
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage

author:Browse the horizon

——Jiangsu Hai'an High-tech Zone, Hainan Kindergarten, Nantong City Curriculum Gamification Project Pre-report and Exhibition Activities

In order to solidly promote the implementation of the kindergarten "Nantong Curriculum Gamification Project", strengthen the management and guidance of the project, and improve the quality of connotation. On the afternoon of May 16, the Hai'an preschool education young teachers "New Growth Camp" centralized research and training and curriculum gamification project pre-implementation report display activities were held in Hainan Kindergarten, Hai'an High-tech Zone, Jiangsu. Xie Yuping, professor of the first college of preschool education of Nantong Normal College and tutor of the famous teacher training tutor group, Zhu Hangbin, deputy secretary-general of the Nantong Education Society and secretary-general of the famous teacher training tutor group, Gu Chunjian, secretary of the education party committee of Jiangsu Hai'an High-tech Zone and director of the education management service center of the high-tech zone, Bi Yingjie, deputy chief of the basic education section of the Hai'an Education and Sports Bureau, Ding Yueling, a special teacher, senior teacher and preschool teaching and research trainer of Hai'an Teacher Development Center in Jiangsu Province, and nearly 100 kindergarten principals and backbone teachers in the city attended the event.

Looking forward to the good as promised

With the warm sun of early summer, the leading experts, principals and teachers who came to visit and exchange came as scheduled, signed in an orderly manner, and integrated into a heart-to-heart exchange. They visited the campus on their own and learned about the campus culture through the environment and the teachers of each class. Every wall and scene is education, every corner is life, and the new form under the concept of curriculum gamification has taken root in every corner of Hainan kindergarten.

The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage

Diverse sharing, research and thinking

Combined with the footprints, discoveries and problems of the children in the early stage of walking, Xiang Aijuan, Wang Xin, and Fu Jingjing respectively taught the large class comprehensive "Deciphering the Hai'an Map", the large class language "Interesting Words", and the small class physical education "Cute Silkworm Baby", and Zhou Xin shared the course case "Hainan Kindergarten Walking Course Exploration Safety Experience Hall", the children felt the power of walking in the creative experience, and also showed that the teacher's ability to implement the curriculum is growing with the landing growth of the "little master walking course".

The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage

Zhu Yan, the director of the kindergarten, gave a report on the early implementation of the construction of the course gamification project with the title of "Growing in a Variety of Ways in Walking". She introduced in detail the practice and thinking of the early stage of the "Little Master Walking Course" from the origin, concept, support and implementation of the "Little Master Walking Course".

The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage

Experts lead and empower far-reaching

Xie Yuping affirmed that the "Little Master Walking Course" is a child-based course that is in line with children's learning methods; It is a course with prior research experience; is a suitable course; It is a course where you can see the spirit of the game and the spirit of the Guide. Zhu Hangbin praised the characteristics of the "Little Master Walking Course" from static to moving, from the inside to the outside, from small to large, as well as the local, rich, three-dimensional and practical course content. Ding Yueling pointed out that "walking" is not only a posture of body movements, but also a form and form of course, which has rich connotations. At the same time, the experts also put forward guidance on how to deepen the "Little Master Walking Course".

The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage
The project empowers the exhibition style, and experts lead the voyage

Go far and far, and do not slack off. This event provided a platform for kindergartens in the city to open up and promote each other. Hainan Kindergarten will further promote the construction of the "Little Master Walking Course" gamification project in combination with the guidance of experts, and continue to grow in the process of research and thinking, forming a curriculum system that can fully reflect the spirit of curriculum reform and regional culture, so that the concept of curriculum gamification can be close to the ground, and research practice can take root.

Meet in half a day

It was a blissful exchange

It's an experience of learning and thinking

It is also a process of fermentation of educational concepts

The viewer is thoughtful


Scholars have gains

Let's look forward to the next beautiful encounter

(Hainan Kindergarten, Hai'an High-tech Zone, Jiangsu)

Editor in charge: Wang Wei