
Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?


Yesterday morning, not long after going to work, a young man walked into the consultation room, and then looked back at the door, to see that no other patients came in, he complained: the lower body itching for a week, I don't know what kind of disease it is, today I came to the doctor because the itching is extremely uncomfortable.

Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?

In fact, the unspeakable concealment of the young man can be understood by us as doctors, because the private parts of both men and women are in a private place where speech is prohibited. What's more, itching in the private parts is an indescribable topic, and many people are reluctant to seek medical attention in time because of the location, which leads to the occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system. Today, Dr. Lai is here to talk about this issue.

Itching of the lower body

Pruritus of the lower body is one of the common diseases in gynecology and andrology. Itching of the lower body in men is common in scrotal eczema, and the main symptom of scrotal eczema in men is itching, and patients often affect their work because of itching in their private parts.

Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?

Clinical manifestations of scrotal eczema:

1. Densely distributed millet-sized blisters or small blisters can be found in the scrotum, and the base is flushed.

2. Scrotal itching: due to scratching caused by itching, the skin such as pimples, papules, and blisters is scratched, and there is continuous serous oozing and forming an erosive surface.

3. If the eczema is too long and scratches for a long time, the skin of the scrotum will be dry and hypertrophied, the wrinkles will become deeper, and it will be walnut skin-like, often with a thin crust and scales, and the skin pigment will be deepened. There is also a phenomenon of hypopigmentation caused by scratching.

4. If it is scrotal eczema, the patient is often accompanied by intense itching and cannot sleep at night.

Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?

How is it treated?

Scrotal eczema is a stubborn and difficult disease to treat, and we generally use treatment and protection together.

1. The patient's underwear needs to be loose and comfortable, do not wear chemical fiber or nylon underwear, preferably pure cotton and the underwear should not be too tight, so as not to cause irritation and itching for weight loss. Change your underwear in time, especially when you are exercising or sweating a lot. 

2. The diet should be light, do not eat or eat less spicy or fishy foods.

Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?

3. When there are symptoms of scrotal itching, it is necessary to actively treat it, do not scratch the itch or wash excessively, especially not with soapy water, so as not to aggravate the condition.

How is it treated?

Scrotal eczema is generally treated with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and if the treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine requires syndrome differentiation and diagnosis, Western medicine treatment is also symptomatic according to the condition. Traditional Chinese medicine often divides scrotal eczema into two types: damp-heat type and yin deficiency and blood dryness.

1. Damp-heat type: syndrome differentiation: corn-sized papules and small blisters can be seen in the scrotum, the skin has a burning sensation, after scratching, oozing fluid, erosion and crusting, and patients often have a moist feeling of underwear. Observing the tongue coating, it can be seen that the tongue is red and the tongue coating is yellow and greasy. The treatment is mainly to clear away heat and dampness. It can be washed with boiled water such as gentian grass, skullcap, sophora, and Difuzi, or it can be taken internally.

Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?

2. Yin deficiency and blood dryness type: syndrome differentiation: it can be seen that the scrotal skin folds become thicker and deeper, itching oozes blood after scratching, and itching is severe at night. Look at the tongue, krypton gold tongue red, less moss. The treatment of patients with this symptom is mainly to nourish yin and nourish blood and moisten dryness, and can be treated with angelica, scutellaria, white fresh skin, white tribulus terrestris and other internal administrations to nourish yin and nourish blood and moisten dryness.

Treatment by Western medicine

Since most people with scrotal eczema have itching, some anti-allergic drugs or topical ointments for allergy treatment can be used to relieve itching.

Is itching of the lower body caused by sexually transmitted diseases in men? How can I stop itching quickly?

For specific treatment, it is better to treat the doctor according to the condition after diagnosis.

I am Dr. Li, I share health knowledge in plain language every day, you can forward it to your relatives and friends to help more people understand health knowledge, if you have any questions, please leave a message in the message area!

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