
Authoritative release|Focus on high quality and promote new breakthroughs Yutai County has created a new pattern of high-quality education development

author:Jining release
Authoritative release|Focus on high quality and promote new breakthroughs Yutai County has created a new pattern of high-quality education development


On the morning of May 17, the Information Office of the Municipal Government organized a series of press conferences on the theme of "Focusing on the High-quality Development of Education and Striving to Write the Answer Sheet of People's Satisfactory Education" (the 9th). Introduce the development of Yutai's education and answer questions from reporters.


Gao Dongxu, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Government of Yutai County, Deputy County Magistrate, Liu Changji, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Yutai County Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the County Education and Sports Bureau, Gao Nan, Director of the Sports Development Center of Yutai County, Li Hongyong, Deputy Director of the Education and Teaching Research Center of Yutai County

Authoritative release|Focus on high quality and promote new breakthroughs Yutai County has created a new pattern of high-quality education development


Authoritative release|Focus on high quality and promote new breakthroughs Yutai County has created a new pattern of high-quality education development
Authoritative release|Focus on high quality and promote new breakthroughs Yutai County has created a new pattern of high-quality education development

(Watch the promotional video before the meeting)

Yutai County has always adhered to the strategy of giving priority to the development of education, focusing on the needs of the people for high-quality education, focusing on optimizing the allocation of educational resources, focusing on quality improvement and team building, and striving to create a new pattern of high-quality development of education. Since 2024, schools at all levels have won one national honor and four provincial honors, two innovative work practices have been promoted in the province, the County Education and Sports Bureau has won the title of "Good Team for Entrepreneurship" in Shandong Province, and has been awarded the Outstanding Collective of School Safety Work in Shandong Province, and Yutai County has been rated as a county with remarkable results in the reform and development of vocational education in Shandong Province.

1. Expand the supply of high-quality resources and form a new pattern of high quality

Adhere to the principle of "no one is missing", focus on the adequate supply of places in the whole education process of preschool, junior and senior high schools, continue to strengthen the construction of educational infrastructure, and continuously strengthen the supply of high-quality educational resources to ensure that Yutai students have a good education.

(1) Expand the number of public high school places and increase the proportion of ordinary high schools. In accordance with the unified deployment of the city, we will continue to expand the number of public high school places in an orderly manner to meet the needs of more students attending high-quality ordinary high schools. It is planned that by 2025, the enrollment scale of private high schools will only decrease but not increase, and the enrollment scale of public ordinary high schools will be expanded in an orderly manner, with the average enrollment ratio of county general high schools reaching more than 70% and the public rate reaching more than 75%. In 2024, the enrollment of public ordinary high schools will increase by 300 compared with 2023, and the enrollment of ordinary high schools will reach 70% of the number of junior high school graduates, and the public enrollment rate will reach 66%. At present, the classrooms, dormitories, and teaching equipment required for the expansion of the degree have been allocated, and 30 high school teachers in the new semester have taken up their posts as scheduled.

(2) Actively respond to the peak of enrollment and make every effort to ensure that there are no less. In 2024, there will be 7,605 first-grade school-age children enrolled in our county. According to a comprehensive analysis of the vacated places at the beginning of the school and the urban-rural mobility of first-year freshmen, there is currently a gap of 700 places in urban schools. At present, the construction of the fourth experimental primary school in the new urban area is being accelerated, with 48 classes and 2,160 places, which will be opened as scheduled in the autumn semester. At the same time, in order to meet the needs of nearby enrollment, it is planned to renovate 24 classrooms in the experimental primary school, the second real primary school, and the third real primary school through internal tapping, so as to ensure that the goal of many school-age students going to school and teachers attending classes is realized.

