
How to eat beans with high uric acid? How to drink milk for lactose intolerance...... The dry goods you want to "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" are here!

author:Yangcheng faction

May 12-18 is the 10th "National Nutrition Week", this year's task is to advocate the concept of reducing oil, increasing beans and milk, guiding residents to develop good eating habits with reasonable daily diets, and using dietary guidelines to help prevent and improve chronic diseases. On May 16, the Clinical Nutrition Center of the First People's Hospital of Foshan City held a large-scale free clinic and popular science lecture activity of "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier" in the outpatient lobby of the hospital, attracting more than 100 patients to participate on the spot. "Lactose intolerance, how to drink milk?" and other nutrition hot issues were answered.

How to eat beans with high uric acid? How to drink milk for lactose intolerance...... The dry goods you want to "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" are here!

Can people with high uric acid still drink soy milk?

In order to further promote the National Nutrition Plan and the Healthy China Reasonable Diet Action, the Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee issued a total of 30 core messages of "reducing oil, increasing beans, and adding milk". Regarding "soybean growth", it is pointed out that "soybeans and their products are diverse and nutritious, providing high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, potassium, vitamin E, etc., which are suitable for all groups of people to eat." Eating soybeans and their products is beneficial to children's growth and development, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis in postmenopausal women in adults, and also helps to delay muscle decay in the elderly. It is recommended that adults consume an average of 15~25 grams of soybeans or a considerable amount of soybean products per day, and more than 2/3 of the residents in the mainland have not reached the recommended intake, so they should be increased appropriately. ”

How to eat beans with high uric acid? How to drink milk for lactose intolerance...... The dry goods you want to "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" are here!

"Soy products are so good, but my uric acid is high and I can't eat beans, what should I do?" Some neighbors at the scene asked. This question is very representative, and there has always been a saying among the people that "people with gout do not eat soy milk and other soy products." Pan Wensong, chairman of the Clinical Nutrition Branch of Foshan Medical Association and director and professor of the Clinical Nutrition Center of Foshan First People's Hospital, answered that according to current research, long-term intake of appropriate amounts of soy products by people with hyperuricemia will not lead to an increase in uric acid. He suggested that you can choose different soybeans and their products for three meals a day, 20 grams of soybeans is equivalent to about 60 grams of northern tofu, about 110 grams of southern tofu, about 45 grams of dried tofu, and about 300 grams of soy milk.

How to eat beans with high uric acid? How to drink milk for lactose intolerance...... The dry goods you want to "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" are here!

Li Qiaoyun, deputy chief nurse of the Clinical Nutrition Center of Foshan First People's Hospital, added that if you are concerned about the purine content in soy products, you can choose soy products with lower purine content for consumption. For example, the purine content of soy milk, tofu and dried tofu is much lower than that of dried soybeans, in short, the higher the water content of soy products, the lower the purine content.

Professor Pan Wensong reminded that people with hyperuricemia should pay more attention to how to reduce their fat intake while paying attention to how to eat beans. He explained that a high-fat diet is also one of the factors that trigger high uric acid, and obesity caused by a long-term high-fat diet is also closely related to high uric acid. He suggested that the neighborhood should eat less oil while supplementing high-quality fatty acids, such as olive oil, camellia oil, deep-sea fish oil, etc., which are helpful for the intervention of gout and obesity.

What should I do if I have bloating and diarrhea as soon as I drink milk?

The core information of "reducing oil, increasing beans, and adding milk" points out that "milk and dairy products are nutritious, provide high-quality protein, and are a good source of calcium." Adequate intake of milk and dairy products is beneficial to human health, especially muscle and bone health. It is recommended to consume 300~500ml of liquid milk or a considerable amount of dairy products per day, and the actual intake of most residents in the mainland is far lower than the recommended amount, so more intake is encouraged. ”

"As soon as I drink milk, I feel bloated and have diarrhea, and I dare not drink it!" This is how many people feel after drinking milk. Professor Pan Wensong answered in an interview with Yangcheng Evening News that this is either lactose intolerance or protein allergy. It is understood that the proportion of lactose intolerance in Chinese is generally much higher than that of Caucasian people in European and American countries, which is caused by genetic and environmental factors. He recommends that lactose-intolerant people choose lactose-free, lactose-low milk or fermented dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. If you are allergic to the protein in milk, Professor Pan Wensong can boil the milk and then simmer for 10~15 minutes, the allergens can be destroyed to a certain extent, and the discomfort reaction after drinking milk can be reduced.

Learning to "eat" healthily starts with the baby

In the early years, some parents used milk-containing drinks as milk and kept them for their children. The "core information" also specifically mentions that "when choosing milk and dairy products, you should first look at the ingredient list and nutrition label, and you should not replace milk with milk-containing beverages." Li Qiaoyun, deputy chief nurse, said in an interview with Yangcheng Evening News that from their observations, due to the popularization of science in recent years and the improvement of parents' health literacy, this situation is becoming less and less, and the current problem is more serious that when children buy food with their pocket money, they will not consider the nutrition and health of the food, and will ingest a lot of "junk food".

How to eat beans with high uric acid? How to drink milk for lactose intolerance...... The dry goods you want to "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" are here!

In May, there is not only National Nutrition Week, but also "Chinese Student Nutrition Day" on May 20, and in May this year, the Clinical Nutrition Center of Foshan First People's Hospital also organized a number of nutrition education activities on campus. "We want to teach students to learn to read the ingredient list and nutrition label when buying snacks," explained Li Qiaoyun, deputy chief nurse, for example, if a student wants to buy chocolate and chocolate-related foods, we teach him to choose an ingredient that is "cocoa butter" instead of "cocoa butter substitute", because the latter contains trans fatty acids, which can cause adverse effects on the human body. In addition, when buying snacks, if there are several lines of ingredients in the ingredient list, it means that there are more additives, so try not to buy them.

Obesity is a chronic disease that can lead to a range of complications and is one of the world's greatest public health challenges. In recent decades, with the development of the economy, the prevalence of obesity in China has also risen rapidly. 34.8% of Chinese adults are overweight and 14.1% are obese. Among them, the proportion of obese men is significantly higher than that of women, while the proportion of obesity in the north is higher than that in the south. "If you are already obese, it is difficult to lose weight, it is better to learn to avoid obesity before you become obese diet and lifestyle habits." Li Qiaoyun, deputy chief nurse, introduced that a scientific and balanced diet to prevent obesity is also one of the important themes of their nutrition education on campus. They also encourage students to accompany their parents to go grocery shopping when they go home, and apply the nutrition knowledge they have learned in the classroom, such as eating enough vegetables or fruits of five colors every day, "We hope to influence a family through a child and bring nutrition knowledge to thousands of families." ”

Text: Reporter Chen Huitu: Courtesy of the hospital


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