
An idiom that originated from Guan Gong

author:Yuncheng Traffic Station

An idiom that originated from Guan Gong

Hu Fangming

The idioms that came about because of Guan Gong are classified as historical celebrity story idioms, which have been widely used since the day they were produced and have had a great influence and contribution to later generations.

Following the chronological order of Guan Gong's life and death, the idioms produced because of Guan Gong are listed, and after appreciating these idioms, we can also understand Guan Gong's magnificent life and influence and contribution to later generations.

An idiom that originated from Guan Gong

▲ Xie Zhou Guandi Ancestral Temple Noon Gate photo by Liang Sally

Taoyuan Ties

The allusion of "Taoyuan Righteousness" comes from the story of Guan Gong who killed the bully for the people because he killed the bully in his hometown of Xie Liang for the people, fled to Hebei, and became brothers with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

Guan Gong, who had become a pawn of a trafficker at that time, did not lose his ambition because he fell to the bottom of society. The three people worship solemnly, and the scene of the three people worshipping is described in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "In the peach orchard, prepare the black ox and white horse sacrifice and other items, and the three of them burn incense and bow again and swear: 'Reading Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, although they have different surnames, they are brothers, they will work together to save the needy; Report to the country, under An Lishu. I don't want to be born on the same day and month of the same year, but I want to die on the same day and month of the same year. The emperor and the queen of heaven, learn from this heart, betray righteousness and ingratitude, and kill heaven and man together! Mao Zonggang commented on the oath of the three of them: "The Book of the Eternal League, the first strange language." ”

The idiom Taoyuan knot and three different surnames to become brothers have been widely spread in later generations, more than 1,800 years, as long as it is a brother's worship, the idol facing must be Guan Gong, and the oath must be: do not seek to be born on the same day and month in the same year, only wish to die on the same day and month in the same year. It's just that most of the knots forget the essence and goal of the three Guan Gong brothers' Taoyuan oath is to "work together to help the needy; Report to the country, and go down to Anlishu". "I don't want to be born on the same day and month of the same year, but I want to die on the same day and month of the same year" is just to fulfill the necessary conditions for them to serve the country and their beautiful expectations for sharing the same fate in life and death.

After the "Taoyuan Righteousness", the three brothers followed each other like a shadow, and truly achieved the blessings and hardships between the brothers, and worked together to support the Han family.

Hanging seal gold

"Hanging Seal and Sealing Gold" exemplifies the twentieth chapter of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "Yuan Benchu Lost Soldiers and Lost General Guan Yunchang Hung Seal and Seal Gold", which is said that after Guan Gong learned the location of his brother Liu Bei, he immediately went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to bid farewell to Cao Cao. Cao Cao knew that Guan Gong wanted to follow Liu Bei, so he hung a sign on the gate to avoid it, and Guan Gong went several times in a row, but he couldn't see Cao Cao. Guan Gong knew his intentions, so he wrote a letter, sent someone to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and then sealed all the gold and silver he had received, hung the seal of the Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion on the lobby, and escorted the two sisters-in-law and wife with the former generals to Liu Bei.

Dozens of idioms about Guan Gong have been quoted by later generations to commend a person for having the same noble character and behavior as Guan Gong. Only "hanging seals and sealing gold" is rarely quoted, and it can also be seen that it is rare to regard official money as dung and can reach the height of Guan Gong's realm.

By the way, Liu Bei is also really good to Guan Gong, not only sealing Guan Gong as the head of the "Five Tiger Generals" (although it is apocryphal in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", but in "Three Kingdoms", Guan Zhang, Ma, Huang and Zhao are combined and biography, and their achievements are described in rich and colorful terms, and these five people are indeed the backbone core of Shu military generals, and it is understandable that Luo Guanzhong wrote so). Liu Bei also granted Guan Gong a privilege - "fake festival". "Fake Jieyue" is an authorization of the ancient emperor to the general, "Jie" represents the identity of the emperor, "Yue" represents the power of life and death, the emperor grants the general the power of life and death, and the general has the identity of the emperor's spokesperson, and can cut other ministers first. Liu Bei gave Guan Gong this right, and even Zhuge Liang didn't have it. Zhuge Liang is just a "fake festival" without "Yue", and there is a difference without "Yue" rights.

