
Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

author:Blue Eyes

"Leading the Oriental Skincare Trend"

At the moment, domestic beauty is popular. According to the data of Qingyan Intelligence, in the past 10 years, the scale of the domestic beauty market has continued to soar, with an average annual compound growth rate of 13.18%, which is 5.86 percentage points higher than the overall beauty market in China. In 2023, domestic beauty products will surpass foreign beauty products for the first time with a market share of 50.4%.

However, it should not be ignored that although domestic beauty products are gradually getting better at home, the market still lacks brands that provide solutions for oriental skin. Recently, the domestic brand Yu Nifang released the "Oriental Skin Research White Hair Book" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper"), which proposes a set of comprehensive and instructive skin care methodologies for the different needs of oriental skin.

So, where does the confidence of Yu Nifang to provide oriental skin care solutions for oriental women come from?

18 years dedicated to the study of oriental skin

In the context of the rise of domestic beauty, consumers need an oriental brand. Moreover, beauty is also the eternal pursuit of the Chinese people. Behind this, the history of oriental skin care is more than 4,000 years, the earliest can be traced back to ancient times, Dayu developed a powder for skin care for his wife, which is the earliest skin care products that can be verified by historical documents.

By the pre-Qin period, people had begun to have the pursuit of whitening. "The Book of Rites: Internal Rules" records: "Three days of Gu Mu, during which the surface is dirty, and the pan is burned. This is enough to show that at that time, people began to wash their faces with rice washing water to remove dirt, so as to play a whitening role, called "Pan". Since then, works such as "Shennong's Materia Medica" and "Notes on Materia Medica" have recorded that Orientals continue to explore more Oriental active ingredients that can be used for skin care.

Not only in ancient times, but also in modern skincare, the East has also led the world. For example, in the Xiangxi beachhead in the Ming and Qing dynasties, people used local unique minerals and traditional crafts to make delicate mud that was sticky like mist, and smeared it on the paper to whiten the skin and remove oil, which is also known as "fragrant powder paper". In 1890, the incense powder paper was paid tribute to the Empress Dowager Cixi, and it was called "imperial mud incense powder paper". It is worth mentioning that 100 years ago, Yu Ni incense powder paper represented the East to the world and was exported to more than 20 countries and regions overseas.

Due to various reasons, in modern times, the national brands representing the East and the products that go to the world have finally been dissipated by the impact of history. In the past 10 years, domestic brands have gritted their teeth in the gap between adversity and international brands, once again allowing Chinese consumers to see the market vigor of oriental brands. At the beginning of the establishment of the Royal Mud, starting from the protection of the intellectual property rights of national products, the trademark of "Royal Mudfang" was registered, so that the century-old national pride "Royal Muddy Powder Paper" has truly become a brand. Because of this, the first product developed by Yu Ni Fang was the same oriental unique mud inherited from the 1890 Yu Ni incense powder paper, creating the first cleaning mud mask of Yu Ni Fang.

In fact, Yu Nifang has long engraved its sense of responsibility for oriental consumers in the brand genes. Only by going deep into the users can we find the real needs, which can also be seen from the research behind the release of the "White Paper" by Yu Nifang. It is understood that in the past 18 years, Yu Nifang has communicated with 44,744 consumers through 135 surveys to gain an in-depth understanding of the skin care needs of contemporary Oriental women.

According to the "White Paper", the skin characteristics of contemporary Oriental women are mainly combination skin, and nearly 5% of the population has mild sensitivity, and common skin problems include pores and blackheads, dull yellow skin, oily skin, etc. When choosing skin care products, they prefer products with "oriental ingredients", and 60% of consumers expect to develop products that are more suitable for Chinese skin, and 45% of consumers hope that domestic products have core patented ingredients. It can be seen that only by understanding the state of oriental skin in an all-round and multi-dimensional way can we truly meet the real skin care needs of consumers.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

▍Troubled skin problems Data source: TMIC quantitative questionnaire survey, June 2022, N=1000

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

▍Expectations for brand introduction information

Source: TMIC Quantitative Questionnaire Survey, November 2023, N=2042

Uncover the differences between Eastern and Western skin

Give an exclusive skincare regimen

As we all know, there are differences in structure and properties between oriental skin and western skin due to multiple factors such as geography, environment, and genetics. Based on a more objective exploration of the differences between the skin of Eastern and Western people, Yu Nifang has started a skin representation and sensory test project since 2014: 21 detailed test indicators were collected, and 43,400 volunteers of different ages, occupations and geographical locations were tested, and it was concluded that there were obvious differences between Eastern and Western women in terms of facial structure, skin color, pigmentation, pores, water content, oil, microecology, etc.

