
Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed

author:Art Scene
Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed

Knowing that there is contentment is true abundance

Zhuangzi once said:

"Those who have deep appetite are shallow, and those who are shallow are deep."

Addicted to material things and indulging in pleasures, such a person has no happiness at all.

"People's hearts are not satisfied, and they often encounter disasters and sorrows; Thirty-three days later, the tall buildings will still be erected. ”

Inflated desires, which make people never satisfied, are the source of suffering.

In life, knowing how to be content is the real wealth.

The Book of Changes says:

"One yin and one yang is the Tao."

The avenue is simple, and the real avenue is by no means complicated or mysterious, it is the transformation of yin and yang.

It's the same with people, the higher the realm, the simpler life and life will be.

Mr. Nan Huaijin said:

"Reading history for 3,000 years is nothing more than fame and fortune;

Ninety thousand miles of enlightenment, finally return to the poetry and wine pastoral. ”

In the end, I found that the highest Tao was in ordinary life.

Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed
Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed

Kindness is a person's highest cultivation

In the Book of Changes, it says: "Virtue carries things." ”

Only when a person really has good moral character can he truly have his wealth and status.

If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster.

If a person does not cultivate virtue, even if he goes far away for a while, he will eventually lose what he has.

The Tao Te Ching says:

"Heaven has no relatives, and he is always with good people."

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are treated equally, and there is no difference between intimacy and alienation.

But for kind people, it is especially favored.

Good thoughts are seeds, good deeds are flowers, and good deeds are fruits.

A person who accumulates virtue and does good deeds is naturally blessed.

From good as ascending, from evil as collapsing.

Learn for a few years, learn for a few days.

No matter who you are, you must hold on to the string of good and evil, don't take good as small, and don't take evil as small.

Only by being kind, having good thoughts, and doing more good deeds can we avoid disasters and enjoy a happy life.

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Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed

Knowing how to be in awe, life can be free from disaster

I Ching:

"The sky hangs down, and you see good luck."

Heaven and earth have their own rules, and all things have their own laws.

In the era of scientific prosperity, a person should have a reverence for heaven and earth in his heart.

Without a little reverence, it is dangerous.

The reason why many people do all kinds of evil is that they don't have the slightest sense of awe, they are not afraid of the sky, they are not afraid of the earth, and they can do all kinds of bad things.

Heaven and earth give birth to all things, and man is only a child of nature.

The laws of heaven must be higher than people's cleverness.

With a sense of awe, we can do something and not do something.

We will be able to discipline ourselves better and be kind to others.

Do what is right, take the right path, have light in your heart, revere heaven and earth, and all good things will come as promised.

Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed
Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed

It never hurts to be humble

Among the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes, each hexagram has evil and auspicious, but the humble hexagram, there is no fierceness, only auspiciousness, which is the best hexagram.

The Book of Changes: The Hexagram says:

"A humble gentleman, humble and self-shepherding."

Keep yourself in humility and keep the low place with a humble attitude, so that there will be no disaster.

Zeng Guofan said:

"Most of the failures in life stem from two words, one is laziness and the other is pride."

Proud people have narrow horizons and don't know how thick the sky is.

seems to be dancing with teeth and claws, but in the eyes of others, it is actually just a vulnerable paper tiger.

There are people outside the people, there are mountains outside the mountains, and you never know how strong they are.

Therefore, those who have really seen the world know how to be humble and self-contained.

The sea is inclusive of all rivers and becomes its vastness.

The mountain gathers soil and stones, and becomes its majesty.

It never hurts to be humble.

Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed
Reading the 5 sentences of the Book of Changes is becoming more and more blessed

Self-improvement, strong and promising

"Zhou Yi" says:

"Tianxingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement."

Heaven (i.e., nature) is strong and vigorous, and accordingly, a gentleman should work hard in the world like the sky.

The water flow is not rotten, and the hub is not beetle.

In life, you must have a little vitality.

You can't say nothing and do nothing, and you can't be idle all day long, and such a person will get sick sooner or later.

It's not that you have to be famous, but you have to have your own things to do.

Whether it's work or interest, people always have a positive attitude.

Teenagers are easy to grow old and difficult to learn, and every inch of time is indispensable.

If you don't have that steaming energy, and you haven't struggled properly, you will only have regret and sigh when you get old.

The nine-story platform starts from the soil; Great oaks from little acorns grow..

No hard work, no gain.

People who are willing to put in the effort, persevere, step by step, can eventually reach the end of happiness.