
South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

author:One sister of agriculture

Reading guide: Starting from today, South China ushered in a new round of heavy rain, heavy rain hit, 8 days in a row, 60 years of cold summer coming?

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

Recently, under the influence of the southwest monsoon, the southern part of the mainland has ushered in a new round of rainfall, and this time South China is the center of rainfall, and there are strong convective weather such as heavy rain, heavy rain, hail and strong wind.

Today is May 16th, and the southwest monsoon affects Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, that is, it mainly affects the southwest region. In southern China, the central and western parts of Guangxi and Hainan Island have light to moderate rain.

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

Moderate to heavy rain is expected in parts of southwestern Sichuan, western Guizhou, eastern and southern Yunnan, western Guangxi, Hainan Island, and southeastern Tibet today, and localized heavy rain in southern and eastern Yunnan and western Guizhou.

Weather forecast for South China on May 17:

Tomorrow, May 17, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of southern Sichuan, western Chongqing, Guizhou, eastern and southern Yunnan, northern and western Guangxi, Hainan Island and southeastern Tibet, and heavy rain in parts of southwestern Guizhou and northwest Guangxi.

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

Among them, South China is in the epidemic area, with heavy to heavy rain in northwest Guangxi, light to moderate rain in central and western Guangdong, and moderate to heavy rain in most of Hainan Island.

On May 18, the weather forecast for South China:

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

On May 18, the southwest moved eastward and northward, and the central areas of heavy rain were concentrated in South China, southern Guizhou, and southern Hunan. In particular, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan Island have entered the center of the heavy rain, with heavy rains in some areas.

May 18 is an important rainy day in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan Island, so we must pay attention to the changes in severe convective weather. Especially for wheat and rapeseed, which have already reached maturity, this round of heavy rains will affect the harvest in southern China.

May 19, South China Weather Forecast:

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

The center of the rainstorm on May 19 continued to advance eastward, advancing to the Guangdong zone, and there was extremely heavy rain in eastern Guangdong. However, the whole of South China is still in the rainy area, but the strong convective weather mainly affects the western and eastern parts of Guangxi, the whole territory of Guangdong, and the Qiongzhou Strait. In addition, there are also heavy to heavy rains in southern Fujian/southern Hunan and southern Jiangxi!

On May 20, the weather forecast for South China

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

The center of the rain on May 20 continued to advance eastward, mainly affecting Fujian and Jiangxi. But there is still moderate to heavy rain in South China, and there is rain all over the country!

From May 21st to 23rd, the rainfall in South China was greatly reduced, and the rainfall level also dropped to light to moderate rain, but it was still in the rainy area. After all, South China is in the tropics or subtropical regions and has entered the rainstorm season, that is, it has entered the rainy season, and the temperature is quite high, which has brought continuous and effective rainfall!

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

South China will enter the rain area one after another from today, and eventually become the center of this round of heavy rain, heavy rain or extremely heavy rain for 8 consecutive days. For the local area, we must pay attention to the South China region in the center of the rainstorm on the 18th ~ 19th, and the strong convective weather causes heavy precipitation, so you must pay attention to safety when you go out.

The cold summer that comes once in 60 years has arrived? What do you say about the rural proverb?

It rains in April and is cold in midsummer

April refers to the fourth month of the lunar calendar. In ancient times, the lunar calendar was adopted, and the Gregorian calendar was adopted after the founding of the People's Republic of China, mainly in line with international time.

Summer was divided into Mengxia, Midsummer, and Jixia in ancient times. Midsummer is the hottest summer of the year, and it's also the season of dog days.

The proverb means that the rain does not stop in the fourth month of the lunar calendar, which indicates that the dog days of summer will be cold. It is a harbinger of cold summer.

South China weather: a new round of heavy rain and heavy rain is coming, it has been raining for 8 consecutive days, and a cold summer is coming in 60 years?

In fact, this reason is very easy to understand, there is more rain in summer, just like the current rain in South China for 8 consecutive days, there are no sunny days, the sun is not enough, and the evaporation of water takes away the surface heat, which will make the temperature drop and the weather become cooler.

This proverb refers to the north, not to regions such as southern China. Because the southern part of the continent itself is hot in summer, even if it rains, it is still a hot area, and it will be muggy.

However, for the time being, the drought on the mainland is more severe, and the rain is on the low side, which will indicate a hot summer in the north this year. Although experts predict that this year will be a cold war because La Niña is coming, the reality is that this summer should be hotter!

Do you think this summer is a hot summer?