
My 5-year-old son objected to me having a second child, and he cried all day long, claiming that he would run away from home after I gave birth


Ms. Chen lives in a small town in the south, with a comfortable life and a happy family, her husband is a civil servant, her in-laws run a small restaurant, and her son Xiao Ming is smart and lively, and the family is happy and harmonious.

Xiao Ming is 5 years old, a lively and cute little boy, he likes his mother's company and love very much. When his mother tells him that he wants to have another brother or sister, Xiao Ming becomes very unhappy.

My 5-year-old son objected to me having a second child, and he cried all day long, claiming that he would run away from home after I gave birth

Xiao Ming worries that if he has a younger brother or sister, his mother will be distracted and no longer take care of him wholeheartedly as she used to. He was afraid that his toys would be snatched away, and that his mother's love would be taken away. So he cried all day long, and even threatened that if his mother really gave birth to a second child, he would run away from home!

Mom was also very sad when she saw Xiao Ming so sad. But she knows that as a mother, she not only has to take care of Xiao Ming's feelings, but also think about the future of the family. So my mother decided to have a good talk with Xiao Ming.

Mom took Xiao Ming to the park and chatted with him while walking. She told Xiao Ming that her brother or sister was not here to rob him of his things, but to play with him and grow up together. She also said that with a younger brother or sister, Xiao Ming can learn to share and care, and become more caring and responsible.

My 5-year-old son objected to me having a second child, and he cried all day long, claiming that he would run away from home after I gave birth

Xiao Ming listened to his mother's words, and he was still a little reluctant in his heart, but he began to imagine playing with his younger brother or sister. He can teach his younger brother or sister to draw, read, play games and eat snacks with them. Gradually, a smile appeared on Xiao Ming's face.

Since then, Xiao Ming has stopped crying. He looks forward to the arrival of his younger brother or sister and offers to help his mother do what he can. He knows that he will be a good older brother and bring joy and warmth to his younger brother or sister.

Time flies quickly, and the mother gives birth to a healthy baby without any problems. The worries and worries in Xiao Ming's heart vanished. He took the initiative to pick up his brother and kissed him gently on the cheek. He knew that this was his younger brother and his relatives, and he had to take good care of him and protect him.

My 5-year-old son objected to me having a second child, and he cried all day long, claiming that he would run away from home after I gave birth

From that day on, Xiao Ming became more sensible. He became his brother's guardian, not only teaching him a lot of things, but also accompanying him to grow up. Their laughter filled the whole family and made everyone feel happy and warm.

This case is very representative, Xiao Ming once opposed his mother having a second child, and with the passage of time and his mother's patient guidance, he accepted the arrival of his younger brother and became a caring brother, which was a happy ending.

Sentiment analysis

This text expresses a complex emotional state, mainly surrounding the "5-year-old son's" strong opposition and anxiety about the decision to "have a second child".

First of all, the text makes clear the son's strong opposition to having a second child, which is reflected in his behavior (crying all day) and words (if I had a child, he would run away from home). This opposition may stem from his concern about changes in the family structure, fearing that new family members will take away his existing concerns and resources.

Secondly, the text also reveals the mother's helplessness and distress. She may understand her son's concerns, but at the same time she wants to add a new member to the family. This ambivalence makes the mother feel powerless and confused in the face of her son's opposition.

From the point of view of sentiment analysis, this text mainly expresses a negative, anxious emotion. The son's opposition and crying brought tension and disharmony to the family atmosphere, while the mother's helplessness and distress also reflected her inner contradictions and struggles.

However, this text also provides an opportunity to defuse this negativity through communication and understanding. The mother can try to communicate deeply with her son, understand his concerns and concerns, and explain the meaning and benefits of having a second child.

At the same time, the mother can give her son more love and attention, so that he can feel that even if he has a new family member, he is still an important member of the family. In this way, the son's anxiety can be gradually relieved and family harmony can be promoted.