
The secret of a long-lasting marriage: it starts with love, fits in the door, lasts long in business, and finally has character



In the chapter of "The Peony Pavilion", there is a cloud: "Follow the wishes of your parents and listen to the words of the matchmaker." ”

This depicts the scene of marriage in ancient times, where most of the marriages were made by the elders of the parents.

To this day, parents' opinions and suggestions are still valuable, but the choice of marriage is mostly in the hands of individuals, reflecting the awakening of self-consciousness.

However, the core of a truly happy and long-lasting marriage relationship lies in the fact that it starts from the true love of the two lovers, the harmony is the matching of the two portals, the unremitting business efforts of both parties, and the mutual achievement of the personality qualities of both parties.

The secret of a long-lasting marriage: it starts with love, fits in the door, lasts long in business, and finally has character

It starts with falling in love

Yuan Haowen once thought-provokingly asked: "What is the situation in the world, and the direct teaching of life and death depends on each other?" ”

This poem profoundly reveals the power of emotions, especially love, which touches people's hearts with a depth that is incomparable.

A marriage that lacks the nourishment of love is like a silent pond that has lost its vitality.

If the basis of marriage is not love, but pure intertwining of interests or expedient cooperation, once encountering the twists and turns of life and differences, it is very easy for both parties to part ways, or even to the verge of divorce.

What's more, just because the external conditions are "suitable" and combined, ignoring the resonance of the spiritual world and the fit of the heart, such a marriage is difficult to bear the test of time, and happiness is difficult to last.

In this type of relationship, both parties may have no illusions about the future, life is uneventful, and only a superficial peace is maintained.

Or, deep regret for not being able to enter into marriage hand in hand with love, like a hidden flame, the slightest dissatisfaction may erupt and destroy the original balance.

On the contrary, a marriage based on deep love, even if the material conditions are not abundant, can shine with different brilliance because of the common belief and optimism.

The two hearts are closely connected, resonate and empathize, tolerate and support each other, and can hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, and unswervingly walk together in the face of daily trivial and external challenges.

In such a partnership, the husband and wife are heart-to-heart, moving forward together, trusting and affectionate, and not fearing.

Such a family can naturally be happy and happy, and the days are prosperous, and they will welcome every more brilliant tomorrow together.

The secret of a long-lasting marriage: it starts with love, fits in the door, lasts long in business, and finally has character

Merge in the portal

There is an old proverb: "Marriage is expensive at the right door, so that the prime minister can keep it; On the contrary, if there is a huge disparity between high and low, it is difficult to escape a short-term fate. ”

Since ancient times, the concept of marriage has attached importance to the compatibility of both families, including social status, educational background, etc., as the cornerstone of happiness and stability.

Nowadays, love is free, and although the view of the door is weak, people still tend to choose a partner who matches them, not for material measures, but for the wisdom of careful consideration.

For example, when a wealthy family marries a wealthy family and a poor family, the gap in identity is easy to cause friction, from daily consumption habits to life concepts, there are significant differences.

At a deeper level, the difference in educational background may make the love emotion temporarily transcend, but the lack of spiritual resonance in married life leads to communication barriers and emotional drift away, which becomes a hidden danger that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, the similarity of background and values between husband and wife is not only the secret of emotional harmony, but also the guarantee of family harmony.

Such a combination makes the small family integrate into everyone and build long-term happiness together.

The secret of a long-lasting marriage: it starts with love, fits in the door, lasts long in business, and finally has character

Long in business

Mr. Lin Yutang's words of wisdom remind us: "With love as the only mode of marriage, it is inevitable to encounter setbacks. Marriage should be regarded as indispensable as daily diet, and love should be regarded as a sweet snack to decorate life. ”

Marriage is a major decision in life, and love is the cornerstone of it, but it is not the whole story.

Although passion is beautiful, it will eventually fade, and pure romance can hardly support long years.

Therefore, husbands and wives need to work together to integrate love into daily trivialities, such as clothing, food, housing and transportation, so that the water can flow for a long time, and the love can be deep and meaningful.

Under the same roof, the personalities are very different, the habits are different, and conflicts are inevitable. The key is that both parties need to learn to empathize, compare hearts with hearts, respect and understand each other, and move forward side by side in the ups and downs of life.

To maintain a marriage, you need to pay equal attention to reason and warmth.

It is necessary to have a clear division of labor, calmly deal with practical issues such as family finances, elder support and children's education, and ensure the smooth operation of the family machine;

You need to give each other warmth and care at all times, and create a warm and harmonious, loving and expectant home.

As the old saying goes: "The highest is the sun and the moon, and the closest relatives are the sparse husband and wife." "Husbands and wives have delicate relationships, they can be intimate or drifting apart.

The secret to maintaining a happy marriage lies in the unremitting efforts and management of both parties, so that love is as good as ever, marriage is always new, and a good story of being close to each other and keeping the white prime minister together.

The secret of a long-lasting marriage: it starts with love, fits in the door, lasts long in business, and finally has character

Finally character

As the old saying goes: "The establishment of people is based on quality." ”

The cornerstone of marriage is not wealth, position, or name, but character.

Character is the cultivation of the heart, not stained with dust, not admiring prosperity.

There are thousands of criteria for choosing a mate, and the first thing is character. People with excellent character are as emotional as water, warm and zeal, compassionate, brave to take responsibility, and behave properly.

In housework, happy to share worries; In finance, the food is orderly; In times of crisis, stand up and give people the strength to be stable.

What's more, self-discipline is a companion, a promise of money, and never abandons your partner and family, so that the marriage is complete.

On the contrary, those with inferior character have a perverse temperament, must be investigated, treacherous, and have a vague bottom line.

Although the words of love are beautiful, they are actually selfish, evasive of responsibility, and stingy in paying.

In the current predicament, escape is the first; When mistakes come, blame others, principles are easy to lose, temptations are hard to resist, family disturbances continue, and pain ensues.

Therefore Yun: Marriage is long, and character is the cornerstone.

A happy marriage, mutual affection, and life and death are entrusted because of the noble character of both parties.

Good character is the strongest shield of marriage, choose a good person, spend the spring and autumn together, in order to have a deep meaning and a safe time.

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