(3) Increase the proportion of high-quality parks and promote the popularization of inclusive construction. The implementation of the kindergarten optimization project, since 2023, the integration of 33 kindergartens, the number of streamlined from 125 to 92, including 44 public and 48 private, public kindergartens accounted for 73.19% of the children. Increase investment in the optimized kindergartens, improve the quality of schooling, declare and identify 13 provincial first-class kindergartens and 7 provincial demonstration kindergartens, and the proportion of high-quality kindergartens has reached 55.43%. This year, 8 provincial high-quality kindergartens will be built, and after all passes, the proportion of high-quality kindergartens can reach 60%, laying a solid foundation for the declaration of creating a national preschool education popularization and inclusive county.

(4) Break through the development of higher education and realize the goal of going to university at home. In September 2023, with the completion of the Yutai Campus of Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College one year ahead of schedule and the start of enrollment, the county's higher education has achieved a breakthrough of zero. The county vocational secondary professional school was selected into the list of provincial high-level school construction, and was approved as the enrollment qualification of five-year higher education in Shandong Province, and cooperated with Shandong Labor Vocational and Technical College to organize intelligent welding technology, Laiwu Vocational and Technical College to jointly organize mechatronics technology, and Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College to jointly organize four higher vocational education majors, including computer application technology and automobile inspection and maintenance technology, which opened a new channel for Yutai students to realize their "college dream".

2. Strengthen the management around the school and build a high-quality educational environment

In order to create a good educational environment and promote the construction of a whole-environment education mechanism, Yutai Education advocates the concept of "managing both the school and the surrounding areas", explores and implements the school's "two integrations" and "three co-management" actions, injects new momentum into the governance around the campus, opens up a new position for education to serve the society, and enhances the sense of education and happiness of the masses.

(1) Promote the "two integrations" and promote the coordinated development of "education + society". On the one hand, integration into society. Continue to promote the opening of school stadiums and libraries to the public, and provide high-quality fitness and reading services to the public. Hire social supervisors to collect social conditions and public opinions, improve work, and promote the harmonious development of education. Carry out activities to open the school to the public, and the last Saturday of each month is set as the school open day. The shade outside the campus wall is built into a waiting area for parents to pick up and drop off students, a safety buffer zone, and at the same time provides convenience for the masses to relax and rest. On the other hand, integrate into the community. Carry out ideological and political propaganda and moral construction volunteer activities in the community to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses. Professional teachers are selected to participate in the teaching and counseling of village and community education centers (universities for the elderly) to serve the education of the elderly. Accurately carry out care activities for left-behind children and children of special groups. With the neighborhood center and the party-mass service center as the platform for home-school co-education, the parent school is held in the village, the parents' meeting and parent reception activities are held in the village, and the family education and student psychological counseling are placed in the village.

(2) Implement the "three co-management" and unite the "school + department" environment to educate people. Combined with the county's comprehensive management of the campus and surrounding environment, each school insists on taking a step forward to form a cross-work, and works together with functional departments and local governments to realize the daily and normalization of comprehensive management, and build a good environment for the healthy growth of teenagers. Realize environmental education and co-management of public facilities around the campus, ensure normal function, and report to relevant departments immediately if there is any damage, and rectify it in time. Manage the rivers and ponds around the campus, the waiting area for picking up and dropping off students, and the safety buffer zone. Jointly manage the environmental sanitation around the campus, supervise the implementation of the "three guarantees in front of the door" measures, and manage the environmental sanitation work of the businesses around the campus. Jointly manage the stability of the order around the campus, carry out the school's "good neighbor" selection activities, establish a report on the school's urgent need to handle work matters and a "hand-to-hand" work group, timely reflect the potential safety hazards and existing problems around the campus, and implement the first time to deal with them. Manage the traffic around the campus, cooperate with the traffic police to maintain the traffic order of going to and from school, carry out traffic safety education, and develop civilized travel habits.

3. Focus on cultivating core literacy and building efficient teaching classrooms

Shouldering the mission of educating people for the party and the country, we will adhere to the integrated development of "five educations at the same time", build efficient classroom teaching oriented by core literacy, promote the implementation of the new curriculum with the concept of "using it to achieve it", realize the whole process of educating people, and promote the implementation of moral education.