Thousands of miles to ride alone

"Thousands of miles to ride alone" is about Guan Gong's body in Cao Ying's heart in Han, after learning that his brother Liu Bei was missing, he immediately resigned to Cao Cao, hung a seal and sealed gold, protected the two sisters-in-law, passed five passes and killed six generals, and finally met his brother Liu Bei and third brother Zhang Fei in the ancient city.

There is also an idiom that reflects the same event as "walking a thousand miles and riding alone", as well as "passing five levels and cutting six generals". Guan Gong was on the road of "walking thousands of miles and riding alone" to "pass five levels and kill six generals". Although it reflects the same thing, the artistic conception of the two idioms is different. "Thousands of miles" describes the distance of the road, "five passes" shows the number of obstacles, "single ride" highlights the disparity in the contrast of forces, and "six generals" shows that the enemy and difficulties are so numerous and serious. "Walking" highlights Guan Gong's heroic and unquestionable momentum. In "The Long March", "Wumeng's majestic mud pill" and Guan Gong's "thousands of miles of walking alone" have the same effect, and "chopping" shows Guan Gong's outstanding ability, determination and determination, and no dragging.

"Thousands of miles to ride alone" is a kind of imagery metaphysical ideological realm, which shows Guan Gong's emphasis on love and righteousness, loyalty to the liver and courage, not afraid of difficulties, firm will and outstanding quality, and also highlights Guan Gong's idea of loyalty to the monarch and serving the country in concrete actions.

Because of Guan Gong's exemplary role, later generations will naturally imitate it effectively, mainly to imitate the strong affection contained in the "thousands of miles".

In Hedong, there is a legend of Song Taizu "sending Jingniang for thousands of miles", and it will be found that Song Taizu sent Jingniang thousands of miles and Guan Yunchang walked thousands of miles to ride alone, which is very similar: Guan Yunchang's mount when he rode alone is a red rabbit horse, and Zhao Kuangyin's mount when he sent Jingniang for thousands of miles is a red unicorn; Guan Yunchang rode thousands of miles to kill the unscrupulous horse thief, and Zhao Kuangyin sent Jingniang thousands of miles to kill the horse thief who wanted to steal his red unicorn; Guan Yunchang walked thousands of miles and rode alone to send the two sisters-in-law as younger brothers and subordinates, Zhao Kuangyin sent Jingniang thousands of miles to send the same woman, the difference is that Zhao Kuangyin is a child of the family, but he sent a civilian woman whose status is not as good as his own, and Zhao Kuangyin became the emperor after the yellow robe, he risked his life to help others before ascending the throne, and he was even more noble; Guan Yunchang walked a thousand miles and rode seven turns and eight bends for a thousand miles, and Zhao Kuangyin sent Jingniang from Taiyuan to Yongji for a thousand miles, of course, this thousand miles is an approximate number; Guan Yunchang left with a seal and sealed gold, and Zhao Kuangyin used the seized gold and silver as severance pay for his minions and the repair of temples damaged by fighting, and he didn't keep a penny; Guan Yunchang rode thousands of miles through five passes and killed six generals, and Zhao Kuangyin sent Jingniang thousands of miles to bring two robbers' dens; Guan Yunchang refused Cao Cao to send a beautiful woman to serve, and Zhao Kuangyin politely refused Jingniang's marriage proposal......

Song Taizu sent Jingniang thousands of miles, of course, it is a tribute version of Guan Yun's long thousands of miles to ride alone.

Source: Yuncheng Evening News

Editor: Gao Tiantian

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