As the saying goes, sharpening knives is not wrong for woodcutters. With a series of efforts, Yu Nifang finally gained insight into the 6 characteristics of oriental skin -

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

1. Oriental skin is more sensitive.

The skin barrier strength of Oriental women is only 60.66% of that of Western women, and when faced with stimulation, Oriental women are 3.125 times stronger than Western women.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

2. Oriental skin has more refined pores.

The pore area is only 60% of that of Western women, and the number of pores is only 66%.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

3. Oriental skin is more prone to redness and acne.

Clinically, the incidence of acne in Eastern women is about 30%, and the probability of redness, swelling and acne is twice that of Western women.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

4. Oriental skin is more prone to tanning.

Under the same amount of ultraviolet radiation, the melanin content in Oriental skin is increased even more. And in different skin parts, the melanin content of Eastern women is 3-4 times that of Western women.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

5. Oriental skin is more susceptible to dehydration.

Oriental young skin (< 51 years old) has a lower water content than white people, and it is more likely to lose moisture.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

6. Oriental skin is affected by the monsoon climate.

Women living in subtropical monsoon climates have lower water content, higher rates of water loss, and less oil.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

The white paper also points out that 40% of skin problems are caused by environmental factors and 60% are influenced by genetic factors. "The differences in skin texture between Eastern and Western populations are not only genetic, but also significantly influenced by their respective climates." According to the relevant person in charge of Yu Nifang, "China is mainly controlled by the monsoon climate, which is hot and rainy in summer, cold and dry in winter, and the annual temperature difference can reach 30-50 °C. This also makes Oriental women living in China more susceptible to dry or oily skin, which increases the risk of sensitivity and inflammation. ”

Based on the above insights of oriental skin, Yu Nifang believes that there are differences in the skin types of different people, and it is impossible to have one product suitable for all skin types in the world; Different regions have different climates, and it is impossible to have one product that is suitable for all climates in the world. This also reflects the need to pay more attention to genetic targets that are significantly different from those of Westerners when solving the skin problems of Oriental people, and create suitable solutions for Eastern consumers.

The blockbuster "White Paper" is "open source" to the industry for the first time

There is no doubt that the current efficacy skin care competition in the cosmetics industry has entered a white-hot stage, and in the future, it will become the mainstream of the market to meet the skin care needs of oriental women in anti-aging, whitening and other aspects. Therefore, on the basis of in-depth analysis of the skin characteristics and needs of oriental people, Yu Nifang has mastered a number of core technologies and independent intellectual property rights in the fields of patented raw materials and exclusive formulas.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

According to the "White Paper", in view of the different key points in the aging process of oriental skin, such as collagen loss, free radical oxidation, transcriptomic changes, etc., Yu Nifang has exclusively developed the core innovative raw materials represented by black ginseng extract, camellia seed and astragalus polypeptide. Among them, black ginseng extract has completed the filing of new cosmetic raw materials in 2023. According to reports, the black ginseng extract can promote the production of 6 kinds of collagen, reduce the loss of collagen and inhibit the development of inflammatory aging, and finally achieve an integrated anti-aging effect.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

At the same time, in response to the efficacy needs of oriental women to purify pores, Yu Nifang has also exclusively developed a patented technology for deep cleansing mud ingredients and blackhead removal formula. Different from Western mud cleansing ingredients, this deep cleansing mud ingredient is made in a purely physical way, which retains the functions of natural mineral nutrition and skin rejuvenation, enhances skin elasticity, and strengthens the skin's natural defense ability, which is more suitable for Oriental women with thin stratum corneum.

In addition, in view of the characteristics of oriental skin that are more sensitive, Yu Nifang has excavated a soothing raw material suitable for oriental women's sensitive skin - re-brewed Ganoderma lucidum. The patented raw material is developed in cooperation with the Institute of Hemp of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which has various effects such as antioxidant, whitening and anti-aging, and has also obtained 3 national invention patents. Accordingly, in order to meet the needs of oriental sensitive skin consumers, Yu Nifang has also developed a variety of formula products including mild moisturizing masks, cleansing products, hypoallergenic skin care products, and special skin care products for anti-allergy and repairing damaged skin, and has obtained 9 invention patents.

As we all know, whitening has always been the eternal efficacy demand of oriental women. According to the data of blue eye intelligence, the number of whitening and freckle removal product registrations in the first quarter of 2024 will be 529, a year-on-year increase of about 177%. In response to the whitening needs of consumers, Yu Nifang has exclusively developed a multi-channel non-invasive whitening technology, which is designed for different scenarios of melanin production links and practical applications of oriental women and Western women, and has obtained 5 invention patents and published 1 high-level academic article.

In addition, unlike other skin problems, skin acne tends to have a long cycle, and it is easy to recur and produce acne scars, which has also become the biggest problem for acne consumers. According to the "White Paper", focusing on the research of the Oriental female acne population, the special formula products such as skin care, oil control, and acne removal created by Yu Nifang provide solutions for the whole problem scenario of Oriental women's acne skin, and 10 invention patents have been authorized.

Overall, the White Paper on Oriental Skin Research released by Yu Nifang is the first professional research report on Oriental skin in China. Not only does it reveal the secrets of oriental skin in an all-round way for the first time, but it also reflects the brand's in-depth research and understanding of the characteristics of oriental skin. In particular, Yu Nifang has given unique solutions to the common skin care demands of oriental women such as anti-aging, whitening, and sensitive skin, which can undoubtedly meet the skin care needs of oriental women in a targeted and full-scene manner, and can also help the industry explore more possibilities of oriental skin care.

The "White Paper" of Yu Ni Fang is the first time to "open source" to the industry, which is the mission of Yu Ni Fang as a national skin care brand - to inherit the history of the East, gain insight into the characteristics of the East skin, and bring more professional and effective skin care solutions to the East women. It is also a strong demonstration to the world that the brand has once again shown its confidence and determination to lead the oriental skin care trend to the world.

Blockbuster White Paper! Royal Muddy Fang gives the answer to oriental skin care

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