
Party Newspaper Hotline | Re-exploring the "pits" in urban road delineation

author:Jinguan News


Roads in the city connect people's work and life, but some unreasonable delineation also affects the convenience of citizens. Recently, some citizens once again reported some unreasonable road demarcation points through the party newspaper hotline 962211, and the reporter went to the site to visit.

Point 1:

A section of auxiliary road in the south of Tianfu Avenue

To walk into the main road, you need to cross multiple solid lines

On the afternoon of May 8, the reporter came to the bus station at the entrance of Tianfu Avenue on Liangjiang Road in the southern section of Tianfu Avenue.

The reporter noticed that most of the vehicles driving up from the intersection at the bus station at the entrance of Tianfu Avenue on Liangjiang Road will directly cross the double solid line between Liangjiang Road and a section of the auxiliary road in the south of Tianfu Avenue, and then cross the solid line of the bus lane on the left side of the auxiliary road, and change lanes to the left to enter the main road in the south of Tianfu Avenue.

Party Newspaper Hotline | Re-exploring the "pits" in urban road delineation

A rough observation shows that there are about 20 vehicles that have crossed the solid line from the intersection several times in a row within 5 minutes, and the observation time of the day is not the peak traffic period. So why do so many vehicles choose such a dangerous lane change to enter the main road? After the reporter observed, it was found that according to the ground line of the road section, the bus station intersection is only a sign of turning right, so the vehicle from the intersection where the bus station is located can only turn right to a section of the auxiliary road in the south of Tianfu Avenue, the reporter observed along the auxiliary road, after going straight on the auxiliary road for a distance of about 100 meters, at the end of the auxiliary road can not change lanes to the left to the main road, according to the road ahead planning, the vehicle can only turn right directly from the auxiliary road to a section of Lushan Avenue, and then detour back to the main road south of Tianfu Avenue from below.

Party Newspaper Hotline | Re-exploring the "pits" in urban road delineation

"What was supposed to take 1 minute, now it takes 5 minutes, and it's even more annoying when it's blocked!" A driver who stopped on the side of the road told reporters that he basically needs to take the main road to and from work, "Marking the line is like this, but for me to commute, I must not be willing to go around and then return to the main road." The driver believes that the residents of the nearby community who change lanes directly across the solid line from this side are basically residents, "Everyone may have walked along the line normally before, but it turned out that they had to go around to return to the main road, so it is better to change directly like this." ”

The reporter learned that everyone at this junction directly changed lanes is not a day or two, "through such a long experience, in fact, there is no major inconvenience for us to directly change lanes in the past, but it is this line is drawn like this, I think this line and the actual driving situation does not match, or a little unreasonable." At the same time, the reporter noticed that the electronic eye was set up at the intersection in front of the auxiliary road, "Some drivers were worried that the electronic eye would be photographed, so they chose to walk around by the marking, but it was a lot of trouble." The driver told reporters.

Point 2:

Shuangcheng 2nd Road, Chenghua District

You can only turn right into the mall

On May 16, the reporter came to the vicinity of a large shopping mall on Shuangcheng 2nd Road, Chenghua District. At the junction of Shuangcheng 2nd Road and Shuangfu 3rd Road, the reporter noticed that the road markings on the ground showed that only straight or right turns could be made on the two lanes of Shuangcheng 2nd Road, and there were obvious signs prohibiting left turns. It is not possible to turn left into the mall from the left lane. The reporter walked down Shuangcheng 2nd Road, and found that the intersections along the way have signs prohibiting left turns, until they reach the intersection at the end of the road and the intersection of Shuangqing Road, they can turn around to the opposite lane, and then open a section of the road to turn right to the shopping mall, "I just turned around from here, there are only two roads, many times I can't fall once, I can only repeat it several times." A driver who had just made a U-turn told reporters that the current time period is fine, and if there is a rush hour, all vehicles will gather on these two roads, which is even more crowded. However, during the period of the reporter's observation, there were several congestions at this intersection, and the vehicles that repeatedly reversed and turned around stayed at the intersection for a period of time, and the vehicles that turned from Shuangqing Road were blocked behind.

Party Newspaper Hotline | Re-exploring the "pits" in urban road delineation

In addition, the reporter saw that the ground line of Shuangfu 3rd Road showed that it could only turn left or right, and could not go straight to the mall, but after observation, individual vehicles still chose to go straight to the mall, "Our vehicles are often test driven around here, and in order to facilitate going out and coming back, they will choose to go straight." A vehicle sales in the mall told reporters that due to the large flow of people in and out of the mall, some car owners will not look at the road marking and go straight without looking at the road, "if you don't go straight, they will turn to Shuangcheng 2nd Road, and then drive to the intersection to turn around, it is indeed troublesome." ”

Point 3:

The junction of Shuanglin North Branch Road and Xinhua Avenue

Non-motorized lane "cameo" right-turn lane?

Then the reporter came to the junction of Shuanglin North Branch Road and Xinhua Avenue in Chenghua District. First of all, it was noticed that the intersection of Shuanglin North Branch Road is a two-lane road, but the two-lane road facing Xinhua Avenue, the left side is a left turn, and there is no arrow sign on the right lane, resulting in many non-motorized vehicles and cars driving together, and secondly, the right lane is also occupied by some vehicles occupying the road to park, resulting in more congestion on the road.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Xu Songming Video Xu Songming Editor-in-charge Liu Yang Editor Wang Xiaoxue

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