
3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"


3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"

Hyperlipidemia, a condition in which the amount of lipids in the blood is abnormally high, is one of the main causes of many cardiovascular diseases. With the improvement of living standards, people's food choices are becoming more and more diverse, but at the same time, they are also facing the temptation of more high-fat and high-sugar foods. Among these foods, there are some known as "growth promoters" of blood lipids, which can cause abnormal blood lipids to rise, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. This article will give you a detailed introduction to these 3 types of foods, as well as their harm to hyperlipidemia, I hope to attract your attention, stay away from these foods, and keep your blood lipids healthy.

3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"

Processed meat products, "growth promoter" of high blood lipids

Processed meat products, such as ham, bacon, luncheon meat, etc., although they have an attractive taste, are a disadvantage for patients with hyperlipidemia. Such foods usually contain high fat, high cholesterol and other ingredients, and long-term intake can easily lead to dyslipidemia and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. High levels of saturated fat and cholesterol in processed meat products are the main culprits in hyperlipidemia. These foods are often processed with large amounts of salt and preservatives, which can also have negative health effects. In addition, studies have shown that long-term intake of processed meat products is associated with an increased incidence of several cancers. For patients with hyperlipidemia, the intake of processed meat products should be avoided or reduced as much as possible. Choosing fresh lean meats, poultry or fish as an alternative can better protect cardiovascular health. At the same time, a moderate intake of fiber-rich foods in the diet, such as vegetables and fruits, can help reduce blood lipid levels and maintain good health

3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"

The harm of high-sugar drinks

High-sugar beverages refer to beverages that contain a lot of sugar, such as carbonated drinks, fruit juice drinks, etc. Although these drinks have a sweet taste, long-term consumption is extremely harmful to health, especially for people with high blood lipids. Hazard 1: A large amount of sugar in high-sugar drinks that lead to insulin resistance will quickly enter the bloodstream and stimulate the secretion of insulin, and long-term consumption of large amounts will lead to insulin resistance and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Hazard 2: The sugar in high-sugar drinks that induce fatty liver is too high, which is easy to be converted into fat and accumulate in the liver, and long-term drinking can easily cause liver diseases such as fatty liver and aggravate the condition of hyperlipidemia. Hazard 3: Increase the risk of cardiovascular diseaseExcessive sugar intake in high-sugar drinks can lead to dyslipidemia, accelerate the formation of atherosclerosis, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"


Try to choose sugar-free or low-sugar beverages, such as plain water, tea, etc., to reduce sugar intake. When drinking fruit juice, it is best to choose freshly squeezed fruit juice with no added sugar and control the amount of juice you drink. High-sugar drinks should become a "forbidden area" in the daily diet of people with high blood lipids, and avoid long-term drinking. By avoiding the intake of high-sugar beverages, blood lipid levels can be effectively controlled, the risk of disease can be reduced, and it is more beneficial to health.

3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"

Hazards of fried foods

Fried food refers to food made by deep-frying ingredients, such as fried chicken, fried French fries, etc. Despite their delicious taste, they can hide serious health risks, especially for people with high blood lipids. Dangers of fried foods to high blood lipids: High fat content: Fried foods usually contain a lot of oil, and excessive intake can lead to elevated blood lipids and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Trans fatty acids: Fats and fats in fried foods produce trans fatty acids at high temperatures, which not only raise blood lipids, but also lower "good cholesterol" levels and increase the likelihood of a heart attack. Too high in calories: Fried foods are often calorie-dense, and excessive intake can easily lead to weight gain, which in turn aggravates the symptoms of hyperlipidemia.

3 types of foods or "growth promoters" of blood lipids, people with high blood lipids, please "stay away"

How to substitute fried food:

Choose your cooking method: Using healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and roasting instead of frying can reduce your fat and calorie intake. Choose healthy oils and fats: Choosing healthy oils and fats such as olive oil and canola oil when cooking can reduce your intake of trans fatty acids. Eat more fruits and vegetables: Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can not only increase satiety, but also provide rich vitamins and minerals, which can help reduce cravings for fried foods. People with high blood lipids should avoid excessive intake of fried foods, and a reasonable diet is essential to control blood lipid levels. By choosing a healthy diet, you can better maintain your cardiovascular health and improve your quality of life.

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