
Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

author:Positive life in Beijing

Many parents may have realized that the little things that boys think are indifferent can be important in the eyes of girls. They may even cry because of these "important" things.

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

Some of the girl's parents may not quite understand this discrepancy. They think that boys and girls are the same, and things are not so serious, why do girls feel so easily sad and sensitive?

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

One mom shared her story with her daughter:

One morning, she made her daughter scallion pancakes for breakfast. But when the daughter saw it, she was immediately unhappy and said, "Mom, why do you eat scallion pancakes again?" At that time, the mother just wanted to finish eating and send her daughter to school, so she said, "Hurry up and eat!" Unexpectedly, after my daughter ate two bites, she actually cried. The mother was confused and didn't know what was wrong with her daughter. The daughter cried and said, "Mom, don't you love me anymore?" "Mom doesn't understand even more, what does eating a scallion pancake have to do with whether you love her or not?

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

In fact, this situation is very common among parents of girls. For example, if you take a girl to a friend's house, if the parents only focus on chatting and ignore her, she may feel that the parents don't like her or forget her. This left parents confused: why did she think that?

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

In fact, behind this is the unique psychological trait of girls - sensitivity and vulnerability. From the moment a girl is born, female hormones determine her delicate, quiet, gentle nature. While these traits make girls cute, they can also make them lonely, irritable, sensitive, and vulnerable.

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

Girls are less independent and adventurous than boys, and they crave more love and approval from their parents. If they don't get that, they feel hurt. Sometimes you criticize her a few words, and she will also feel that you don't love her anymore. So, girls are in great need of love as they grow up.

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

If parents can often tell their daughter how much they love her, then she will grow up happily. Of course, criticize her if she does something wrong, but don't forget to tell her that you still love her. You can say, "Mom is criticizing you because I love you and want you to be better." Or, "If you can get rid of these bad habits, Daddy will love you more." ”

Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits

This kind of education not only makes the girl more receptive to criticism, but also protects her sensitive and fragile heart, making her happier and more confident.

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Girls' growth characteristics: sensitivity and vulnerability, analysis of girls' unique psychological traits