(1) The new concept of internalizing the research course standard. Studying the new curriculum standards and understanding the new curriculum is a prerequisite for the implementation of core literacy-oriented teaching. To this end, the annual main line work plan of "New Curriculum Standards for Research and Practice of New Classrooms" in Yutai County has been researched and formulated, and teaching and research activities tools such as "Guide Research Case" and "Activity List" have been developed. Qilu famous teachers and university professors were invited to hold 23 "new curriculum standards" counseling reports, organize discipline theme teaching and research activities at the county level, and urban-rural integration teaching and research alliance activities, promote all teachers to discuss the new curriculum standards in depth, and achieve full coverage of training and learning. Organize primary and secondary school teachers to participate in the new curriculum standard test, and all of them have passed.

(2) Goal-led construction of a new model. In accordance with the requirements of the core literacy classroom, teachers are encouraged to determine the curriculum objectives around the core literacy, put forward guiding questions, root the problem situation, design expressive tasks, plan a series of inquiry activities, and build a learning community for students. We put forward a "five-step" improvement strategy for the classroom teaching mode for the whole school period and the whole discipline: the initial construction of the model, the transformation of micro-innovation point by point, the optimization of the system to improve efficiency, the connotation of the subject to show personality, and the deep rooting of auxiliary support, so that the teaching mode can be evaluated and the teaching effect can be quantified, so as to achieve a high degree of integration of the connotation of the model, the connotation of the discipline and the connotation of the course type, and steadily improve the core literacy of teachers and students who are easy for teachers, liked by students, and teachers and students who go in both directions.

Education is an important livelihood project, and to grasp education is to grasp development, and to seek education is to seek the future. In the next step, we will adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and effect-oriented, strengthen the style of "strict, true, meticulous and fast", decompose the goals layer by layer, hand over a satisfactory answer sheet with real work results, and contribute to the construction of Jining Education Highland.

The first is to play a good safety combination. Strengthen bottom-line thinking and red-line awareness, strictly implement the campus safety responsibility system, focus on safety education and actual combat drills to improve safety awareness and prevention capabilities, focus on key areas such as food safety, fire safety, traffic safety, anti-bullying, drowning prevention, flood control, and riot prevention, coordinate on-campus and off-campus management, further innovate work measures, improve systems and mechanisms, and build a closed-loop school safety management system to ensure the safety of education.

The second is to activate new quality productivity. Adhere to the development of connotation, pay attention to the innovation of teaching evaluation mechanism, school evaluation mechanism, and evaluation mechanism of organs and departments, make good use of the evaluation results, and fully release the restraint and incentive power of the system to manage people and affairs. Promote the construction of smart campuses, build and make good use of education networks, give full play to the application of artificial intelligence, big data, and new media technologies in classroom teaching and quality inspection, and expand the depth and breadth of education.

The third is to build a team of educators. Start the implementation of the "standardized management year" action, strengthen the construction of party style, strengthen the construction of discipline and work style, strive to build a clean and efficient organ service team, build a team of teachers and researchers who are good at innovation and dedication, build a team of directors and entrepreneurship schools with strong executive ability, build a team of teachers with noble ethics and superb business, and demand quality from service, quality from management, and quality from talents, activate development momentum, stimulate internal potential, and form a new situation of development striving for advanced positions.

Q&A session with reporters on the spot

Reporter of Qilu Evening News

With regard to the construction of a "safety buffer zone" for schools, please tell us about the specific work you are doing.

