and come back stronger. [Next time], we're going to win.

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  • G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird
  • G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird
  • G2. BrokenBlade: I wanted to get rid of the line change, it made the race look weird

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