
Take a clear stand! Singapore's prime minister has publicly stated that he upholds the one-China principle and advocates that the two sides of the strait are one family

author:Land abandonment

Text: Lu abandoned

Singapore's former Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong took over as Prime Minister and talked about many issues in foreign affairs, internal affairs, and the Taiwan Strait in his swearing-in speech. In his inaugural speech, Lawrence Wong stressed that he would uphold the one-China principle and oppose "Taiwan independence." His position was very clear.

Huang Xuncai stressed that he would not take sides between China and the United States, and such a statement followed the original line of Lee Hsien Loong, and directly slapped Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" in the face with his clear stance on the Taiwan Strait. Lee Hsien Loong and Wong Hsien-choi are in the same line, and they often directly say to the media that they do not support "Taiwan independence" and hope that Taiwan will return to the line of the "92 consensus" as soon as possible. This time, Singapore chose this time to express relevant discourse, which is actually an alternative shouting to Lai Qingde before 520.

Take a clear stand! Singapore's prime minister has publicly stated that he upholds the one-China principle and advocates that the two sides of the strait are one family

Taiwan has long sent "representatives" to Singapore, and Singapore itself must agree that the person sent by them is directly recognized by them, otherwise this person will be returned to his hometown. This is because in the past, when the DPP was in power, there were cases when representatives of the Taiwan faction in Singapore were dissatisfied with the Taiwan faction and called people back.

Legend has it that Singapore itself must think that the representatives sent can directly talk to the leader of the dragon. Whether it is Chen Shui-bian, Tsai Ing-wen or the future Lai Qingde, if they are not highly representative, they will return people. In other words, Singapore's official attitude is very persistent, and it has a unique context.

Singapore used to have a very close relationship with Taiwan, and the first generation of Singapore's founding father was the Lee family, and the first generation also had a close relationship with Chiang Kai-shek. Lee Kuan Yew is the most populated foreign dignitaries at the Round Hill Hotel, and Singapore has always played an important role in cross-strait issues.

Take a clear stand! Singapore's prime minister has publicly stated that he upholds the one-China principle and advocates that the two sides of the strait are one family

The "Wang-Koo talks" were held in Singapore, where Ma Ying-jeou and state leaders met a few years ago. Singapore's new Prime Minister Lawrence Wong has made such a clear statement that Singapore will continue to take a clear-cut stand in support of one China on cross-strait issues in the future.

If the two sides of the strait need to communicate overseas, it is believed that Singapore will also play its unique role. Because Singapore has a deep relationship with Taiwan in the past, and has a deep relationship with the mainland, and at the same time, Singapore's current prime minister is also Chinese, and Singapore is originally a Chinese country. Therefore, Singapore can play a unique role in the cross-strait issue, and its statement that the two sides of the strait are at a critical and sensitive moment will have a positive effect on the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

At that time, the "92 talks" between the two elders were held by the hosts, and it was hoped that the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and even the four places and five places on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, would be able to form a situation of family relations. Since it was hosted by them, of course, there is no reason to throw the "92 Consensus" that has been painstakingly constructed into the Strait of Malacca. Therefore, in many media interviews, Singapore hopes that Taiwan will return to the "92 Consensus" as soon as possible.

Take a clear stand! Singapore's prime minister has publicly stated that he upholds the one-China principle and advocates that the two sides of the strait are one family

Singapore's attitude is the most stable and reassuring on the entire axis, and Huang Xuncai once again said that it has an alternative effect, in fact, as long as you walk in such a dimension and axis, you can maintain a peaceful integration, and you can also maintain the original various trade relations. In this way, all problems can be eliminated, and even the problems that the United States obstructs can be solved.

The fact that Singapore's small country can develop so well in economic development, prosper and stabilize its society, and that it can also play a role in diplomacy with ease has a lot to do with its wisdom in adopting a clear-cut one-China stance on the Taiwan Strait issue and properly handling relations between major countries, and this wisdom is worthy of reference by other countries.

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