Liu Changji

Executive Deputy Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Yutai County Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the County Education and Sports Bureau

In order to build a long-term mechanism for the peak safety of traffic at the school gate, our county adheres to the principle of "one school, one case" and builds a "buffer zone" for traffic safety. On May 6, the Education Work Bulletin of the Provincial Department of Education issued a "Yutai County "One School, One Case" Construction Buffer Zone, Building a Solid Traffic Safety Protection Line Around the Campus", affirming this approach. Here's how:

The first is to adhere to the problem-oriented approach and formulate feasible solutions. In view of the complex and changeable traffic safety problems around the school, the main responsible comrades of the county party committee and county government have led education, housing and construction, comprehensive administrative law enforcement, traffic police, design institutes and other units to the school for on-site investigation, especially to the urban schools with high student concentration for on-site office, research and formulate the "comprehensive management plan for the surrounding environment of the campus", determine the construction of "safety buffer zone", add student passages, parent waiting areas, set up anti-collision isolation piles, speed limits and warning signs and other specific transformation and optimization measures to escort campus safety.

The second is to implement the "one school, one policy" and smooth the safe passage. According to the characteristics of the buildings around each school, after statistical analysis by professionals, safety protection facilities are set up at appropriate locations. Town, street and rural schools focus on setting up anti-collision isolation belts, adding speed bumps, speed limits and warning signs; According to the traffic situation, urban schools should implement policies according to classification, build sidewalks along the wall and parent waiting areas around the school wall, and implement physical isolation from urban traffic arteries, so as to realize the peak traffic diversion of students going to and from school. Appropriately widen the roads around the school to facilitate the transportation of students and parents, while not affecting the normal traffic order and relieving traffic pressure. In the new planning and design of national and provincial highway auxiliary roads in the traffic arteries, transit vehicles, county vehicles, non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians are separated in an orderly manner, and people and vehicles go their own way. Through the transformation, the separation of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, and the separation of non-motor vehicles and pedestrians around the campus are realized.

The third is to promote the "special class" and complete it on time and with good quality. Education, traffic police, and design institutes are responsible for planning and design, housing and construction, comprehensive law enforcement, and town and street party committees and governments are responsible for the implementation of school transformation, and the county government inspection office and county education and sports bureau are responsible for tracking and supervising to ensure that the work is completed on time and with good quality. Strengthen the linkage between police and schools, make good use of full-time security guards and student protection posts, and arrange police forces to direct traffic in a timely manner to ensure the safety of students going to and from school. On May 6, the Education Work Bulletin of the Provincial Department of Education published the information "Yutai County's "One School, One Case" Construction Buffer Zone to Build a Solid Traffic Safety Protection Line Around the Campus".

Reporter of Jining Daily

Please tell us about the measures taken by Yutai County to ensure the sleep of students?

Li Hongyong

Deputy Director of Yutai County Education and Teaching Research Center

In order to ensure the sleep of students, Yutai County has carried out the sleep guarantee action for primary and secondary school students in accordance with the provincial and municipal deployment, and further strengthened the sleep management of primary and secondary school students from four aspects, effectively ensuring that primary and secondary school students enjoy sufficient sleep time, and promoting the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

(1) Sleep time standardization. In accordance with the rules of student development and document requirements, ensure that primary school students sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students 9 hours, and high school students 8 hours. In terms of time arrangement, boarding schools are set up and implemented by the school to set and implement a standardized schedule; For day students, the focus is to guide and cooperate with parents to formulate students' schedules, clarify early arrival and late bedtime, and ensure that students have sufficient sleep time from the schedule of work and rest. Standardize the running time of school buses and student buses, and the morning running time in urban areas shall not be earlier than 7:00, and the morning school time for students in rural areas to take student buses shall not be earlier than 7:30.

(2) Create conditions to sleep peacefully. All junior high schools have implemented a boarding system, and you can go to the dormitory to rest during lunch break. For primary school students in school lunch, we reasonably arrange recess and afternoon class time, ensure the necessary lunch break time for students, improve the on-duty system, make good use of heating and cooling equipment, and strive to create a good lunch break environment and improve the quality of students' lunch break by promoting sleep pads + blankets and gradually replacing folding desks and chairs.

(3) Implement a circuit breaker system for operations. Reasonably regulate the total amount of written homework for students, guide students to make full use of self-study time or after-school service time, primary school students basically complete written homework in school, and middle school students complete most of their written homework in school, so as to avoid homework crowding out normal sleep time. The school has established a circuit breaker and analysis mechanism for sleep guarantee operations, and for those who affect sleep beyond the rest time, they can apply for exemption, less, or delay in handing in after the parents' signature and confirmation, and urge students to go to bed on time and not stay up late.

