
What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?


Egg pain in men is one of the common clinical conditions. We can usually inadvertently see the various postures of men when they walk out, and we can probably feel that there is something wrong with the man's "balls".

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

"Balls", medically known as testicles. The testicles belong to the male internal reproductive organs, which are normally one on the left and one on the right, oval, grayish-white. The adult testicle is 3.5~4.5 cm long, 2~3 cm wide, and 1~2 cm thick, generally 1 cm lower than the right side on the left side. One large and one small, one high and one low, the difference is not big, and it is normal. There are a large number of curved sperm tubes in the testicles, which are places where sperm are produced, and the number of sperm produced by a normal male in his life is very amazing, 3~400 million sperm can be produced at a time, and there are 2~200 million sperm at a time; The number of sperm produced in a lifetime can reach more than 1 trillion. Sperm production is susceptible to a variety of factors such as temperature, such as the temperature around the testicles or chemical poison factors. Today, Dr. Li will talk about what is the inexplicable egg pain in men.

Protein pain (testicular pain) symptoms

Egg pain is one of the most common conditions in andrology. Testicular disease is often caused by trauma, inflammation, tumors, etc. Testicular disease can affect the proper functioning of vital reproductive organs. It can lead to male infertility. Therefore, testicular pain should never be taken lightly.

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

Testicular pain is not directly related to the severity of testicular inflammation, which means that the testicles are not necessarily associated with inflammation. The sensitivity of testicular abnormalities varies from person to person. When the testicle is chronic, the mild one lasts for a few days, the pain is mild, sometimes the pain is not so obvious, just a vague pain, and some pain is radiated from varicocele or pain in other parts. These pain cues are manifestations of chronic pain.

Acute pain:

Acute testicular pain is more common with inflammation and testicular injury, such as epididymitis and orchitis; In the case of orchitis, testicular enlargement may be seen, along with increased body temperature, cold intolerance, headache, vomiting, and pain in the lower abdomen, and pain in the enlarged testicles.

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

The common pain and swelling of the epididymis and testicles in clinical practice is due to the strong contraction of the cremaster muscle caused by strenuous exercise, sexual intercourse, violence, etc., which causes the frenulum to twist and cause severe pain in the testicle. Symptoms caused by a torsion of the testicles that blocks the blood supply to the testicles.

What causes testicular pain?

Testicular pain is a difficult word for many men because it is personal privacy and there is no medical knowledge. Therefore, some men choose to forbear or blindly treat, which leads to the aggravation of the disease or other complications. The main factors that cause testicular pain are:

1. Testicular torsion Testicular torsion is generally common in strenuous exercise or testicular injury by external force.

2. Testicular injury such as car accidents or violent impacts can cause testicular injuries. After the injury, the patient presents with severe pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and even fainting or shock.

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

3. Testicular ischemic pain Testicular ischemic pain is common in the elderly, the pain is more severe, the pain is aggravated during activity, and it can be relieved when resting. This symptom is common in testicular arteriosclerosis that narrows the arteries. Testicular atherosclerosis tends to be a local manifestation of systemic vascular lesions, which are mostly unilateral lesions, and are more common on the left side than on the right.

4. Orchitis There are many reasons for orchitis, such as mumps can be complicated by orchitis and cause testicular pain and swelling; In addition, gonorrhea can also cause orchitis; Prostatitis can also cause testicular pain, which is manifested as unilateral pain, mostly dull or stretching pain, which is persistent, and this type of pain is more common in young adults and less common in the elderly.

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

What are the effects of testicular pain on the body?

Don't think that testicular pain has no effect on the body, but it actually has a very big effect. Testicular pain can lead to male infertility if left untreated for a long time.

How is it treated?

The treatment of testicular pain should be symptomatic on the basis of the cause, if the cause cannot be found, do not self-medicate treatment, and should be treated symptomatically under the guidance of a doctor.

How can it be prevented?

1. Wearing loose underwear can prevent testicular abnormalities. Loose-fitting draped panties keep the balls in their natural shape. So, choosing underwear is key.

2. Pay attention to protect the testicles, especially for long-term sedentary people, it is best to do standing exercises every 2 hours to relax.

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

3. Check the testicles yourself, normal testicles feel like a solid egg, smooth and firm, but not hard.

4. Life should be regular, and the diet should be light, and the details may help protect the normal function of the testicles.

4. To prevent testicular abnormalities, reduce fatty foods. Diets high in fat can interfere with testosterone production. It is related to the appearance of testicular abnormalities. So it can be said that it is not that men who eat meat in large chunks and drink in large bowls are more masculine, they are likely to be ineffective, but those who eat lightly, live a regular life, exercise regularly, and seem to live a moderated life are more sexually competent.

What is the inexplicable egg pain in men?

Men protecting your testicles is protecting your next generation!