
Some small remedies accumulated in the daily practice of keeping pigeons

author:An ancient man

When raising pigeons, you can use 100 Chinese medicine to soak in water or decoction and then mix water with water for the pigeons to drink or bathe. One is that it can inhibit parasites in the body, and the other is that it can inhibit parasites outside the body. Don't refuse to use medicine when raising pigeons, some vaccines have been played, pigeon racing is indeed not easy to get sick, medication is supposed to, but don't feed any stimulants, such pigeons come back to breed is not suitable, a short time has an effect, but it is not a long-term solution. There are some small remedies that can be used to feed the pigeons and help them to regain their health. Here are a few recipes for keeping pigeons. It's a very simple thing that you can use when you need it.

Some small remedies accumulated in the daily practice of keeping pigeons

The first one: in the summer, you can give the pigeons some green tea water, which can clear the heat and remove the fire, and you can also add some nutrients to the pigeons. It should be noted that when making tea, it is good to use water at about 80 degrees. Then let it cool and let the pigeons drink. Drink it once or twice a week. And honeysuckle, like the honeysuckle that we drink, and other flower teas that clear away heat and fire can also be given to pigeons. But we can't drink too much tea, and neither can pigeons. Drinking in moderation is best.

Some small remedies accumulated in the daily practice of keeping pigeons

The second: the use of mung beans. Mung beans are mainly used to clear away heat and fire. In the summer, you can feed more. And mung beans have other ways besides direct feeding. It is made into mung bean soup. There are two ways to make mung bean soup, one is to cook it directly like the mung bean soup we drink. One is to soak it directly in boiling water, and after soaking it in boiling water until it is cold, you can feed the pigeons directly. Among them, the latter has always been considered to be more effective than direct boiling.

Thirdly, when your pigeons are constantly experiencing intestinal discomfort, when your pigeons are not in a good state of mind, when your pigeon droppings are not formed. You can try garlic water or garlic vinegar water or vinegar water for the pigeons to drink. Feeding once or twice a week is fine. With constant use, the pigeons can become very healthy. It should be noted that the concentration should not be too high, otherwise it will irritate the respiratory tract and intestines of the pigeons.

Some small remedies accumulated in the daily practice of keeping pigeons

Fourth: feed the pig's mothergrass, which is what we call purslane. This is often used when raising pigs, and it is also commonly used when raising pigeons. This thing is more common in rural areas next to houses, roadsides, and fields. If you are unsure, you can ask the elderly, who generally know what kind of grass is purslane, because this thing was often used as a weed in the past. This kind of stuff is quite safe and can be fed often.