
These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know

author:Art Scene

There is nothing saddest in life to be used by others and still maintain their dignity for them. To put it bluntly, it is sold and paid for the number of people.

Everyone will meet all kinds of people in their lives, some bring love and happiness, and some bring hate and hurt.

The person holding the umbrella for you may not really be for your own good, but may also want to cover your gaze from afar; The person who is doing the work for you is not necessarily really afraid that you will be hurt, but may also be clipping off your wings.

Life is bitter, and no one can always be accompanied by sweetness. Life is changeable, and nothing lasts forever.

Language can't teach people's truth, pain can; Individuals can't sum up the experience, years can.

Everything in this world is an encounter. When you meet snowflakes, it's winter; When you meet the full moon, you miss it; When you meet a good person, you are peaceful; When you meet the bad guys, you are gloomy.

Fate is inexplicable, it is a random combination, and it is destined by God.

These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know

Some people say that fate is the excuse of the weak, and luck is the humble word of the strong. So fate is nothing but the result of multiple choices.

Walking on the road of life, you will encounter many forks in the road. Choose the one with a lot of people, which is often safe but ordinary. If you choose the off-the-beaten-path route, it may be a little difficult to walk, but you will definitely enjoy a different view.

Destiny is never predestined. It is possible for a person not to believe in fate, but not to disobey it.

When the results come, both good and bad have to be accepted. Struggling is useless. No one can change their life against the sky, and all an individual can do is make gradual adjustments.

As the old saying goes: "People are good, although blessings have not come, disasters have been far away; People are evil, although the disaster has not come, the blessing has been far away. Those who do good deeds are like the grass of a spring garden, which does not see its growth, but increases day by day. The evildoer is like a sharpening stone, which does not see its damage, but loses day by day. ”

There are very few things in this world that have immediate results. Whether the development of one thing is a virtuous circle or a vicious circle is determined at the beginning of the choice.

If there are the following 3 types of people around you, stay away in time, they are here to harm you, don't be stupid and don't know.

These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know
These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know

Poor man who poured bitter water on you

As the saying goes, "Like gathers like, and people divide into groups." "The kind of person you have been with for a long time, you will become that kind of person over time.

Everyone is an energy body, and everyone has their own fortune. Surround yourself with great people and you will gradually become excellent. Spending time with gloomy people will gradually give rise to sadness.

Communication between people is the process of energy exchange. Optimistic people share happiness, pessimistic people share pain.

Don't let yourself have too much contact with people who are full of negative energy. You think that the other person is just talking to you, but you don't know that your emotions will be subtly controlled.

Pity the one who pours out bitter water on you. But no matter how pitiful the other party is, it has nothing to do with you in essence. If you can't do substantial help, let yourself be indifferent.

If you empathize too easily, you will lose control of your life.

These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know
These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know

Pessimists who pour cold water on you

As the old saying goes: "Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June." "When people are depressed, what they are most afraid of is blows, which can easily lead to a collapse. When people are proud, they are also afraid of blows, which not only disappoints their happiness but also makes people doubt themselves.

If you want to live a good life, you have to stay away from the pessimistic person who always pours cold water on you.

In the eyes of pessimists, it is difficult to succeed in whatever they do, and they often think of the end of the plan when things turn out to be bad. Hit the self-confidence of others with worrying care.

People who like to pour cold water rarely save face for others, and their pessimism will suddenly appear regardless of the occasion, lowering the atmosphere to freezing point.

If a person wants to stand tall and go far, he must stay away from the pessimists who pour cold water. Pessimism not only fails to warn of danger, but also confuses the public.

The fruits of success always belong to the brave. The end of being afraid of wolves and tigers is often lonely. Stay away from people who are always oppressive of you, no matter how intimate you used to be.

These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know
These three people appeared in their lives to "harm you", don't be stupid and don't know

An old acquaintance who is working against you

There is a law in this world called conservation of energy.

To put it bluntly, some people like you, and some people hate you. Some people want to be close to you, and some people want to distance themselves from you.

No matter how hard a person tries, it is impossible to satisfy everyone. So a lot of life's struggles don't make sense at all.

You must be familiar with this word, and that is to kill ripeness.

Acquaintances know each other better, so it can be said that they know the roots, and it is easy to have trust. At the same time, it is easy to deceive acquaintances.

The so-called killing of acquaintances is to take advantage of the trust of acquaintances in oneself and adopt improper means to earn money from others.

Applying the law of conservation, it is easy to deduce that if someone makes money, someone will lose money.

In our lives, too many people fall in the process of getting along because they think old acquaintances are trustworthy. We can even find that the rivals in life are often acquaintances.

As a person, you must stay away from the old acquaintance who is working against you, after all, the lethality from acquaintances is always unexpected.