(4) Popularization of sleep knowledge. Make full use of the professional advantages of the vice principal of health, and regularly come to the school to preach scientific sleep knowledge. Through parent-teacher meetings, class work groups, blackboard newspapers and other forms, on the one hand, to popularize scientific sleep knowledge to students and parents, on the other hand, parents are reminded to create a high-quality sleep environment for students, cultivate students' good work and rest habits, and improve sleep quality.

Reporter of Oriental Holy City Network

The physical health of students is an important topic of great concern to all sectors of society, what work has Yutai County done to improve the health of primary and secondary school students?

Gao Nan

Director of Yutai County Sports Development Center

According to the actual situation of Yutai, our county has analyzed and judged the physical health of students, and clarified the direction of work based on the opinions of schools, teachers, parents and other parties. Specifically, the following four areas of work have been carried out.

The first is to formulate a plan and clarify the promotion measures. The "Implementation Plan for the Improvement of Physical Health of Primary and Secondary School Students" was promulgated, and running and rope skipping were included in the test content of each semester, and the test results were used as one of the indicators to evaluate the school. The principals, principals in charge, physical education teachers and class teachers of the low-ranking schools will be disqualified from this year's evaluation; If a student's physical fitness declines for two consecutive years, the annual assessment grade shall be lowered by one year, and the principal shall be adjusted. The top 3 schools in primary and secondary schools were awarded the "Health Promotion School" to increase the number of teachers who were evaluated and excellent in the current year, and the "Advanced Individuals in School Physical Education and Health Work" were awarded to the outstanding physical education teachers and class teachers, so as to better play the role of rewards and punishments in motivating and spurring, so as to promote the quality and efficiency of the work.

The second is to promote one hour of physical activity every day. The implementation plan for one hour of physical activity per day for primary and secondary school students has been reformulated. The one-hour campus physical activity consists of eye exercises, physical education classes, large recess activities, extracurricular sports activities, etc. Incorporate the time and content of students' activities into the teaching plan, include them in the curriculum and report to the comprehensive physical education department for the record. Ensure that the leadership supervision is in place, the class teacher organization is in place, the coordination of all parties is in place, the guidance of physical education teachers is in place, the safety inspection is in place, and the student participants are in place. In the activities, each school has created its own characteristic activities according to local conditions, such as small step drills, rope skipping exercises, Baduanjin, Tai Chi, gymnastics dance, etc., which are very popular with students and ignite the enthusiasm of teachers and students to participate in sports.

The third is to improve the quality of students' meals at school. Implement the renovation and upgrading project of school canteens, upgrade and renovate 9 primary school canteens including Luotun Town Central Primary School, and give priority to hiring parents as staff to ensure that students eat safe, nutritious and safe lunches, and provide adequate nutritional guarantee for improving physical health.

The fourth is to appoint a vice president of health to guide the school. On March 7, the County Education and Sports Bureau and the County Health Bureau launched the appointment ceremony of the vice principals of primary and secondary schools, and the first batch of 30 health vice principals were hired for the first time. Establish and improve the collaborative working mechanism of medical education in our county, effectively improve the level of health education in schools in the county, and help students improve their physical fitness.

In the 2024 county-wide primary and secondary school student sports meeting held in April, a total of 18 people broke the record of 9 sports events that have been maintained for many years in the case of electronic measurement, which reflects the implementation effect of the county's physical health improvement project from one side. In the next step, we will continue to focus on the physical health of students, improve the implementation plan and reward and punishment mechanism for physical activities, strengthen the management of school canteens and catering, and regularly carry out special lectures by vice principals for health, so as to ensure the healthy growth of students in an all-round way.

Authoritative release|Focus on high quality and promote new breakthroughs Yutai County has created a new pattern of high-quality education development

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