
Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

author:Positive life in Beijing

Everyone says that boys prefer to compete for the highs and weaknesses, and often compete to see who is the real "big guy". But in fact, there will be this kind of small competition between girls, but their way may not be so obvious. Girls tend to use the word "jealousy" to express their dissatisfaction with others.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

Jiajia and Meilin, they have been super good friends since elementary school, often doing homework together, playing together, and sharing good things with each other. But recently, her mother found out that Jiajia didn't pay much attention to Meilin, and Meilin came to her, and she was always a little indifferent. One day at dinner, Dad mentioned that Meilin was rated as a "three-good student in the city", and Jiajia was suddenly unhappy: "Hmph, isn't it just a three-good student?" What's the big deal! ”

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

As soon as my mother heard this, she knew that Jiajia was jealous of Meilin.

Jealousy, in fact, is a bad emotion, like a small fire burning in the heart. When you feel that someone else is better than you or has more things than you, you feel angry and sad. This emotion can create contradictions between friends.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

Girls are more likely to be jealous than boys because they care more about their performance and have stronger self-esteem. Now many families have only one child, and everyone spoils her, so many girls don't want to see others better than themselves, and they don't want to hear others be praised. This feeling of jealousy is not good for the growth of girls.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

But parents don't have to worry too much. To help girls get rid of jealousy, you must first understand what they think, and then teach them to appreciate others, to praise others from the bottom of their hearts, and to learn from others.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

When girls are jealous of others, parents should communicate with them more and listen to their thoughts. You know, jealousy in girls is very real, so when she shows jealousy, don't reprimand her harshly, but listen to her patiently and help her calm down.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

When the girl speaks her mind, she can be told that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and no one can surpass others in everything. Instead of being jealous of others, we should play to our strengths and learn from the strengths of others at the same time, so that we can become better.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

In addition, parents can also encourage their children to practice their own shortcomings, but do not directly tell them that "you are weak in this area". Just gently remind them, "Do you want to do better?" "With some encouragement, I'm sure they'll improve.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth

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Characteristics of a girl's growth: Jealousy is not a stumbling block to a girl's growth