
Let men, women who devote their lives to love: there is a habit

author:Smell the sound of autumn
Let men, women who devote their lives to love: there is a habit

Author: Wen Qiusheng

Original article, plagiarism must be investigated

01. Introduction

Love is like a delicious cake.

If not stored properly, it will become stale, affecting the taste and mood.

Many women, after getting along with their lover for a long time, can't help but complain that the man has changed and no longer loves her as much as before.

In fact, a relationship becomes less passionate, and a man's attitude towards a woman gradually becomes perfunctory, not just for one-sided reasons.

Women should also examine themselves in time, whether they have not kept up with the pace of men's improvement, and whether they have neglected to take the initiative to maintain love?

Let men, women who love all their lives, have a habit: be good at self-growth.

Let men, women who devote their lives to love: there is a habit

02. Growth will make a woman continue to transform

Some people say that a woman is like a bottle of red wine that will become more and more flavorful over time.

An important sign of a woman's growth is: no longer asking for it from the outside, but improving from within. Through continuous transformation, you will become stronger.

She will understand the impermanence of time through the gains and losses in life, so that she knows how to cherish and be grateful.

When dealing with intimate relationships, she will gradually understand that you can't pin all your hopes on others at any time, and you can't take a relationship too seriously.

Even if there are too many unsatisfactory things in life, she knows how to face them with a calm attitude.

Do what you can to change the status quo and meet the challenge.

A woman who is good at self-growth will not let life push her forward.

Instead, they will firmly grasp the opportunities in life to achieve a better self. She will strive to make herself shine, to live a dazzling life, to be fascinating.

Let men, women who devote their lives to love: there is a habit

03. Mature women know how to love and maintain love

In "Children of the Qiao Family", Qiao Yicheng seems to be in charge of everything and takes care of everything by himself.

In fact, he is very inferior in his heart.

After experiencing the injury of his first love, the pain of divorce from Ye Xiaolang, and marrying Xiang Nannan, he still has no way to open his heart.

He didn't want to share his family affairs with Xiang Nannan, for fear of being looked down upon by her and her family.

Xiang Nannan took the initiative to accompany him back to the Qiao family's old house for dinner, and the family swept his mother's grave together, constantly discovering the advantages and interesting aspects of him and his family.

After Qiao Yicheng learned that he was seriously ill, he didn't want to drag her down, so he kept it a secret and didn't tell her.

After Xiang Nannan found out, he rushed back as soon as possible. promised to be by his side for the rest of his life, so that he couldn't get rid of it.

Her calmness and sincerity completely relieved all the pressure and scruples in Qiao Yicheng's heart, and began to welcome a happy life that truly belonged to each other.

Managing love is a very important part of an intimate relationship.

Many people's relationships end without a problem, just because they don't know how to express love and how to maintain love.

And a mature woman no longer just asks for her lover's care and favor, but will take the initiative to express her love and repay her lover with support and praise.

A mature woman will take the initiative to stand in the man's position and consider him. It will also make him let go of all his worries and let go of love.

The days with her are full of happiness and peace of mind, and there is a steady stream of motivation to go to the future.

Let men, women who devote their lives to love: there is a habit

04. A woman who is good at self-growth will be more attractive

As soon as a person stops moving forward, he will gradually disappear into the dust and become dull.

Always immersed in the glory of the past, unwilling to come out, unwilling to face reality, will only live a more failed life.

A woman who is good at self-growth is never complacent about herself, nor is she complacent about what she has achieved.

She will set new goals for herself, make a more detailed study plan, and always run on the road of struggle.

She understands the importance of emotional stability, and when she encounters things, she is no longer impulsive and no longer rashly decided.

Instead, control your emotions, think calmly, and figure out the most advantageous solution.

There is such a sentence in "The Growth of a Woman": "Especially women, they must learn to open their eyes and look at life, because in the future world, only continuous growth is the wealth of their life." ”

At all times, she knows how to insist on herself, not easily lose her principles and bottom line, and live a resilient life.

She has always loved life, and at every stage of her life, she is able to exude her own unique charm that is impossible to ignore.

A woman who is good at self-growth has an irresistible attraction.

When a man is with her, he will feel that the future is full of hope.

Let men, women who devote their lives to love: there is a habit

05, Wen Qiusheng's message

Women, take more time and run yourself.

Zhang Ailing said: "All women always have a place to live, not others, only themselves." ”

Don't put all your hopes in others for life.

Love, there will always be a day when it will dissipate, and only oneself will be relied on for a lifetime.

Take more time, manage yourself, work hard in the field you are good at, strive to climb, and keep transforming.

Let your heart become stronger, calmly deal with the gains and losses in life, be the leader in life, and start towards happiness.


About the author: Wen Qiusheng, make a living from words. Autumn wind and rain, a glass of sake, three or two stories, on the lonely road with you as a companion.