
Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

author:Pick-up grids
Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance
Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

In the complicated world, people yearn for an elegant slow life, which is the yearning of many people.

Poetry, piano and painting, tea and light wine, or a small gathering in the mountains, or enjoying flowers in front of the court, or listening to music on the street.

With a simple, leisurely, intelligent attitude and lifestyle, feel the charm of elegant life.

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

This is the spiritual pursuit of the idyllic life, and the yearning for the clarity of the soul.

Time flies, only elegant life can slow down.

Elegant living has several characteristics in spirit, the first of which is simplicity.

Elegant living pursues a refined attitude to life, rather than a luxurious lifestyle.

The kind of extravagant and wasteful life, the so-called "success" of pursuing material luxury and power, are nothing more than floating clouds in the eyes of elegant life. Elegant life pays more attention to the inner spiritual cultivation and cultural cultivation.

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

The second is leisure.

Leisure is a kind of elegance, a kind of calmness, a kind of state of mind, and a kind of wisdom.

Elegant life pursues inner peace and satisfaction, rather than the hustle and bustle of the outside world. It enjoys the fullness of life, not the accumulation of material things; It is the serenity of the years, not the rush of time.

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

Finally, wisdom.

Elegant living is a smart way of life. A person with wisdom can be commanding from a high position, but he is calm; talented, but indifferent to fame and fortune; is comfortable in the world, but does not lose the original intention.

They are able to perceive the truth of heaven and earth, to understand the meaning of life, and to be neither trapped by difficulties nor rejoice in glory. Don't feel lonely in loneliness, don't feel lonely in loneliness.

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

"Elegant life" is "leisure love lonely cloud pure love monk",

It is "washing cuttlefish swallowing inkstone, cooking tea crane to avoid smoke",

It is "laughing at the wind and clouds, listening to the noise of flowers and birds",

It is "the bamboo is dense and the water is flowing, and the mountain is high and the wild clouds are flying",

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

It is "a hundred flowers in spring, a moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, and snow in winter",

It is "a quiet place where the piano is plucked, by the bridge of the tea boiling stream, the book is about after dusk, and the sword is not drawn",

It is "walking to the poor place of water, sitting and watching the clouds rise", and it is "lying high in the hills and ravines, escaping from the world"......

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

Elegant life is a unique life philosophy of Chinese.

In an essay entitled "The Philosophy of the Mean: Zi Si", Lin Yutang wrote:

"We are all born half Taoist and half Confucian. …… The noblest ideal in Chinese thought is that a person who does not have to escape from human society and life, but can also preserve his original happy nature.

This spirit of moderation finds a perfect equilibrium between action and inaction, and its ideal is that of a half-famous and half-nameless person; Work hard in laziness, lazy in hard work; It is not so poor that you cannot afford to pay rent, and if you are rich, you can not work at all, or you can help your friends as you please.

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

I can play the piano, but I am not very clever, I can only play it to my confidant friends, and the greatest use is to be my own pastime; I also have a collection of antiques, but they are only enough to fill the mantelpiece in the house;

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

I also read books, but I don't work very hard; He is very knowledgeable, but he does not become an expert;

- All in all, I believe that this ideal of middle-class life is the most sound ideal of life that the Chinese have ever discovered. ”

Similarly, Mr. Zhou Zuoren also said in "Tea Food in Beijing":

"In addition to the necessities of our daily use, we must have a little useless games and pleasures to make life interesting. We watch the sunset, look at the autumn river, look at the flowers, listen to the rain, smell the incense, drink wine that does not quench our thirst, and eat snacks that do not seek to be full, all of which are necessary in life - although they are useless decorations, and the more refined the better. ”

This is the "Chinese elegant life".

In the pen of Mr. Lin Yutang and Mr. Zhou Zuoren, we see the pursuit of the golden mean and the yearning for an elegant life.

Taste the beauty of life - the realm of elegance

In this busy society, people are eager to pursue utilitarianism and materialism, but ignore the nourishment of the soul and the cultivation of the spirit. Elegant life is not only a way of life, but also a spiritual pursuit, a return to the depths of the heart.

Therefore, let us slow down, savor the beauty of life, feel the peace of mind, and appreciate the true meaning of elegant life.

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