
The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it


Two residential buildings

Tilt to "close contact" every day

Stick together

The truck also trembled three times as it passed

Such a "dilapidated house"

But the residents refused to repair it

Why is that?

Recently, some netizens reported that in the old community of Lane 660 of Beibaoxing Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, two residential buildings were "close contact" due to tilting problems, which seriously affected the lives of residents. When the reporter visited, it was found that the eaves and flower stands of the six floors of the two buildings had been pasted together.

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

It is understood that these two buildings were originally built in 1994 as after-sales public housing, but since ten years ago, these two buildings have gradually shown signs of east-west tilting. As time went on, the two floors leaned towards each other more and more severely.

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

Some residents complained to reporters that it was originally just a little tilt, but now when the big trucks passing by shake, the houses will also shake, and the higher the residents live, the more obvious the feeling.

A resident of a five-story building also demonstrated his predicament to reporters: because the door was deformed, he had to work hard to open the door every time he returned home, and even had to rely on the help of outsiders. In order to ensure safety, he did not even dare to close this door at night, and could only lock the iron door outside.

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

Even more frighteningly, cracks appeared in the ceilings of residents' homes and the tiles on the two adjacent walls of the bathrooms, both on the upper and lower floors. Residents say that there is no sense of security at all in this kind of house!

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

Why is the house tilted?

Is it a dilapidated house?

In fact, as early as June 2021, the Housing Quality Inspection Station of Tongji University issued an evaluation and inspection report. The report shows that the slope rates of the two houses are 4.12‰ and 8.42‰ respectively, both of which have exceeded the limit of 4‰ in the current "Foundation Design Standards" in Shanghai, but have not yet reached the dangerous state of 20‰ in the overall slope rate of multi-storey masonry houses in the "Appraisal Standards for Dangerous Houses". The report also showed that the cause of the tilt of the house was "the compression deformation of the foundation superimposed on each other" and gave recommendations for repairs and repairs.

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

However, in subsequent consultations, only about 30 of the more than 100 households agreed to be repaired and reinforced.

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

In this regard, some residents explained that, firstly, it is difficult for them to nod and agree when there is no maintenance plan; Second, is there a potential safety hazard even if repairs are made? For example, it affects the installation and use of elevators in buildings.

In the face of residents' doubts and concerns, Chen Hanqin, deputy director of the Daning Road Sub-district Urban Operation Management Center, said that after learning of the test results, the sub-district immediately launched door-to-door communication and conducted residents' consultation. Although the results of the consultation were not satisfactory, the street did not abandon the safety management of the two buildings.

It is reported that the Jing'an District Housing Management Bureau has set up 16 points around the two buildings to carry out regular monitoring once every three months. In the latest monitoring on April 25, 2024, comparing the data from January, it was found that the maximum settlement increment was 1.66 mm and the maximum increment of inclination was 0.3‰, both of which did not reach the alarm value.

Deputy Director Chen Hanqin also said that the street will continue to monitor the two buildings and take corresponding measures based on the monitoring results. For residents' requests for minor repairs, the street will also deal with them in a timely manner. At the same time, further consultation work is planned for the street, and if residents agree to repair and reinforce, the specific plan will be refined. Once the house reaches the standard of dilapidated housing, the street will report to the district-level housing management department as soon as possible to study specific disposal measures.

Shanghai News Broadcasting is a comprehensive self-focus on cases, Shangguan News, etc

Editor: Wang Zheyan

Editor in charge: Yan Ping

The building has been tilted for many years, and the trucks are still shaking when they pass by the house, and the residents are saying that they are insecure, but they are reluctant to repair it

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