
Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

author:Hole A C
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

350.3 The strategic significance of the highlands

In the early morning of February 13, 1951, the temperature on the south bank of the Han River was unusually cold, the sky was overcast, and the heavy clouds were low, as if to foretell the coming war. On the 350.3 heights, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army have completed their combat readiness deployment at night, and everyone is nervously and orderly checking their weapons and equipment. Since this is the forward defense line of the 38th Army of the Volunteer Army, once the high ground is broken through, it will directly threaten the safety of the entire defense line.

As the sky gradually brightened, the roar of tank engines and howitzers began to increase in the distance, and the American offensive was like a calm before a storm. Soon, the artillery units of the American army began intensive shelling, 50 tanks lined up in an attack formation, approaching the 350.3 heights, and the shells stirred up patches of dust and sparks of explosions on the land around the heights.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

Not to be outdone, the artillery of the Volunteer Army began to counterattack the tanks and infantry of the American army. However, due to the shortage of ammunition, every shell had to be hit with precision to ensure that it could deliver an effective blow to the enemy. The artillery fire and smoke on the heights were intertwined, and the smell of gunpowder and scorched earth filled the air.

The American infantry, under the cover of tank and artillery fire, began to charge towards the heights. They divided into several squads and took advantage of the undulating terrain for cover, trying to find the weak points of the Volunteer Army's defensive line. Volunteer soldiers waited in the trenches, the sound of machine guns and rifles crossing, and bullets slicing through the air, bringing a sharp whistling.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

During the battle, an American tank tried to break through the line of defense of the Volunteer Army, rushing to an important gun position. However, the actions of this tank have long been noticed by the anti-tank group of the Volunteer Army. A volunteer gunner prepares an anti-tank bazooka and waits for the best moment to shoot. When the tank came into effective range, he did not hesitate to pull the trigger, and the rockets flew out with a whistling and accurately hit the side of the tank, causing a loud bang, the tank was destroyed, and fire and smoke rose into the sky.

At this time, the infantry of the American army also used the remains of the tank as cover and continued to advance. The riflemen and machine gunners of the Volunteer Army fired at these targets, trying their best to stop the enemy's advance.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

A serious challenge for the Volunteer Army

When the morning fog gradually cleared, the battle on the 350.3 heights entered a white-hot phase. The U.S. military took advantage of its overwhelming firepower to continue to launch spectacular attacks. As 50 tanks advanced under the cover of howitzers, each roar deeply shook the morale and positions of the defenders.

The fighters of the 342nd Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the Volunteer Army struggled to maintain their positions under continuous artillery fire. The trenches they were in had been blown up beyond recognition, many of them were hit directly, and the earth and smoke from the explosion obscured the view. Still, the fighters responded to the enemy's challenge with every bullet in their hands.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

Due to the severe shortage of food and ammunition, the supply lines of the Volunteer Army were constantly threatened by enemy air power, which made logistical replenishment extremely difficult. The commander of the 1 battalion had to order a strict ration of the available ammunition to ensure that there was enough firepower for a counterattack at a critical moment. Each firing point was called upon to save ammunition to the maximum, firing only when the enemy tried to capture positions.

Under such pressure, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army showed a high level of discipline and sacrifice. Taking advantage of the trenches and terrain, they managed to reduce their exposure, while using every grenade and mine in their hands to lay traps to stop the advance of enemy tanks.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

The infantry of the American army, supported by tank and artillery fire, began to try to approach the main line of defense of the Volunteer Army by various means. They used smoke screens and bunkers in an attempt to confuse the public and distract the fire of the volunteers. However, due to the volunteers' familiarity with the terrain and the application of tactics, the American army made unsuccessful attempts to break through many times, and each attack was met with strong resistance.

During one engagement, an American squad attempted to break through on the flank of a breached trench. They moved quickly, trying their best to avoid the range of observation and fire of the volunteers. However, just as they were approaching the target position, suddenly, the ground exploded, and it turned out that the volunteers had already laid mines on this critical approach path. This sudden explosion not only destroyed the forward formation of the US troops, but also seriously hindered the advance of other US soldiers.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

Cao Yuhai's tactical guidance

Amid the continuous artillery fire and tank roar, Commander Cao Yuhai urgently dialed the telephone lines at the front line in the command post in the rear. On the other end of the phone, Company Commander Zhao Lianshan was busy organizing defense and directing counterattacks. Cao Yuhai's voice was clearly conveyed to Zhao Lianshan through the noisy environment: "Now the enemy fights for steel, and we can only fight for wisdom and will. These words rang in Zhao Lianshan's ears, and he immediately understood the commander's intention - in the case of a serious shortage of materials, every step of the battle must be carefully calculated.

