
There is no obstacle in the mortal heart, and the morning flowers and the setting moon are coming slowly

author:Art Scene

Xin Qiji wrote in "He Bridegroom: Use the Front Rhyme to Re-end":

"Sigh life, unsatisfactory things, eight or nine times out of ten."

The rolling red dust was originally muddy and sandy, and it was difficult for everything to go well.

If you keep all kinds of trivial things in your heart, the more negative energy accumulates, and it is difficult to unravel.

When your heart is complicated and uneasy, you might as well take a look at these three sentences.

I hope you can meet a better version of yourself in the future!

There is no obstacle in the mortal heart, and the morning flowers and the setting moon are coming slowly


Your time is expensive, don't waste it on bad people

Mo Si has endless things outside his body, and he has a limited cup before his death.

- Don Du Fu "Nine Quatrains"

The famous poet Yu Guangzhong once experienced a protracted scolding war.

Some people frequently publicly abused him in the newspapers, and their words were harsh, but they were unmoved and turned a deaf ear.

The reporter asked him: "Why do you never respond when someone accuses you every day?" ”

Yu Guangzhong replied teasingly: "He has been scolding me, and I have remained silent, which shows that his life cannot live without me, and my life can live without him." ”

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at what he said, so understatement, but it was more powerful than a verbal counterattack.

The ancient adage says:

"It is better to compete with the wise than to discuss the short and long with the fool."

Really smart people never worry about bad people and get entangled with bad things.

Because they know very well that entangled with bad people and bad things will only increase their troubles, not only will they not solve any problems, but they will also easily let themselves fall into the quagmire and cannot extricate themselves.

If you ignore it, he'll be bored with himself.

Zhou Guoping also said:

"Life must have the wisdom of not competing."

People live for a lifetime, but just over 30,000 days, spring flowers are rare, summer leaves are rare, autumn fruits are rare, winter snow is rare, and every day in life is very rare.

There's really no need to waste time and energy on these little things that aren't worth it.

When you encounter bad things, it is better to laugh them off and let them go with the wind.

There is nothing to do in the heart, and there is joy in the heart.

There is no obstacle in the mortal heart, and the morning flowers and the setting moon are coming slowly


Not everyone is worthy of your explanation

is not afraid of clouds to cover his eyes, and he is at the top by chance.

- Song Wang Anshi "Ascending the Flying Peak"

I have heard a saying: where there are people, there are rivers and lakes; Where there are rivers and lakes, there is gossip.

In a person's life, you will meet all kinds of people, some people understand you, it is inevitable that some people do not understand you, some people believe in you, and some people must question you.

In the face of other people's misunderstandings, it is better to laugh at them, as long as you have a clear heart, it is enough to be at ease.

After all, while some were still standing still, others had already looked beyond the hills to the endless sea of stars.

When Mr. Zhang Daqian held a solo exhibition abroad, visitors invited him to improvise a painting.

He gladly agreed, and with a stroke of paper, he created an ink peony picture.

After putting away the pen, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, sprayed it on the drawing paper, and the peony bloomed instantly, which was heartwarming.

The crowd applauded.

A local painter disagreed, mocking: "It turns out that Chinese painters use tea spray painting, can such a technique also be called art?" ”

In the face of such a provocation, Zhang Daqian did not respond, just smiled and silently cleaned up the table.

A friend asked him: "This is obviously the method of washing ink in Chinese painting, why don't you explain it and make him speechless." ”

Zhang Daqian said: "Why should I leave him speechless, if he is really interested in Chinese painting, he will definitely understand the magic of Chinese painting in the future." If I'm not interested, why should I explain too much. ”

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

"If the thought is not at the same level, it is good to respect, and if the three views are not at the same level, it is good to smile."

Those who wander at the foot of the mountain can never imagine how magnificent the scenery from the top of the mountain is; Those who are satisfied with the gentle murmuring of the stream will not be able to feel the magnificent scene in the depths of the sea.

Well frogs can't talk about the sea, and summer insects can't talk about ice.

The levels are different and do not have to be explained.

A person with an abundant heart always lives in his own heart, not in the mouth of others.

It is better to be yourself quietly, let time blossom and give the most powerful answer.


Troubles are only temporary, and beauty is on the way

There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village.

- Song Lu You, "Traveling to Shanxi Village"

Rabindranath Tagore once said:

"The best will always come when you least expect it."

Everyone must have heard the story of Seon's lost horse.

Near the side of the sea, lived an old man who kept horses.

Once, when one of the Seon's horses ran away, the neighbors came to comfort him.

But he said, "It's not necessarily a good thing." ”

A few days later, the horse came running back with a thousand miles of horses.

The neighbors came again to congratulate him.

But Seon said, "A thousand-mile horse for nothing may cause some trouble." ”

Later, Seon's son went out to play on that thousand-mile horse and broke his thigh.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing," Seon said. ”

A year later, war broke out in the border area, and the young people in the neighborhood were all dragged into the army, and many died on the battlefield.

Seon's son was spared the battle because he broke his leg.

There is no obstacle in the mortal heart, and the morning flowers and the setting moon are coming slowly

Feng Zikai said:

Since there is nowhere to run, it is better to rejoice; Since there is no pure land, it is better to meditate; Since it didn't get its wish, it's better to be relieved. ”

The world is impermanent, and life will be disturbed by all kinds of troubles at any time.

When something has already happened, why worry about the past? It's better to let go of the burden in your heart, face it with a smile, and move forward with ease.

If the heart is broad, why should there be troubles? If people are relieved, how can there be gloom.

The world is like a book, and only when this page is turned can we continue to write a new chapter.

Firmly believe that troubles are only temporary, and beauty is on the way.

Now, it's the best time, everything, the best arrangement.

Let your heart be quiet, even if life is noisy, you can raise a lotus flower that comes out of the mud and is not stained.

"The Ballad of Relief Heart" says:

"The sun rises in the East Sea and sets in the West Mountain, sorrow is also a day, and joy is also a day; If you don't drill the horns of the bull in case of trouble, your body is also comfortable, and your heart is also comfortable. ”

Life is a mood, and life is a state of mind.

So, don't always get along with yourself, look a little away, the world is big, and the happiness is the greatest.

There is no obstacle in the mortal heart, and the morning flowers and the setting moon are coming slowly.

Even if there is wind and rain on the road ahead, you must have "bamboo canes and shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid?" A cloud of smoke and rain Ren Pingsheng".