
Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

author:Great love for teddy control

Dogs are very smart little animals, and they have a strong memory, so will the dog forget its owner? After reading it, you will understand, and the answer is very sad.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

Netizens' messages:

1. Dogs will not forget their owners. I used to raise a little husky, which I picked up on the side of the road, and it didn't take long to raise it, because the children in the family were allergic, so I had to give it to my colleague.

After sending it out, my colleagues would report to me from time to time about its recent situation, from the beginning of the unfamiliarity, to the gradual adaptation later, I thought it had forgotten me.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

After almost a year, I went to my colleague's house as a guest, and when I saw it at the door, it just glanced at me, I thought it didn't recognize it, and the next second it pounced on me, rubbing and licking and being very excited.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

2. Dogs may forget their owners. Just like my old dog, who has Alzheimer's and has forgotten about me.

But in the process of getting back together, every time he walked with me and played with me, he got to know me again, liked me, and chose me as the master again.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

The years are not forgiving, the old dog may forget you, but it still loves you the same, although it no longer remembers that I was its owner, but again, it still chose me as the owner.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

Do dogs forget their owners?

After reading the messages of netizens, do you also understand the answer to this question. The answer is: no. Once the puppy sees you as its owner, it will not easily forget you, unless the dog suffers from Alzheimer's.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

If the dog suffers from Alzheimer's, it will not only slowly forget its owner, but also have many small problems in life, such as open defecation and defecation, and the schedule will gradually be disordered. Dogs with Alzheimer's disease can only live for one to two years. What can we do if we don't want the dog to leave us so soon?

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

How to prevent your dog from developing Alzheimer's

1. Maintain the habit of taking your dog out for exercise

It is best for pet owners to keep taking their dogs out for exercise every day, and proper exercise can enhance the dog's physique and prevent physical diseases.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

2. Play puzzle games with dogs to stimulate the brain

Pet owners can usually accompany the dog to play, especially to play some puzzle games, which can fully exercise the dog's brain, stimulate the dog, avoid cognitive impairment, and lead to Alzheimer's.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

However, to play such a toy or game, it is best for the pet owner to give the dog some snacks to lure it, otherwise many dogs may not get feedback and give up directly.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

3. Ensure adequate nutrition intake every day

Ensuring that the dog can consume sufficient nutrients can make the dog's body healthier. After the dog enters the old age, the pet owner can also change the dog to a dog food specially created for the elderly dog to help the dog supplement nutrition and reduce the possibility of the dog suffering from Alzheimer's.

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer


Do you think dogs forget their owners?

Do dogs forget their owners? I felt very sad when I knew the answer

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