
Pigeon story: I don't know pigeons but I meet good pigeons

author:An ancient man

In a big mountain city with beautiful scenery, there is a pigeon keeper. With more than 20 years of racing experience in pigeon racing now, he has a very good reputation in the region. In 2010 he was already an old man, and many of today's pigeon fanciers would call him a senior or a teacher.

The predecessors have bred a lot of great pigeons, and the sewing race is sure to be a few of the top 10 pigeons. In 2011, a big black pigeon appeared in the senior's shed (deep raindrops, it looks very dark, nicknamed Big Black Male). The big black sewing race must be on, and every time you will win the prize, although the seniors have a lot of such pigeons at home, but the seniors still prefer this big black, every time you feed the pigeons, the big black will fly to the seniors, because every time you go to the big black you can eat two peanuts.

Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, in 2012, Daikoku flew from 200-700 kilometers 16 times, of which 13 were shortlisted, and 7 of them were in the top ten. The national race of more than 700 kilometers in the province ranks in the top 15, such results are not uncommon in the plains, but in the mountains within 500 fast 700 is basically the sky, 700 fast within 500 kilometers is basically not awarded, so it is difficult to appear from 200 ~ 700 kilometers are fast pigeons. To put it mildly, there are very few pigeons coming back from 700 km in the mountains. The big black caused a sensation in the surrounding pigeon fanciers for a while, and many fanciers said that the big black is amazing.

Pigeon story: I don't know pigeons but I meet good pigeons

Because of his outstanding achievements, Da Hei is domineering and exposed. Both the appearance and the hand-picked give the pigeon a feeling of unparalleled beauty. On November 6, 2012, Dahei participated in a prize race from Shaanxi Province, about 450 kilometers away. On the same day, five associations in the province held a grand prix of more than 350 kilometers. On this day, it was overcast and foggy and the highway was closed to traffic because the visibility was too low. There were no pigeons on the day of the race of more than 300 kilometers in the province, of course, the battle-hardened Da Hei did not go home, it was very disappointed to spend the night outside, Da Hei said silently in his heart at the time (I will definitely come back, master).

Then it rained for 7 days in a row, and Da Hei was strong and starved. Didn't go into other people's homes to eat. On the seventh day, Da Hei couldn't stand it anymore and went to drink water in a forest in Shuangliu County, 80 kilometers away from home. Unfortunately, the big black got stuck in the net of the net thrush. Da Hei struggled desperately and got all the hair off his neck, but he still didn't escape. Da Hei has the ability to predict the weather, Da Hei knows that tomorrow and will stop, the sun will come out, and with the sun Da Hei can go home. But Da Hei was caught by someone else at this time, and he regretted saying in his heart (I'm sorry, master, I can't come back).

Pigeon story: I don't know pigeons but I meet good pigeons

The next morning, Da Hei was sold for 30 yuan to the place where the pigeons were killed. Maybe in the afternoon it's already on the table. At this time, there was an age boy who did not go to work because of the power outage on the construction site and came to the vegetable market, and it was even more coincidental that this young man was also a person who liked to keep pigeons. When the guy saw this big black, he was very curious to pick it up and look at it, and asked the boss how much it was. The boss replied 50 yuan. The wings also have 6 main feathers, there are few hairs on the neck, and the tail has only 3 tail feathers. Many uncles took a magnifying glass and looked at it for a long time and said that rookies, 50 yuan is too expensive. But because the young man doesn't understand the pigeon's eye, he simply likes pigeons. I don't think 50 yuan is expensive. Big Black shouldn't be killed, it's too coincidental that the young man just has 50 yuan on him.

The young man took the pigeon and touched it happily on the way back to the construction site, looking at the pigeon, and fantasizing in his heart that it might be a little slower, but it should be a long-distance pigeon. Maybe a champion will have a youngster flying to bad weather in a certain month and year. The more the young man touches it, the better the skeleton is, and the more he looks at it, the more beautiful it becomes. Hehe, maybe young people who don't understand pigeons are like this.

Half a month later, the young man left the construction site and returned home. One day the young man looked it up on the Internet. The young man was thrilled to find out that this pigeon had an outstanding palmares. Because this is the best pigeon he has ever seen. 50 bucks to buy such a good pigeon? The lad couldn't believe it. But after many hands-on observations, this pigeon does fit many of the characteristics of a good pigeon in the pigeon books.

Pigeon story: I don't know pigeons but I meet good pigeons

The youngsters of this pigeon soon proved a year later, and all the youngsters of the big black pair won many prizes. In just three years, the youngsters of Dahew have won more than 20 prizes. And he has achieved a lot of good results in the One Loft Races, so although Dahei has not returned to the place where he grew up, Dahei's status is the same as that of Dahei. The new owner and Dahei have developed a strong bond over the course of 3 years, and Dahew is a very friendly pigeon, perhaps due to the genetics of the bloodline. Because the grandchildren of Dahei are also very friendly. One day, when the new owner was admiring the big black outside the pigeon loft, he accidentally flew the big black, and the new owner shook his head regretfully. Recalling the past three years with Daikoku, the new owner prays for Daikoku with gratitude (hoping that it will not be eaten by predators). I hope it can return safely to the place where it was born or that the miracle reappears that Daikoku can return to his side, or maybe meet someone who likes it again, and never be eaten by predators and people.

Three days later, a pigeon swooped down in the sky, but the new owner didn't release the pigeon? When it was almost time to reach the loft, the new owner found out that the big black had returned, and he was very excited, he really came back. And it fell directly on the shoulders of the new owner. Wow. Dahei meets this young guy again, and this moment is incomparably beautiful for pigeon racers. Because the new owner likes Daikoku very much and appreciates Daikoku.

Whenever the young man sees the big black and a certain grey hen in the loft, he can't help but say: Wonderful! These two pigeons are the soul of my whole pigeon basket, the motivation for my pigeon breeding, and the spiritual pillar of my life.

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