
In the second half of life, please choose the good and make friends

author:Pick-up grids
In the second half of life, please choose the good and make friends

As the old saying goes: "When water and plants gather, their fragrance overflows; The carbon ink is mixed, and its color is easy to darken. ”

This statement expresses the true meaning of interpersonal communication: who you share with determines the color of your heart and the temperature of your life.

Choosing the good and making friends is not only to please the outside, but also to nourish the inside.

In the second half of life, please choose the good and make friends

Fellowship with gentlemen is like a spring breeze

Looking at the sages, Confucius said: "Those who have no friends are not as good as themselves." It means that making friends needs to find someone who is superior to oneself in order to promote one's progress.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the friendship between Guan Zhong and Uncle Bao was a good story. When Guan Zhong was poor, Uncle Bao knew that his talents had not been developed, and he did not despise him because of his poverty, but repeatedly helped him get out of trouble. As for the two of them to join the country, Uncle Bao recommended Guan Zhong as the prime minister, and he was willing to live under him, without the slightest jealousy.

Guan Zhong felt his kindness and said: "The parents who gave birth to me, and Bao Zi, the one who knows me." This friendship of mutual achievement and selfless treatment is just like the warm sun in spring, which not only illuminates each other, but also warms themselves, and jointly draws a glorious chapter of Qi hegemony.

In the second half of life, please choose the good and make friends

Companionship with sincere people, and drinking nectar

Honesty is the foundation of life, and so is the way to make friends. The story of Jibu in the Han Dynasty has been passed down through the ages.

Ji Bu is known for his faithfulness, and he will do his best to fulfill all his promises, so there is a saying at the time: "It is better to get a hundred catties of gold than to get Ji Bu Yinuo." Its sincerity has led countless heroes to bend their waists, even if they are being pursued by Liu Bang, everyone in the world is willing to hide it, and it will eventually be pardoned and reused.

The charm of sincerity is nothing more than this, it allows Ji Bu to get the help of everyone in the predicament, and let the light of his personality pass through the long river of history and illuminate future generations.

In the second half of life, please choose the good and make friends

Walking with the tenacious is like climbing the peak

The sea of life is endless, and only by standing side by side with the tenacious can we climb the peak. The matter of Yue Wang Goujian, Fan Li, and literature is a perfect interpretation of tenacity and resourcefulness.

Wu destroyed the Yue, Gou Jian lay down and tasted the courage, Fan Li and Wen did not abandon it, and conspired to restore the country. Ten years of life and ten years of lessons, with extraordinary perseverance and resourcefulness, the three of them finally revived the country and achieved a hegemony.

Here, it not only demonstrates the tenacity of Gou Jian to endure humiliation, but also the unswerving loyalty of Fan Li and Wengen, and the three complement each other to create brilliance.

In the second half of life, please choose the good and make friends

In the journey of life, choosing the good and making friends is not only to escape the wind and rain, but also to share the sunshine.

Fellowship with gentlemen and self-improvement; Bonding with sincere people, deep affection; Walk with the resilient, not afraid of wind and rain. In the limited time, be close to those who can nourish the soul, stay away from consumption, and enjoy the abundance and warmth of life. In this way, in the journey of life, we can leave a series of shining footprints and achieve an immortal legend.