Cao Yuhai further instructed that it is necessary to rationally allocate firepower, that is, to concentrate and return fire when the enemy's attack is most concentrated, so as to avoid wasting precious shells and bullets when the enemy's firepower is diluted. He also stressed the proper evacuation of personnel, asking Zhao Lianshan to ensure that the fighters would not suffer heavy losses due to excessive concentration, especially under enemy shelling and tank attacks.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

Under the strategic guidance of Cao Yuhai, Company Commander Zhao Lianshan carefully adjusted his defensive tactics and adopted the tactics of forward and counter counterattacks and behind-the-back assaults. This tactic greatly disrupted the offensive of the American forces through sudden counter-attacks and attacks from behind the enemy. Although the U.S. military was superior in equipment and firepower, due to the flexibility of the volunteers' tactics, their movements were often effectively blocked before they were implemented.

At the height of the fighting, the exchange of fire on the 350.3 heights barely stopped. Zhao Lianshan's 3rd Company, in the face of wave after wave of attacks by the US army, successfully resisted seven consecutive large-scale attacks through flexible maneuvering and firepower distribution. During the battle, each fighter was pushed to the limit, the ammunition consumption was huge, and at night, the entire company was almost exhausted in firepower, and many fighters had little ammunition left in their weapons.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

In this case, Liu Zhanqing, Zhao Lianshan and others almost exhausted all their ammunition. Liu Zhanqing had only three rounds left in his gun, and Zhao Lianshan's barge gun had only four rounds left. Faced with the U.S. forces pouring into the high ground again, they knew they had to use the last munitions for critical resistance.

At this moment, a squad of American troops tried to approach the line of the Volunteer Army through a trail that had been bombarded by artillery fire. Instructor Fang Xin was organizing the fighters to rearrange the defensive line, and when he saw the enemy's movements, he immediately commanded the soldiers to take position and prepare for a new attack wave.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

The enemy infantry quickly approached their position under the cover of tanks, and Fang Xin commanded the fighters to counterattack. However, the number of enemies far exceeded their expectations, and Fang Xin was soon surrounded by the enemy. In the fierce hand-to-hand combat, Fang Xin and his warriors fought heroically, but the pressure of the enemy gradually increased.

At this critical juncture, Fang Xin noticed an unused mortar shell next to him. He quickly made a decision, picked up mortar shells, lit the fuse, and rushed towards the enemy. This move was completely unexpected by the US military, who did not expect a self-sacrificing attack in this way. The moment Fang Xin rushed into the enemy group, the mortar shell exploded, causing heavy casualties and effectively disrupting the enemy's offensive rhythm.

Heroic feats and final victories

As the night deepened, the battle for 350.3 Heights entered a critical moment. Company Commander Zhao Lianshan, after continuous fierce fighting, is now facing a new emergency situation. The four American soldiers, barely making out his location in the smoke and dust, began to slowly approach him. The four U.S. soldiers were all armed with modern weapons, but in this close-quarters standoff, they chose not to shoot, perhaps to avoid accidentally injuring each other in the dark, or perhaps because ammunition was also running out.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

Zhao Lianshan sensed the imminent danger, and he knew that every bullet he had was crucial. At the moment when the enemy approached, he quickly raised the shell gun in his hand and fired three shots in a row. Each shot hit the target with precision, and three American soldiers collapsed in a thick pool of smoke and blood. However, the battle was not over yet, and the fourth American soldier had already rushed in front of Zhao Lianshan.

The American soldier saw his companions fall one after another, and in desperation, he raised his rifle and tried to strike it with the butt. Although Zhao Lianshan tried his best to dodge, the severe consumption of physical strength and ammunition slowed down his reaction speed. He couldn't completely avoid the butt of the incoming gun, and was hit in the head solidly, and the pain and impact made his eyes black.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

The situation was critical, and Zhao Lianshan knew that he could no longer shoot regularly. With the last of his strength, he gripped the body of the shell gun tightly and threw it forward with all his strength. This tremendous force burst out of desperation caused the heavy shell gun to hit the American soldier in the head. The soldier let out a cry of pain, lost his balance, and rolled down the slope.

This fierce hand-to-hand fight came to an end with Zhao Lianshan's efforts. Although he managed to repel the last of his enemies, he also collapsed from exhaustion due to extreme fatigue and the impact he received, and he fainted on the battlefield.

Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

In this battle, the warriors of the 342nd battalion of the 1st regiment showed extraordinary courage and tenacity. Under the leadership of Zhao Lianshan, they not only repelled repeated attacks by the US army again and again, but also effectively defended the 350.3 heights under extremely scarce resources. Throughout the battle, they annihilated a total of 680 enemies with excellent tactical response and heroic sacrifice.

The battle ended in the victory of the volunteers, and the 1st Battalion of the 342nd Regiment not only successfully completed the tasks assigned to them by their superiors, but also left a glorious chapter in history of indomitable and heroic resistance to the enemy.

References: [1] Red spear stab. Bloody Battle on the Highlands——350.3 Highland Defense Battle of the 1st Battalion of the 342nd Regiment of the Volunteer Army[J].Light Weapons,2013(1):46-49
Four U.S. troops surrounded the company commander of the Volunteer Army, and the company commander shot three people and killed three people, and finally pulled out the shell gun

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