
Rescue people many times! Songjiang, a good man, has turned his life into eight words......

author:Shanghai Songjiang

One day in mid-January this year, 50-year-old Ye Jin got up early and went for a morning jog as usual. On the way back, near the Rongnan Farmers' Market on Songhui East Road, I saw a battery car on the zebra crossing, and the owner fell to the ground with his head on the ground, bleeding profusely.

It was just after 6 o'clock, and it was just dawning. Some onlookers had gathered on the side, but they didn't dare to approach. When Ye came in to the injured person, he found that she was still conscious, but she was unable to get up because of excessive blood loss in her head. He immediately called out a man from the crowd, and the two worked together to move him to safety. At the same time, he asked the crowd to call 120.

"How can you not see a man lying on the road like this? The instinctive reaction must be to help. "This is not the first time Ye Jin has acted bravely. At the end of July last year, he came to the aid of passers-by three times in a week's time, two of which were by jumping into the river to save people. In the face of the gratitude of the rescued and the praise of the community, Ye Jin always had a regret in his heart that he couldn't let go of - his brother, who was a soldier, died unexpectedly on a business trip 19 years ago.

Since then, he has lived people in eight words: "At all times, you must dare to act." ”

Rescue people many times! Songjiang, a good man, has turned his life into eight words......

The ligament of the left hand has not been recovered since the rescue

"I just have the courage to make a move"

The first time Ye went to save people last year was in July.

"At around 5 o'clock on July 20, I met a middle-aged female runner while running. She was short of breath and walked heavily. People like us who have been running know that something is not normal at first glance, and after a while, I see her fall. Ye Jin said. He noticed that the female runner's lips were purple, presumably hypoglycemia, so he pinched her midriff and tiger mouth while asking passers-by who had food on them.

It just so happened that an aunt had sugar in her pocket, and at this time the female runner was already unconscious, so Ye Jin opened her mouth with two hands and stuffed the candy into it. Just as everyone was about to call 120, the female runner slowly woke up and waved her hand at them.

"At this moment, my heart is also relaxed, because this situation is a race against time." In the matter of saving people, Ye Jin's experience is that the more critical the moment, the more you must stay calm.

Only 3 days later, Ye Jin met a young woman who jumped into the river and committed suicide during his morning jog. It was also the return trip, and when I passed through Songhui Middle Road, I looked up and saw a person standing outside the guardrail of Bridge 18.

"She's already standing outside the guardrail, unblocked. I first shouted at her to persuade her, and then I went up to the bridge and grabbed her from behind. At that time, the woman was already hanging outside the bridge, and it was all up to Ye Jin to grit her teeth and pull it. Unfortunately, it had just rained in the morning, his clothes were wet, his hands were sweaty, and the other party struggled again, Ye Jin's left wrist rubbed back and forth on the railing of the bridge, and finally let go because the pain could not support it, and the woman also fell into the river. Because of this rescue, he injured the ligament in his left hand, and he has not fully recovered.

When the woman fell into the river, Ye Jin jumped after her.

"At this time, it is very dangerous for you to save people from the front, and the other party will hold you hard. I grabbed her from behind, and she struggled instinctively, and I couldn't use one hand......" Ye Jin said, fortunately, it was the high tide, and noticing this, he dragged the woman by the hair and took her back to the shore in a roundabout way using the direction of the current. The other party was dragged very painfully, so he also followed obediently.

When the two approached the shore, the firefighters had arrived and threw down the lifebuoy, and everyone on the shore also took action, Ye Jin said that this was the moment that touched him the most: "This society is full of positive energy, and I just have more courage than others." ”

Rescue people many times! Songjiang, a good man, has turned his life into eight words......

There are so many coincidences in the world, and the next day, he encountered another jumping incident in the river while running in the morning. On this day, when he passed under the bridge at the east gate of Tianhui Jiayuan, he suddenly heard someone shouting "Someone jumped into the river" next to the granary river on the opposite bank.

When he heard the sound, he ran to the river and found an old man floating on the water, so he first found a bamboo pole to test the water and try to get close to save people. Subsequently, seeing the firefighters arriving at the scene, he immediately went down to the river, used the belt brought by the firefighters to tie the old man who fell into the water, and then tied a rope, and worked with several firefighters on the shore to rescue the old man ashore.

Influenced by his older brother, he dreamed of being a soldier since he was a child

"Anything, you have to dare to do"

After saving people, Ye Jin will also feel afraid when he calms down.

"I don't know what happened to them, so they can't think of committing suicide. But let's put ourselves in their shoes, if they were their own relatives, would you be desperate to save them? As for the danger, it can only be said that your physical actions are subconscious and do not think about it so much at the time. I saw that I would not hesitate to rush forward as long as I was able. ”

But Ye Jin didn't encourage everyone to jump into the river to save people, "You can't blindly save people, many people not only didn't save people because of this, but they also lost their lives." Ye Jin said that he dared to make a move because he grew up on the edge of the Yangtze River since he was a child, so he has good water quality.

The successive rescue deeds have been publicized and reported one after another, and they have also been known to Ye Jin's parents in his hometown. My mother was very worried, "She said to me, what if you have three long and two short, tell me!" All I could tell her was that I would watch out for myself. Ye Jin knew in his heart that once he had an accident, his parents would have no son from now on.

The family used to have two sons, and he also had an older brother. When he was very young, his brother joined the army.

"Influenced by my older brother, my dream since I was a child was to be a soldier. But the grandparents were reluctant. In 2005, my brother died in a traffic accident on his way to a business trip, "The car was almost burned to ashes, and his wreckage was unrecognizable." I went to the funeral home to deal with his funeral and saw his right hand. ”

Ye Jin's brother was sitting in the passenger seat at the time, and although his right hand was already burned like charcoal, it made an obvious escape action. Ye Jin was heartbroken at the time, "It shows that he was alive at the beginning, and if someone rescued him, he would be disabled at most now." After experiencing the death of his brother, Ye Jin also made up his mind that no matter who he met in the future who needed help, he would help him.

"So I'm the way I am now, in fact, under his influence." He said that in the 19 years since his brother's death, he has turned his life into eight words: "Anything, you have to dare to do it." ”

Rescue people many times! Songjiang, a good man, has turned his life into eight words......

"For a lot of people, being zealous means trouble, I can understand that, but I don't think so." Ye Jin said, I never regret every time I make a move.

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